#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # l / ll / lf / llf - substitute of the classic ls command # # Author: Ulli Horlacher # # Copyright: GNU General Public License use Cwd qw'abs_path'; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Std; # the name of the game $0 =~ s:.*/::; $ENV{LC_CTYPE} = 'C'; # unshift @ARGV,split /\s+/,$ENV{'l_opt'} if $ENV{'l_opt'}; @ARGV = grep { chomp } if "@ARGV" eq '-'; # parse CLI arguments $opt_l = $opt_i = $opt_t = $opt_s = $opt_a = $opt_r = $opt_d = $opt_n = 0; $opt_L = $opt_N = $opt_c = $opt_u = $opt_S = $opt_R = $opt_z = $opt_h = 0; $opt_U = 0; ${'opt_*'} = ${'opt_?'} = 0; $opt_m = $opt_f = $opt_F = $opt_D = ''; &usage if !getopts('hdnlLNitcuarsUSRz*?m:f:D:F:') || $opt_h; $opt_z = 1 unless $opt_R; $opt_l = 1 if $0 eq 'll'; $opt_l = $opt_i = $opt_a = $opt_S = 1 if $0 eq 'lll'; if ($0 eq 'lf' or $0 eq 'llf') { unless ($opt_F) { $opt_F = shift; unless (length $opt_F) { print "find regexp: "; chomp($opt_F = ||''); } } $opt_l = $0 if $0 eq 'llf'; $opt_F = '.' unless length $opt_F; $opt_R = $opt_F; } $postsort = $opt_t||$opt_s; $postproc = $postsort||$opt_z; &examples if ${'opt_?'}; # mark for squeeze operation $z = $opt_z ? "\0" : ''; # default sorting methode if ($opt_U) { $lcsort = sub { return @_ } } elsif ($opt_r) { $lcsort = sub { sort { lc $b cmp lc $a } @_ } } else { $lcsort = sub { sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @_ } } # default: list only files not beginning with a dot unless ($opt_m) { if ($opt_a) { $opt_m = '.' } else { $opt_m = '^[^\.]' } } $older = $newer = 0; if ($opt_D) { if ($opt_D =~ /:(\d+)([mhd])/) { $older = $1; my $z = $2 || 's'; if ($z =~ /m/) { $older *= 60 } elsif ($z =~ /h/) { $older *= 60*60 } elsif ($z =~ /d/) { $older *= 60*60*24 } } elsif ($opt_D =~ /:(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)$/) { $older = $1; } if ($opt_D =~ /(\d+)([mhd]):/) { $newer = $1; my $z = $2 || 's'; if ($z =~ /m/) { $newer *= 60 } elsif ($z =~ /h/) { $newer *= 60*60 } elsif ($z =~ /d/) { $newer *= 60*60*24 } } elsif ($opt_D =~ /^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d):/) { $newer = $1; } } # preselect date field number if ($opt_c) { $sdf = 'c' } elsif ($opt_u) { $sdf = 'a' } else { $sdf = 'm' } # any arguments? if (@ARGV) { @ARGV = &$lcsort(@ARGV) } else { @ARGV = &getfiles('.') } # build files list &collect(@ARGV); # post process files list? # remark: if no postprocessing, files list has been already printed in list() if (@LIST && $postproc) { # on -t or -s option sort list on date or size # and then strip of leading sorting pre-string @LIST = grep { s/.{21}// } reverse sort @LIST if $postsort; # squeeze size field (= remove unnecessary spaces) if ($opt_z and not $opt_f) { $opt_z = '%'.$opt_z.'s '; @LIST = grep { s/\0 *([,\d\.\-]+) /sprintf($opt_z,$1)/e } @LIST; } @LIST = reverse @LIST if $opt_r; if (not ($opt_t or $opt_U) and grep /^d[rR-][wW-][xX-]/,@LIST) { foreach (@LIST) { print if /^d/ } foreach (@LIST) { print unless /^d/ } } else { print @LIST; } } # print statistics summary? if ($opt_S && $SS) { print "$SS file(s):"; printf " r=%d (%s Bytes)",$SS{'-'},&d3($Ss) if $SS{'-'}; delete $SS{'-'}; foreach my $type (qw(l d c b p s ?)) { printf " %s=%d",$type,$SS{$type} if $SS{$type}; delete $SS{$type}; } foreach my $type (keys %SS) { printf " %s=%d",$type,$SS{$type} } print "\n"; } exit ($found ? 0 : 1); # collect files and build file lists # # INPUT: filenames # # GLOBAL: @LIST sub collect { my @files = @_; my $f; # loop over all argument files/directories foreach $f (@files) { # skip jed and emacs backup files # next if $f =~ /~$/ and not $opt_a and not $opt_l; # recursive? if ($opt_R) { # list single file if ($opt_L) { unless (-e $f) { warn "$0: dangling symlink $f\n"; next; } $f = abs_path($f); } list($f); # traverse real subdirs if (-d $f and not -l $f) { $f =~ s:/*$:/:; collect(getfiles($f)); } } else { # suppress trailing / on -d option $f =~ s:/$:: if $opt_d; # on trailing / list subdirs, too if ($f =~ m:/$:) { &list(&getfiles($f)) } elsif ($f eq '') { &list('/') } else { if ($opt_L) { unless (-e $f) { warn "$0: dangling symlink $f\n"; next; } $f = abs_path($f); } list($f); } } } } # list file(s) # # INPUT: filenames # # GLOBAL: @LIST (filenames-list) sub list { my @files = @_; my ($file,$line,$linkname,$inode,$links,$size,$mode,$uid,$gid,$date,%dates); my ($day); foreach $file (@files) { next if $opt_F and not fmatch($file); next if $opt_N and (not -f $file or -l $file); # get file information # if ($opt_L and stat $file or not $opt_L and lstat $file) { if (lstat $file) { ($linkname,$inode,$links,$size,$mode,$uid,$gid,$date,%dates) = &info($file); } elsif ($! eq "Permission denied") { $linkname = $file; $inode = $links = $size = $uid = $gid = '?'; $mode = $opt_l ? '?---------' : '?---'; $date = '????-??-?? ??:??:??'; %dates = ('m' => 0, 'a' => 0, 'c' => 0); } else { warn "$0: ".quote($file)." - $!\n"; next; } $day = $date; $day =~ s/\s.*//; if ($older) { next if $older =~ /-/ and $day gt $older; next if $older !~ /-/ and $dates{m} > time-$older; } if ($newer) { next if $newer =~ /-/ and $day lt $newer; next if $newer !~ /-/ and $dates{m} < time-$newer; } if (defined $linkname) { # prepend sorting string $line = ''; $line = sprintf '%21s',$date if $opt_t; $line = sprintf '%21s',$size if $opt_s; unless ($opt_n) { $uid = substr($uid,0,8); $gid = substr($gid,0,8); } # user defined format? if ($opt_f) { foreach my $i (split '',$opt_f) { if ($opt_n) { $i =~ tr/AD/ad/; if ($i eq 'm') { $line .= sprintf '%06o ', $mode } elsif ($i eq 'u') { $line .= sprintf '%6d ', $uid } elsif ($i eq 'g') { $line .= sprintf '%6d ', $gid } elsif ($i eq 's') { $line .= sprintf "$z%16s ",$size } elsif ($i eq 'l') { $line .= sprintf '%3s ', $links } elsif ($i eq 'i') { $line .= sprintf '%14s ', $inode } elsif ($i eq 'd') { $line .= sprintf '%10s ', $date } elsif ($i eq 'a') { $line .= sprintf '%10s %10s %10s ', $dates{'a'},$dates{'m'},$dates{'c'} } } else { if ($i eq 'm') { $line .= $mode.' ' } elsif ($i eq 'u') { $line .= sprintf '%-8s ', $uid } elsif ($i eq 'g') { $line .= sprintf '%-8s ', $gid } elsif ($i eq 's') { $line .= sprintf "$z%19s ",$size } elsif ($i eq 'l') { $line .= sprintf '%3s ', $links } elsif ($i eq 'i') { $line .= sprintf '%14s ', $inode } elsif ($i eq 'd') { $line .= $date.' ' } elsif ($i eq 'D') { $line .= $date.' ' } elsif ($i eq 'a') { $line .= &isodate($dates{'a'}).' '. &isodate($dates{'m'}).' '. &isodate($dates{'c'}).' ' } elsif ($i eq 'A') { $line .= &isodate($dates{'a'}).' '. &isodate($dates{'m'}).' '. &isodate($dates{'c'}).' ' } } } # predefined formats } else { if ($opt_n) { if ($opt_l) { $line .= sprintf "%06o %6d %6d $z%15s %10d ", $mode,$uid,$gid,$size,$date } else { $line .= sprintf "%06o $z%15s %10d ", $mode,$size,$date } } else { if ($opt_l) { $line .= sprintf "%s %-8s %-8s $z%19s %s ", $mode,$uid,$gid,$size,$date } else { $line .= sprintf "%s $z%19s %s ", $mode,$size,substr($date,0,-3) } } if ($opt_i) { $line .= sprintf '%3s %10s ',$links,$inode } } $line .= $linkname."\n"; if ($postproc) { push @LIST,$line; } else { $line =~ s/\0//; print $line; } $found++; } else { lstat $file; warn "$0: cannot get dir-info for ".quote($file)." - $!\n"; } } } # get file information # # INPUT: file name # # OUTPUT: filename with linkname, inode, hard link count, size, mode string, # UID, GID, isodate sub info { my $file = shift; my ($linkname,$links,$mode,$bmode,$uid,$gid,$date,%dates,@stat); my $size = '-'; my $inode = '?'; my @rwx = qw/--- --x -w- -wx r-- r-x rw- rwx/; my $type; if ($opt_L) { @stat = stat $file } else { @stat = lstat $file } if (@stat) { $inode = $stat[1]; $bmode = $stat[2]; $links = $stat[3]; %dates = ('m' => $stat[9], 'a' => $stat[8], 'c' => $stat[10]); if ($opt_n) { $uid = $stat[4]; $gid = $stat[5]; $date = $dates{$sdf}; } else { $uid = getpwuid($stat[4]) || $stat[4]; $gid = getgrgid($stat[5]) || $stat[5]; $date = &isodate($dates{$sdf}); } if (-f _) { $type = '-'; $size = $stat[7]; } elsif (!$opt_L && -l _) { $type = 'l'; } elsif (-d _) { $type = 'd'; } elsif (-c _) { $type = 'c'; $size = &nodes($stat[6]); } elsif (-b _) { $type = 'b'; $size = &nodes($stat[6]); } elsif (-p _) { $type = 'p'; } elsif (-S _) { $type = 's'; } else { $type = '?'; } if ($opt_n) { $mode = $stat[2]; $size = $stat[7] if $size eq '-'; } else { if ($opt_l) { $mode = $rwx[$bmode & 7]; $bmode >>= 3; $mode = $rwx[$bmode & 7] . $mode; $bmode >>= 3; $mode = $rwx[$bmode & 7] . $mode; substr($mode,2,1) =~ tr/-x/Ss/ if -u _; substr($mode,5,1) =~ tr/-x/Ss/ if -g _; substr($mode,8,1) =~ tr/-x/Tt/ if -k _; $mode = $type.$mode; } else { # with short list display only effektive file access modes $mode = $type . (-r _ ? 'R' : '-') . (-w _ ? 'W' : '-') . (-x _ ? 'X' : '-'); substr($mode,2,1) =~ tr/-x/Ss/ if -u _ or -g _; substr($mode,3,1) =~ tr/-x/Tt/ if -k _; } } # fall back to ls command if perl lstat failed } else { if ($opt_L) { return; } else { ($mode,$links,$uid,$gid,$size) = split /\s+/,`ls -ld $file 2>/dev/null`; return undef unless defined $mode; $type = substr($mode,0,1); # for (my $i=0;$i<3;$i++) { push @dates,'????-??-?? ??:??:??' } # $date = `gfind $dir -maxdepth 1 -name $file -printf '%Ty-%Tm-%Td %TT\n'`; } } # summarize statistics if ($opt_S) { $SS++; $SS{$type}++; $Ss += $size if $type eq '-'; } $size = &d3($size); # determine longest size field if ($opt_z) { my $x = length $size; $opt_z = $x if $x>$opt_z; } $linkname = ${'opt_*'} ? $file : quote($file) ; if ($type eq 'l' and $opt_f !~ /n/) { my $link = readlink($file); if (defined $link) { $linkname .= ' -> ' . (${'opt_*'} ? $link : quote($link)); } } $mode =~ s/\+$//; #$mode .= ' ' unless $mode =~ /\+$/; return ($linkname,$inode,$links,$size,$mode,$uid,$gid,$date,%dates); } # reformat integer into 3-digit doted format # (when non-numerical mode is set) # # INPUT: integer or '-' # # OUTPUT: d3-string sub d3 { local $_ = shift; if ($opt_n) { s/-/0/ } else { while (s/(\d)(\d\d\d\b)/$1,$2/) {} } return $_; } # get all files matching pattern $opt_m # # INPUT: directory to scan # # OUTPUT: files which match (sorted, directories first) sub getfiles { my $dir = shift; my @files = (); my @dirs = (); my $f; if (opendir D,$dir) { $dir = '' if $dir eq '.'; while (defined($f = readdir D)) { # skip . and .. pseudo-subdirs next if $f =~ m:(^|/)\.\.?/*$:; # skip ONTAP snapshot dir next if $f =~ m:(^|/)\.snapshot/*$:; # skip jed and emacs backup files # next if $f =~ /~$/ and not $opt_a and not $opt_l; if ($f =~ /$opt_m/) { my $x = $dir.$f; if (not -l $x and -d $x and not ($opt_R or $postsort or $opt_U)) { push @dirs,$x; } else { push @files,$x; } } } closedir D; unless ($postsort) { @files = &$lcsort(@files); @dirs = &$lcsort(@dirs); } } else { warn "$0: cannot read $dir : $!\n"; } return (@dirs,@files); } # reformat integer to string node # # INPUT: integer node # # OUTPUT: string node sub nodes { my $rdev = shift; return sprintf("%03d,%03d", ($rdev >> 8) & 255, $rdev & 255); } # reformat timetick to ISO date string # # INPUT: timetick # # OUTPUT: ISO date string sub isodate { my @d = localtime shift; return sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $d[5]+1900,$d[4]+1,$d[3],$d[2],$d[1],$d[0]); } # quote file name to printable name and escape shell meta chars # # INPUT: original file name # # OUTPUT: printable file name sub quote { local $_ = shift; my $mc = '\'\[\]\\\\ `"$?&<>$*()|{};'; unless (defined $_) { die "@_"; @x = caller; die "@x"; } if (s/[\000-\037\200-\237\241-\250]/?/g or /\'/) { s/([$mc])/\\$1/g; s/^~/\\~/; # } elsif (/[$mc]/ or -d and /:/) { } elsif (/[$mc]/) { $_ = "'$_'"; } return $_; } sub fmatch { my $file = shift; my $link = readlink($file)||''; return $file if basename($file) =~ /$opt_F/i; return $link if basename($link) =~ /$opt_F/i; } sub usage { my $opts = '[-lastcuidnrzLRNS*] [-f format] [-D X:Y]'; if ($0 ne 'lf') { print "usage: $0 $opts [-F regexp] [file...]\n"; } $opts =~ s/R//; print "usage: lf $opts regexp [directory...]\n"; print <