#!/usr/bin/perl -w # F*EX benchmark # # Author: Ulli Horlacher # # Copyright: Perl Artistic use 5.006; use strict qw'vars subs'; use Config; use Socket; use IO::Handle; use IO::Socket::INET; use Getopt::Std; use Time::HiRes qw'time'; # use Smart::Comments; use constant k => 2**10; use constant M => 2**20; our ($SH,$windoof,$sigpipe,$useragent); our ($FEXSERVER); our $version = 20150120; # server defaults my $server = 'fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de'; my $port = 80; my $proxy = ''; my $from = 'nettest'; my $to = $from; my $id = $from; my $proxy_prefix = ''; my $mb; my (@r,$r); my $bs = 2**16; my $timeout = 30; # server timeout $version ||= mtime($0); $0 =~ s:.*/::; my $usage = </dev/null`||''; chomp; s/^Description:\s+//; $useragent = "fbm-$version ($_)"; } $| = 1; autoflush STDERR; my @_ARGV = @ARGV; # save arguments our $opt_n = 0; our $opt_v = 0; our $opt_h = 0; our $opt_s = ''; our $opt_P = ''; getopts('hvnP:s:') or die $usage; if ($opt_h) { print $usage; exit; } if ($opt_P) { if ($opt_P =~ /^[\w.-]+:\d+/) { $proxy = $opt_P; } else { die "$0: proxy must be: SERVER:PORT\n"; } } $mb = shift or die $usage; $mb =~ /^\d+$/ or die $usage; # $port = $1 if $server =~ s/:(\d+)//; if ($opt_s) { ($server,$port) = split /:/,$opt_s; $port = 80 unless $port; } $server =~ s{http://}{}; $server =~ s{/.*}{}; if ($proxy) { if ($port == 80) { $proxy_prefix = "http://$server" } else { $proxy_prefix = "http://$server:$port" } } print "Testing $server:\n"; @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $to, id => $id, comment => $opt_n ? 'NOSTORE' : 'NOMAIL', keep => 1, autodelete => 'YES', ); if (not @r or not grep /\w/,@r) { die "$0: no response from server\n"; } if (($r) = grep /ERROR:/,@r) { $r =~ s/.*?:\s*//; $r =~ s/<.*//; die "$0: server error: $r\n"; } if (($r) = grep /^Location: http/,@r) { $r =~ s:.*(/fop/\w+/.+$):$1:; download($r); } else { download("/ddd/$mb"); } exit; sub formdatapost { my %P = @_; my ($boundary,$filename,$filesize,$length); my (@hh,@hb,@r,@pv); my ($t,$bt,$t0,$t1,$t2,$tt); my $buf = '#' x $bs; local $_; @hh = (); # HTTP header @hb = (); # HTTP body @r = (); serverconnect($server,$port); $boundary = randstring(48); $P{command} = 'CHECKRECIPIENT'; # HTTP POST variables @pv = qw'from to id command'; foreach my $v (@pv) { if ($P{$v}) { my $name = uc($v); push @hb,"--$boundary"; push @hb,"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$name\""; push @hb,""; push @hb,$P{$v}; } } push @hb,"--$boundary--"; $length = length(join('',@hb)) + scalar(@hb)*2 + $mb*M; # HTTP header push @hh,"POST $proxy_prefix/fup HTTP/1.1"; push @hh,"Host: $server:$port"; push @hh,"User-Agent: $useragent"; push @hh,"Content-Length: $length"; push @hh,"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary"; push @hh,"Connection: close"; push @hh,''; if ($opt_v) { printf "--> $_\n" foreach (@hh,@hb); } nvtsend(@hh,@hb) or die "$0: server has closed the connection\n"; while (<$SH>) { s/[\r\n]+//; print "<-- $_\n" if $opt_v; push @r,$_; last if /^$/; } unless (@r and $r[0] =~ / 204 /) { $_ = $r[0] || ''; s/^HTTP.[.\d\s]+//; die "$0: server error: $_\n"; } @hh = (); # HTTP header @hb = (); # HTTP body @r = (); $filename = 'test_'.int(time*1000); serverconnect($server,$port); # HTTP POST variables @pv = qw'from to id keep autodelete comment filesize'; foreach my $v (@pv) { if ($P{$v}) { my $name = uc($v); push @hb,"--$boundary"; push @hb,"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$name\""; push @hb,""; push @hb,$P{$v}; } } # at last, the file push @hb,"--$boundary"; push @hb,"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"FILE\"; filename=\"$filename\""; push @hb,"Content-Type: application/octet-stream"; push @hb,""; push @hb,""; push @hb,"--$boundary--"; $length = length(join('',@hb)) + scalar(@hb)*2 + $mb*M; $hb[-2] = '(file content)'; # HTTP header push @hh,"POST $proxy_prefix/fup HTTP/1.1"; push @hh,"Host: $server:$port"; push @hh,"User-Agent: $useragent"; push @hh,"Content-Length: $length"; push @hh,"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary"; push @hh,"Connection: close"; push @hh,''; if ($opt_v) { printf "--> $_\n" foreach (@hh,@hb); } pop @hb; pop @hb; nvtsend(@hh,@hb) or die "$0: server has closed the connection\n"; $t0 = $t2 = int(time); $t1 = 0; autoflush $SH 0; for (;;) { print {$SH} $buf or die "$0: server has closed the connection\n"; $b += $bs; $bt += $bs; $t2 = time; if (-t STDOUT and $t2-$t1>1) { # smaller block size is better on slow links if ($t1 and $bs>4096 and $bt/($t2-$t0)<65536) { $bs = 4096; $buf = '#' x $bs; } if ($bs>4096) { printf STDERR "upload: %s MB of %d MB, %d kB/s \r", int($bt/M), $mb, int($b/k/($t2-$t1)); } else { printf STDERR "upload: %s kB of %d MB, %d kB/s \r", int($bt/k), $mb, int($b/k/($t2-$t1)); } $t1 = $t2; $b = 0; } last if $bt >= $mb*M; } autoflush $SH 1; print {$SH} "\r\n--$boundary--\r\n"; while (<$SH>) { s/[\r\n]+//; print "<-- $_\n" if $opt_v; last if @r and $r[0] =~ / 204 / and /^$/ or /<\/html>/i; push @r,$_; } $tt = (time-$t0)||1; printf STDERR "upload: %d MB in %d s, %d kB/s \n", int($bt/M),$tt,int($bt/k/$tt); close $SH; undef $SH; return @r; } sub randstring { my $n = shift; my @rc = ('A'..'Z','a'..'z',0..9 ); my $rn = @rc; my $rs; for (1..$n) { $rs .= $rc[int(rand($rn))] }; return $rs; } sub serverconnect { my ($server,$port) = @_; my $connect = "CONNECT $server:$port HTTP/1.1"; local $_; if ($proxy) { tcpconnect(split(':',$proxy)); if ($port == 443) { printf "--> %s\n",$connect if $opt_v; nvtsend($connect,""); $_ = <$SH>; s/\r//; printf "<-- $_"if $opt_v; unless (/^HTTP.1.. 200/) { die "$0: proxy error : $_"; } eval "use IO::Socket::SSL"; die "$0: cannot load IO::Socket::SSL\n" if $@; $SH = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($SH); } } else { tcpconnect($server,$port); } } # set up tcp/ip connection sub tcpconnect { my ($server,$port) = @_; if ($SH) { close $SH; undef $SH; } if ($port == 443) { eval "use IO::Socket::SSL"; die "$0: cannot load IO::Socket::SSL\n" if $@; $SH = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', ); } else { $SH = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', ); } if ($SH) { autoflush $SH 1; } else { die "$0: cannot connect $server:$port - $@\n"; } print "TCPCONNECT to $server:$port\n" if $opt_v; } sub nvtsend { local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { $sigpipe = "@_" }; $sigpipe = ''; die "$0: internal error: no active network handle\n" unless $SH; die "$0: remote host has closed the link\n" unless $SH->connected; foreach my $line (@_) { print {$SH} $line,"\r\n"; if ($sigpipe) { undef $SH; return 0; } } return 1; } sub mtime { my @d = localtime((stat shift)[9]); return sprintf('%d%02d%02d',$d[5]+1900,$d[4]+1,$d[3]); } sub download { my $fop = shift; my ($file); my ($t0,$t1,$t2,$tt,$kBs,$b,$bt,$tb,$B,$buf); my $length = 0; local $_; serverconnect($server,$port); sendheader( "GET $proxy_prefix$fop HTTP/1.1", "User-Agent: $useragent", "Host: $server:$port", ); $_ = <$SH>; die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n" unless $_; s/\r//; if (/^HTTP\/[\d.]+ 2/) { warn "<-- $_" if $opt_v; while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; last if /^\r?\n/; if (/^Content-length:\s*(\d+)/i) { $length = $1; } } } else { s/HTTP\/[\d.]+ \d+ //; die "$0: bad server reply: $_"; } $t0 = $t1 = $t2 = int(time); $tb = $B = 0; while ($B < $length and $b = read $SH,$buf,$bs) { $B += $b; $tb += $b; $bt += $b; $t2 = time; if (int($t2) > $t1) { $kBs = int($bt/k/($t2-$t1)); $kBs = int($tb/k/($t2-$t0)) if $kBs < 10; $t1 = $t2; $bt = 0; # smaller block size is better on slow links $bs = 4096 if $bs>4096 and $tb/($t2-$t0)<65536; printf STDERR "download: %d MB in %d s, %d kB/s \r", int($tb/M),$t2-$t0,$kBs; } } close $SH; $tt = $t2-$t0; $kBs = int($tb/k/($tt||1)); printf STDERR "download: %d MB in %d s, %d kB/s \n", int($tb/M),$tt,$kBs; } sub sendheader { my @head = @_; my $head; foreach $head (@head) { print "--> $head\n" if $opt_v; print {$SH} $head,"\r\n"; } print "-->\n" if $opt_v; print {$SH} "\r\n"; }