#!/usr/bin/perl -w # CLI client for the F*EX service (send, list, delete) # # see also: fexget # # Author: Ulli Horlacher # # Perl Artistic Licence use 5.006; use strict qw'vars subs'; use Encode; use Config; use Socket; use IO::Handle; use IO::Socket::INET; use Getopt::Std; use File::Basename; use Cwd qw'abs_path'; use Fcntl qw':flock :mode'; use Digest::MD5 qw'md5_hex'; # encrypted ID / SID use Time::HiRes qw'time'; # use Smart::Comments; use constant k => 2**10; use constant M => 2**20; eval 'use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6'; &update if "@ARGV" eq 'UPDATE'; $| = 1; our ($SH,$fexhome,$idf,$tmpdir,$windoof,$useragent,$editor,$nomail); our ($anonymous,$public); our ($tpid,$frecipient); our ($FEXID,$FEXXX,$HOME); our (%alias); our $chunksize = 0; our $version = 20150120; our $_0 = $0; our $DEBUG; my %SSL = (SSL_version => 'TLSv1'); my $sigpipe; if ($Config{osname} =~ /^mswin/i) { $windoof = $Config{osname}; $HOME = $ENV{USERPROFILE}; $fexhome = $ENV{FEXHOME} || $HOME.'\fex'; $tmpdir = $ENV{FEXTMP} || $ENV{TEMP} || "$fexhome\\tmp"; $idf = "$fexhome\\id"; $editor = $ENV{EDITOR} || 'notepad.exe'; $useragent = sprintf("fexsend-$version (%s %s)", $Config{osname},$Config{archname}); $SSL{SSL_verify_mode} = 0; } else { $0 =~ s:.*/::; $HOME = (getpwuid($<))[7]||$ENV{HOME}; $fexhome = $HOME.'/.fex'; $tmpdir = $ENV{FEXTMP} || "$fexhome/tmp"; $idf = "$fexhome/id"; $editor = $ENV{EDITOR} || 'vi'; $_ = `(lsb_release -d||uname -a)2>/dev/null`||''; chomp; s/^Description:\s+//; $useragent = "fexsend-$version ($_)"; chmod 0600,$idf; } if (-f ($_ = '/etc/fex/config.pl')) { eval { require } or warn $@; } my $from = ''; my $to = ''; my $id = ''; my $skey = ''; my $gkey = ''; my $atype = ''; # archive type my $fexcgi; # F*EX CGI URL my @files; # files to send my %AB = (); # server based address book my ($server,$port,$sid); my $proxy = ''; my $proxy_prefix = ''; my $features = ''; my $timeout = 30; # server timeout my $fexlist = "$tmpdir/fexlist"; my ($usage,$hints); my $xx = $0 =~ /^xx/; if ($xx) { $usage = "usage: send file(s): xx [:slot] file...\n". " or: send STDIN: xx [:slot] -\n". " or: send pipe: ... | xx [:slot] \n". " or: get file(s) or STDIN: xx [:slot] \n". " or: get file(s) no-questions: xx [:slot] --\n". "examples: dmesg | xx\n". " xx project\n". " xx --\n". " xx :conf /etc /boot\n"; } else { $usage = < 'user1\@domain1.org', 'alias2' => 'user2\@domain2.org', 'both' => 'user1\@domain1.org,user2\@domain2.org', 'extra' => 'extra\@special.net:-i other -K -k 30', ); fexsend also respects aliases in $HOME/.mutt/aliases The alias priority is (descending): \$HOME/.fex/config.pl \$HOME/.mutt/aliases fexserver address book In \$HOME/.fex/config.pl you can also set the SSL* environment variables and the \$opt_* variables, e.g.: \$ENV{SSLVERSION} = 'TLSv1'; \${'opt_+'} = 1; \$opt_m = 200; EOD } my @rcamel = ( ' _ _ c*_) / \/ \// *=( __ / \\\\/\\\\/ ', ' \\\\/\\\\/ ', ' //\\\\//\\\\ '); autoflush STDERR; if ($windoof and not @ARGV and not $ENV{PROMPT}) { # restart with cmd.exe to have mouse cut+paste exec qw'cmd /k',$0,'-W'; exit; } unless (-d $fexhome) { mkdir $fexhome,0700 or die "$0: cannot create FEXHOME $fexhome - $!\n"; } unless (-d $tmpdir) { mkdir $tmpdir,0700 or die "$0: cannot create tmpdir $tmpdir - $!\n"; } my @_ARGV = @ARGV; # save arguments our ($opt_q,$opt_h,$opt_H,$opt_v,$opt_m,$opt_c,$opt_k,$opt_d,$opt_l,$opt_I, $opt_K,$opt_D,$opt_u,$opt_f,$opt_a,$opt_C,$opt_R,$opt_M,$opt_L,$opt_Q, $opt_A,$opt_i,$opt_z,$opt_Z,$opt_b,$opt_P,$opt_x,$opt_X,$opt_V,$opt_U, $opt_s,$opt_o,$opt_g,$opt_F,$opt_n,$opt_r,$opt_S,$opt_N); if ($xx) { $opt_q = 1 if @ARGV and $ARGV[-1] eq '--' and pop @ARGV or not -t STDOUT; $opt_h = $opt_v = $opt_m = $opt_I = 0; $opt_X = ''; $_ = "$fexhome/config.pl"; require if -f; getopts('hvIm:') or die $usage; } else { $opt_h = $opt_v = $opt_m = $opt_c = $opt_k = $opt_d = $opt_l = $opt_I = 0; $opt_H = $opt_K = $opt_D = $opt_R = $opt_M = $opt_L = $opt_Q = $opt_A = 0; $opt_x = $opt_o = $opt_g = $opt_V = $opt_U = $opt_F = $opt_n = $opt_q = 0; $opt_S = $opt_N = 0; ${'opt_@'} = ${'opt_!'} = ${'opt_+'} = ${'opt_.'} = ${'opt_/'} = 0; ${'opt_='} = ${'opt_#'} = ''; $opt_u = $opt_f = $opt_a = $opt_C = $opt_i = $opt_b = $opt_P = $opt_X = ''; $opt_s = $opt_r = ''; $_ = "$fexhome/config.pl"; require if -f; getopts('hHvcdognVDKlILUARWMFzZqQS@!+./r:m:k:u:f:a:s:C:i:b:P:x:X:N:=:#:') or die $usage; if ($opt_H) { print $hints; exit; } if ($opt_V) { print "Version: $version\n"; } if ($opt_K and $opt_D) { die "$0: you cannot use both options -D and -K\n"; } if ($opt_a and $opt_c) { die "$0: you cannot use both options -a and -c\n"; } if ($opt_a and $opt_s) { die "$0: you cannot use both options -a and -s\n"; } if ($opt_g and $opt_c) { $opt_c = 0; } $opt_f ||= $opt_b; if ($opt_f and $opt_f !~ /^\d+$/) { die "$0: option -f needs a number, see $0 -l\n"; } if ($opt_I and $opt_R) { die "$0: you cannot use both options -I and -R\n"; } # $opt_C is COMMENT command in F*EX protocol $opt_C = ($opt_d) ? 'DELETE': ($opt_l or $opt_L) ? 'LIST': ($opt_Q) ? 'CHECKQUOTA': ($opt_S) ? 'LISTSETTINGS': ($opt_Z) ? 'RECEIVEDLOG': ($opt_z) ? 'SENDLOG': (${'opt_!'}) ? 'FOPLOG': $opt_C; $opt_D = ($opt_D) ? 'DELAY': ($opt_K) ? 'NO': $opt_D; } &get_ssl_env; if ($opt_h) { female_mode("show help?") if $opt_F; print $usage; exit; } if ($opt_R) { ®ister; exit; } die $usage if $opt_m and $opt_m !~ /^\d+/; if ($opt_P) { if ($opt_P =~ /^([\w.-]+:\d+)(:(\d+))?/) { $proxy = $1; $chunksize = $3 || 0; } else { die "$0: proxy must be: SERVER:PORT\n"; } } if ($FEXID = $ENV{FEXID}) { $FEXID = decode_b64($FEXID) if $FEXID !~ /\s/; ($fexcgi,$from,$id) = split(/\s+/,$FEXID); } else { if ($windoof and not -f $idf) { &init_id } if (open $idf,$idf) { &get_id($idf); close $idf; } } if ($xx) { # convert old idxx file if ($idf and open $idf,$idf.'xx') { &get_id($idf); close $idf; if (open $idf,'>>',$idf) { print {$idf} "\n[xx]\n", "$fexcgi\n", "$from\n", "$id\n"; close $idf; unlink $idf.'xx'; } } # special xx ID? if ($FEXXX = $ENV{FEXXX}) { $FEXXX = decode_b64($FEXXX) if $FEXXX !~ /\s/; ($fexcgi,$from,$id) = split(/\s+/,$FEXXX); } elsif (open $idf,$idf) { while (<$idf>) { if (/^\[xx\]/) { $proxy = $proxy_prefix = ''; &get_id($idf); last; } } close $idf; } } else { # alternativ ID? if ($opt_i) { $proxy = $proxy_prefix = ''; open $idf,$idf or die "$0: cannot open $idf - $!\n"; while (<$idf>) { if (/^\[$opt_i\]/) { &get_id($idf); last; } } close $idf; die "$0: no [$opt_i] in $idf\n" unless $_; } } if ($opt_I) { if ($xx) { &show_id } else { &init_id } exit; } if (@ARGV > 1 and $ARGV[-1] =~ /(^|\/)anonymous/) { $fexcgi = $1 if $ARGV[-1] =~ s:(.+)/::; die "usage: $0 [options] file FEXSERVER/anonymous\n" unless $fexcgi; $anonymous = $from = 'anonymous'; $sid = $id = 'ANONYMOUS'; } elsif (@ARGV > 1 and $id eq 'PUBLIC') { $public = $sid = $id; } elsif (@ARGV > 1 and $ARGV[-1] =~ m{^(https?://[\w.-]+(:\d+)?/fup\?[sg]key=\w+)}) { $fexcgi = $1; $skey = $1 if $fexcgi =~ /skey=(\w+)/; $gkey = $1 if $fexcgi =~ /gkey=(\w+)/; } else { $fexcgi = $opt_u if $opt_u; if (not -e $idf and not ($fexcgi and $from and $id)) { die "$0: no ID file $idf found, use \"fexsend -I\" to create it\n"; } unless ($fexcgi) { die "$0: no FEX URL found, use \"$0 -u URL\" or \"$0 -I\"\n"; } unless ($from and $id) { die "$0: no sender found, use \"$0 -f FROM:ID\" or \"$0 -I\"\n"; } if ($fexcgi !~ /^http/) { if ($fexcgi =~ /:443/) { $fexcgi = "https://$fexcgi" } else { $fexcgi = "http://$fexcgi" } } } $server = $fexcgi; $port = 80; $port = 443 if $server =~ s{https://}{}; $port = $1 if $server =~ s/:(\d+)//; if (0 and $port == 443) { $opt_s and die "$0: cannot use -s with https due to stunnel bug\n"; $opt_g and die "$0: cannot use -g with https due to stunnel bug\n"; } $server =~ s{http://}{}; $server =~ s{/.*}{}; # $chunksize = 4*k unless $chunksize; $chunksize *= M; if ($proxy) { if ($port == 80) { $proxy_prefix = "http://$server" } elsif ($port != 443) { $proxy_prefix = "http://$server:$port" } } # xx: special file exchange between own accounts if ($xx) { my $transferfile = "$tmpdir/STDFEX"; # slot? if ($0 eq 'xxx') { $transferfile = "$tmpdir/xx:xxx"; } elsif (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^:([\w.=+-]+)$/) { $transferfile = "$tmpdir/xx:$1"; shift @ARGV; } open my $lock,'>>',$transferfile or die "$0: cannot write $transferfile - $!\n"; flock($lock,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) or die "$0: $transferfile is locked by another process\n"; truncate $transferfile,0; if (not @ARGV and -t) { &get_xx($transferfile); } else { &send_xx($transferfile); } exit; } # regular fexsend &inquire if $windoof and not @ARGV and not ($opt_l or $opt_L or $opt_Q or $opt_A or $opt_U or $opt_I or $opt_f or $opt_x or $opt_N); if (${'opt_.'}) { $opt_C = "!SHORTMAIL! $opt_C"; } if ($opt_n or $opt_C =~ /NOMAIL|!#!/) { $nomail = 'NOMAIL'; } unless ($skey or $gkey or $anonymous) { if (not $opt_q and ( $opt_f||$opt_x||$opt_Q||$opt_l||$opt_L||$opt_U||$opt_z||$opt_Z||$opt_A ||$opt_d||${'opt_!'}||${'opt_@'}) ) { warn "Server/User: $fexcgi/$from\n" } } if ($opt_V and not @ARGV) { exit } if ($opt_f) { &forward } elsif ($opt_x) { &modify } elsif ($opt_N) { &renotify } elsif ($opt_Q) { &query_quotas } elsif ($opt_S) { &query_settings } elsif ($opt_l or $opt_L) { &list } elsif ($opt_U) { &show_URL } elsif ($opt_z or $opt_Z or ${'opt_!'}) { &get_log } elsif ($opt_A) { edit_address_book($from) } elsif (${'opt_@'}) { &show_address_book } elsif ($opt_d and $anonymous) { &purge } elsif ($opt_d and $ARGV[-1] =~ /^\d+$/) { &delete } else { &send_fex } exit; # initialize ID file or show ID sub init_id { my $tag; my $proxy = ''; if ($opt_I) { $tag = shift @ARGV; die $usage if @ARGV; } $fexcgi = $from = $id = ''; unless (-d $fexhome) { mkdir $fexhome,0700 or die "$0: cannot create FEXHOME $fexhome - $!\n"; } # show ID if (not $tag and open $idf,$idf) { if ($opt_i) { while (<$idf>) { last if /^\[$opt_i\]/; } } $fexcgi = <$idf>; $from = <$idf>; $id = <$idf>; close $idf; if ($id) { chomp($fexcgi,$from,$id); $FEXID = encode_b64("$fexcgi $from $id"); if (-t STDIN) { print "# hint: to edit the ID file $idf use \"$0 -I .\" #\n"; print "export FEXID=$FEXID\n"; print "history -d \$((HISTCMD-1));history -d \$((HISTCMD-1))\n"; } else { print "FEXID=$FEXID\n"; } exit; } else { die "$0: no ID data found\n"; } } if ($tag and $tag eq '.') { exec $ENV{EDITOR}||'vi',$idf } if ($tag) { print "F*EX server URL for [$tag]: " } else { print "F*EX server URL: " } $fexcgi = ; $fexcgi =~ s/[\s\n]//g; die "you MUST provide a FEX-URL!\n" unless $fexcgi; if ($fexcgi =~ /\?/) { $from = $1 if $fexcgi =~ /\bfrom=(.+?)(&|$)/i; $id = $1 if $fexcgi =~ /\bid=(.+?)(&|$)/i; $skey = $1 if $fexcgi =~ /\bskey=(.+?)(&|$)/i; $gkey = $1 if $fexcgi =~ /\bgkey=(.+?)(&|$)/i; $fexcgi =~ s/\?.*//; } unless ($fexcgi =~ /^[_:=\w\-\.\/\@\%]+$/) { die "\"$fexcgi\" is not a legal FEX-URL!\n"; } $fexcgi =~ s:/fup/*$::; print "proxy address (hostname:port or empty if none): "; $proxy = ; $proxy =~ s/[\s\n]//g; if ($proxy =~ /^[\w.-]+:\d+$/) { $proxy = "!$proxy"; } elsif ($proxy =~ /\S/) { die "wrong proxy address format\n"; } else { $proxy = ""; } if ($proxy) { print "proxy POST limit in MB (use 2048 if unknown): "; $_ = ; if (/(\d+)/) { $proxy .= "[$1]"; } } if ($skey) { $from = 'SUBUSER'; $id = $skey; } elsif ($gkey) { $from = 'GROUPMEMBER'; $id = $gkey; } else { unless ($from) { print "Your e-mail address as registered at $fexcgi: "; $from = ; $from =~ s/[\s\n]//g; die "you MUST provide your e-mail address!\n" unless $from; } unless ($from =~ /^[_:=\w\-\.\/\@\%\+]+$/) { die "\"$from\" is not a legal e-mail address!\n"; } unless ($id) { print "Your auth-ID for $from at $fexcgi: "; $id = ; $id =~ s/[\s\n]//g; die "you MUST provide your ID!\n" unless $id; } } if (open $idf,'>>',$idf) { print {$idf} "\n[$tag]\n" if $tag and -s $idf; print {$idf} "$fexcgi$proxy\n", "$from\n", "$id\n"; close $idf; print "data written to $idf\n"; } else { die "$0: cannot write to $idf - $!\n"; } } sub show_id { my ($fexcgi,$from,$id); if (open $idf,$idf) { $fexcgi = <$idf>; $from = <$idf>; $id = <$idf>; while (<$idf>) { if (/^\[xx\]/) { $fexcgi = <$idf>; $from = <$idf>; $id = <$idf>; } } close $idf; die "$0: too few data in $idf" unless defined $id; chomp($fexcgi); chomp($from); chomp($id); $FEXXX = encode_b64("$fexcgi $from $id"); if (-t STDIN) { print "export FEXXX=$FEXXX\n"; print "history -d \$((HISTCMD-1));history -d \$((HISTCMD-1))\n"; } else { print "FEXXX=$FEXXX\n"; } } else { die "$0: cannot read $idf - $!\n"; } } sub register { my $fs = shift @ARGV or die $usage; my $mail = shift @ARGV or die $usage; my $port; my ($server,$user,$id); die "$0: $idf does already exist\n" if -e $idf; if ($fs =~ /^https/) { die "$0: cannot handle https at this time\n"; } $fs =~ s{^http://}{}; $fs =~ s{/.*}{}; if ($fs =~ s/:(\d+)//) { $port = $1 } else { $port = 80 } tcpconnect($fs,$port); sendheader("$fs:$port","GET $proxy_prefix/fur?user=$mail&verify=no HTTP/1.1"); http_response(); while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; printf "<-- $_"if $opt_v; last if /^\s*$/; } while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; printf "<-- $_"if $opt_v; if (m{http://(.*)/fup\?from=(.+)&ID=(.+)}) { $server = $1; $user = $2; $id = $3; if (open F,">$idf") { print F "$server\n", "$user\n", "$id\n"; close F; chmod 0600,$idf; print "user data written to $idf\n"; print "you can now fex!\n"; exit; } else { die "$0: cannot write to $idf - $!\n"; } } } die "$0: no account data received from F*EX server\n"; } sub send_xx { my $transferfile = shift; my $file = ''; my (@r,@tar); $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{INT} = sub { unlink $transferfile; exit 3; }; if ($0 eq 'xxx') { @tar = qw'tar -cv' } else { @tar = qw'tar -cvz' } if (-t) { if ("@ARGV" eq '-') { # store STDIN to transfer file shelldo("cat >> $transferfile"); } elsif (@ARGV) { print "making tar transfer file $transferfile :\n"; # single file? then add this directly if (scalar @ARGV == 1) { my ($dir,$file); # strip path if not ending with / if ($ARGV[0] =~ m:(.+)/(.+): and $2 !~ m:/$:) { ($dir,$file) = ($1,$2); chdir $dir or die "$0: $dir - $!\n"; } else { $file = $ARGV[0]; } if (-l $file) { shelldo(@tar,qw'--dereference -f',$transferfile,$file); } else { shelldo(@tar,'-f',$transferfile,$file); } } else { shelldo(@tar,'-f',$transferfile,@ARGV); } if ($?) { unlink $transferfile; if ($? == 2) { die "$0: interrupted making tar transfer file\n"; } else { die "$0: error while making tar transfer file\n"; } } } } else { # write input from pipe to transfer file shelldo("cat >> $transferfile"); } die "$0: no transfer file\n" unless -s $transferfile; serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $from, id => $sid, file => $transferfile, comment => 'NOMAIL', autodelete => $transferfile =~ /STDFEX/ ? 'NO' : 'DELAY', ); # open P,'|w3m -T text/html -dump' or die "$0: w3m - $!\n"; # print P @r; http_response(@r); if ($transferfile =~ /:/ and $0 ne 'xxx') { if ("@r" =~ /\s(X-)?Location: (http.*)\s/) { print "wget -O- $2 | tar xvzf -\n"; } } unlink $transferfile; } sub query_quotas { my (@r,$r); local $_; female_mode("query quotas?") if $opt_F; @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $from, id => $sid, command => $opt_C, ); die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n" unless @r; $_ = shift @r; unless (/^HTTP.* 2/) { s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::; die "$0: server response: $_\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-Sender-Quota/,@r) and /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { print "sender quota (used): $1 ($2) MB\n"; } else { print "sender quota: unlimited\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-Recipient-Quota/,@r) and /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { print "recipient quota (used): $1 ($2) MB\n"; } else { print "recipient quota: unlimited\n"; } } sub query_settings { my (@r,$r); local $_; female_mode("query settings?") if $opt_F; if ($FEXID) { print "ID data from \$FEXID\n"; } elsif (-f $idf) { print "ID data from $idf\n"; } else { die "$0: found no ID\n"; } print "server: $fexcgi\n"; print "user: $from\n"; print "auth-ID: $id\n"; print "login URL: "; &show_URL; @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $from, id => $sid, command => $opt_C, ); die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n" unless @r; $_ = shift @r; unless (/^HTTP.* 2/) { s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::; die "$0: server response: $_\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-Autodelete/,@r) and /:\s+(\w+)/) { print "autodelete: $1\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-Default-Keep/,@r) and /(\d+)/) { print "default keep: $1 days\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-Default-Locale/,@r) and /:\s+(\w+)/) { print "default locale: $1\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-MIME/,@r) and /:\s+(\w+)/) { print "display file with browser: $1\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-Sender-Quota/,@r) and /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { print "sender quota (used): $1 ($2) MB\n"; } else { print "sender quota: unlimited\n"; } if (($_) = grep(/^X-Recipient-Quota/,@r) and /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { print "recipient quota (used): $1 ($2) MB\n"; } else { print "recipient quota: unlimited\n"; } } # list spool sub list { my (@r,$r); my ($data,$dkey,$n); local $_; female_mode("list spooled files?") if $opt_F; if ($opt_l and $n = shift @ARGV and $n =~ /^\d+$/) { open $fexlist,$fexlist or die "$0: $fexlist - $!\n"; while (<$fexlist>) { if (/^\s*(\d+)\) (\w+) (.+)/ and $1 eq $n) { serverconnect($server,$port) unless $SH; sendheader( "$server:$port", "GET $proxy_prefix/fop/$2/$2?LIST HTTP/1.1", "User-Agent: $useragent", ); $_ = <$SH>||''; s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; if (/^HTTP.* 200/) { print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; if (/^\n/) { print; print while <$SH>; } } } elsif (s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::) { die "$0: server response: $_"; } else { die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n"; } exit; } } die "$0: file \#$n not found in fexlist\n"; } else { @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $opt_l ? '*' : $from, command => $opt_C, ); } die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n" unless @r; $_ = shift @r; unless (/^HTTP.* 200/) { s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::; die "$0: server response: $_\n"; } # list sent files if ($opt_l) { open $fexlist,">$fexlist" or die "$0: cannot write $fexlist - $!\n"; foreach (@r) { next unless /
/ or $data;
      $data = 1;
      last if m:
:; if (//) { $dkey = $1 } else { $dkey = '' } # $_ = encode_utf8($_); s/<.*?>//g; if (/^(to .* :)/) { print "\n$1\n"; print {$fexlist} "\n$1\n"; } elsif (m/(\d+) MB (.+)/) { $n++; printf "%4s) %8d MB %s\n","#$n",$1,$2; printf {$fexlist} "%3d) %s %s\n",$n,$dkey,$2; } } close $fexlist; } # list received files if ($opt_L) { foreach (@r) { next unless /
/ or $data;
      $data = 1;
      next if m:
      last if m:
:; if (/(from .* :)/) { print "\n$1\n"; } if (m{(\d+) (MB.*)
(.+)( ".*")?}) { printf "%8d %s%s%s\n",$1,$2,$3,($5||''); } } } } sub show_URL { printf "%s/fup/%s\n",$fexcgi,encode_b64("from=$from&id=$id"); } sub get_log { my (@r); local $_; @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $from, id => $sid, command => $opt_C, ); die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n" unless @r; $_ = shift @r; unless (/^HTTP.* 200/) { s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::; die "$0: server response: $_\n"; } while (shift @r) {} foreach (@r) { print "$_\n" } } sub show_address_book { my (%AB,@r); my $alias; local $_; %AB = query_address_book($server,$port,$from); foreach $alias (sort keys %AB) { next if $alias eq 'ADDRESS_BOOK'; $_ = sprintf "%s = %s (%s) # %s\n", $alias, $AB{$alias}, $AB{$alias}->{options}, $AB{$alias}->{comment}; s/ \(\)//; s/ \# $//; print; } } sub purge { die "$0: not yet implemented\n"; } sub delete { my ($to,$file); while (@ARGV) { $opt_d = shift @ARGV; die "$usage: $0 -d #\n" if $opt_d !~ /^\d+$/; open $fexlist,$fexlist or die "$0: $fexlist - $!\n"; while (<$fexlist>) { if (/^to (.+\@.+) :/) { $to = $1; } elsif (/^\s*(\d+)\) (\w+) (.+)/ and $1 eq $opt_d) { serverconnect($server,$port) unless $SH; sendheader( "$server:$port", "GET $proxy_prefix/fop/$2/$2?DELETE HTTP/1.1", "User-Agent: $useragent", ); $_ = <$SH>||''; s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; if (/^HTTP.* 200/) { while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; last if /^\n/; # ignore HTML output print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; if (/^X-File:.*\/(.+)/) { printf "%s deleted\n",decode_utf8(urldecode($1)); } } undef $SH; } elsif (s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::) { die "$0: server response: $_"; } else { die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n"; } last; } } close $fexlist; sleep 1; # do not overrun server } exit; } sub send_fex { my @to; my $file = ''; my @files = (); my ($data,$aname,$alias); my (@r,$r); my $ma = $HOME.'/.mutt/aliases'; my $t0 = time; my $transferfile; my @transferfiles; local $_; if ($from =~ /^SUBUSER|GROUPMEMBER$/) { $to = '_'; } else { # look for single @ in arguments for (my $i=1; $i<$#ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq '@') { $ARGV[$i] = join(',',@ARGV[$i+1 .. $#ARGV]); $#ARGV = $i; last; } } $to = pop @ARGV or die $usage; if ($to eq '.') { $to = $from; $nomail = $opt_C ||= 'NOMAIL'; } if ($to eq ':') { $to = $from; $nomail = $opt_C ||= 'NOMAIL'; } if ($opt_g and $to =~ /,/) { die "$0: encryption is supported to only one recipient\n"; } if ($to =~ m{^https?://.*/fup\?skey=(\w+)}) { $from = 'SUBUSER'; $to = '_'; $id = $1; } if ($to =~ m{^https?://.*/fup\?gkey=(\w+)}) { $from = 'GROUPMEMBER'; $to = '_'; $id = $1; } } @to = split(',',lc($to)); die $usage unless @ARGV or $opt_a or $opt_s; die $usage if $opt_s and @ARGV; # early serverconnect necessary for X-Features info serverconnect($server,$port); if ($anonymous) { my $aok; sendheader("$server:$port","OPTIONS FEX HTTP/1.1"); $_ = <$SH>||''; s/\r//; die "$0: no response from fex server $server\n" unless $_; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; if (/^HTTP.* 201/) { while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; last unless /\w/; $aok = $_ if /X-Features:.*ANONYMOUS/; } die "$0: no anonymous support on server $server\n" unless $aok; } else { die "$0: bad response from server $server : $_\n"; } } elsif ($public) { } else { query_sid($server,$port); if ($from eq 'SUBUSER') { $skey = $sid; # die "skey=$skey\nid=$id\nsid=$sid\n"; } if ($from eq 'GROUPMEMBER') { $gkey = $sid; } if ($to eq '.') { @to = ($from); $opt_C ||= 'NOMAIL'; } elsif ($to =~ m:^(//.*):) { my $xkey = $1; if ($features =~ /XKEY/) { @to = ($from); $opt_C = $xkey; } else { die "$0: server does not support XKEY\n"; } } elsif (grep /^[^@]*$/,@to and not $skey and not $gkey) { %AB = query_address_book($server,$port,$from); if ($proxy) { serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); } foreach $to (@to) { # alias in local config? if ($alias{$to}) { if ($alias{$to} =~ /(.+?):(.+)/) { my $ato = $1; my $opt = $2; my @argv = @_ARGV; pop @argv; # special extra upload system $0,split(/\s/,$opt),@argv,$ato; $to = ''; } else { $to = $alias{$to}; } } # alias in server address book? elsif ($AB{$to}) { # do not substitute alias with expanded addresses because then # keep and autodelete options from address book will get lost # $to = $AB{$to}; } # look for mutt aliases elsif ($to !~ /@/ and $to ne $from and open $ma,$ma) { $alias = $to; while (<$ma>) { if (/^alias \Q$to\E\s/i) { chomp; s/\s*#.*//; s/\(.*?\)//; s/\s+$//; s/.*\s+//; s/[<>]//g; if (/,/) { warn "$0: ignoring mutt multi-alias $to = $alias\n"; last; } if (/@/) { $alias = $_; warn "$0: found mutt alias $to = $alias\n"; last; } } } close $ma; $to = $alias; } } } $to = join(',',grep /./,@to) or exit; warn "Server/User: $fexcgi/$from\n" unless $opt_q; if ( not $skey and not $gkey and $features =~ /CHECKRECIPIENT/ and $opt_C !~ /^(DELETE|LIST|RECEIVEDLOG|SENDLOG|FOPLOG)$/ ) { checkrecipient($from,$to); if ($proxy) { serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); } } } if (@ARGV > 1 and not ($opt_a or $opt_s or $opt_d)) { print "Archive name (name.tar, name.tgz or name.zip) or [ENTER] to send file for file:\n"; $opt_a = ; $opt_a =~ s/^\s+//; $opt_a =~ s/\s+$//; } if ($opt_s) { $opt_s =~ s/^=//; $opt_s =~ s:.*/::; $opt_s =~ s/[^\w_.+-]/_/g; @files = ($opt_s); } elsif ($opt_a) { $opt_a =~ s/^=//; $opt_a =~ s:.*/::; $opt_a =~ s/[^\w_.+-]/_/g; if ($opt_a =~ /(.+)\.(zip|tar|tgz|7z)$/) { $aname = $1; $atype = $2; } else { die "$0: archive name must be one of ". "$opt_a.tar $opt_a.tgz $opt_a.zip\n"; } # no file argument left? unless (@ARGV) { # use file name as archive name push @ARGV,$aname; $opt_a =~ s:/+$::g; $opt_a =~ s:.*/::g; } foreach my $file (@ARGV) { die "$0: cannot read $file\n" unless -l $file or -r $file; } $opt_a .= ".$atype" if $opt_a !~ /\.$atype$/; $transferfile = "$tmpdir/$opt_a"; unlink $transferfile; print "Making fex archive ($opt_a):\n"; if ($atype eq 'zip') { if ($windoof) { # if ($opt_c) { system(qw'7z a -tzip',$transferfile,@ARGV) } # else { system(qw'7z a -tzip -mm=copy',$transferfile,@ARGV) } system(qw'7z a -tzip',$transferfile,@ARGV); @files = ($transferfile); } else { # zip archives must be < 2 GB, so split as necessary @files = zipsplit($transferfile,@ARGV); if (scalar(@files) == 1) { $transferfile = $files[0]; $transferfile =~ s/_1.zip$/.zip/; rename $files[0],$transferfile; @files = ($transferfile); } } @transferfiles = @files; } elsif ($atype eq '7z') { # http://www.7-zip.org/ my @X = (); # exclude list if (${'opt_#'}) { foreach my $x (split('#',${'opt_#'})) { push @X,"-x!$x"; } } if ($opt_c) { system(qw'7z a',@X,$transferfile,@ARGV) } else { system(qw'7z a -t7z -mx0',@X,$transferfile,@ARGV) } @transferfiles = @files = ($transferfile); } elsif ($atype eq 'tar') { if ($windoof) { system(qw'7z a -ttar',$transferfile,@ARGV); @transferfiles = @files = ($transferfile); } else { ## tar is now handled by formdatapost() # system(qw'tar cvf',$transferfile,@ARGV); @files = ($opt_a); } } elsif ($atype eq 'tgz') { if ($windoof) { die "$0: archive type tgz not available, use tar, zip or 7z\n"; } else { ## tgz is now handled by formdatapost() # system(qw'tar cvzf',$transferfile,@ARGV); @files = ($opt_a); } } else { die "$0: unknown archive format \"$atype\"\n"; } if (@transferfiles) { # error in making transfer archive? if ($?) { unlink @transferfiles; die "$0: $! - aborting upload\n"; } # maybe timeout, so make new connect if (time-$t0 >= $timeout) { serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port) unless $anonymous; } } } else { unless (@ARGV) { if ($windoof) { &inquire; } else { die $usage; } } foreach (@ARGV) { my $file = $_; unless ($opt_d) { unless (-f $file) { if (-e $file) { die "$0: $file is not a regular file, try option -a\n" } else { die "$0: $file does not exist\n"; } } die "$0: cannot read $file\n" unless -r $file; } push @files,$file; } } if (${'opt_/'}) { foreach my $file (@files) { my @s = stat($file); unless (@s and ($s[2] & S_IROTH) and -r $file) { die "$0: $file is not world readable\n"; } } } foreach my $file (@files) { sleep 1; # do not overrun server! unless (-s $file or $opt_d or $opt_a or $opt_s) { die "$0: cannot send empty file $file\n"; } female_mode("send file $file?") if $opt_F; @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $to, replyto => $opt_r, id => $sid, file => $file, keep => $opt_k, comment => $opt_C, autodelete => $opt_D, ); if (not @r or not grep /\w/,@r) { die "$0: no response from server\n"; } if (($r) = grep /^ERROR:/,@r) { if ($anonymous and $r =~ /purge it/) { die "$0: file is already on server for $to - use another anonymous recipent\n"; } else { $r =~ s/.*?:\s*//; $r =~ s/<.+?>//g; die "$0: server error: $r\n"; } } if (($r) = grep /

\Q$file/,@r) { $r =~ s/<.+?>//g; print "$r\n"; } if ($opt_a !~ /^afex_\d+\.tar$/ and $file !~ /afex_\d+\.tar$/) { # print grep({s/^(X-Recipient:.*\((.+)\))/Parameters: $2\n/i} @r); my $nonot = 0; my ($recipient,$location); foreach (@r) { if (/^(X-)?(Recipient.*)/i) { $recipient = $2; if (/notification=no/i) { $nonot = 1 } else { $nonot = 0 } } if (/^(X-)?(Location.*)/i) { $location = $2; if ($from eq $to or $from =~ /^\Q$to\E@/i or $nomail or $anonymous or $nonot) { print "$recipient\n"; print "$location\n"; } } } } } # delete transfer tmp file unlink $transferfile if $transferfile; } sub forward { my (@r); my ($to,$n,$dkey,$file,$req); my $status = 1; local $_; # look for single @ in arguments for (my $i=1; $i<$#ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq '@') { $ARGV[$i] = join(',',@ARGV[$i+1 .. $#ARGV]); $#ARGV = $i; last; } } # if ($windoof and not @ARGV) { &inquire } $to = pop @ARGV or die $usage; $to = $from if $to eq '.'; open $fexlist,$fexlist or die "$0: $fexlist - $!\n"; while (<$fexlist>) { if (/^\s*(\d+)\) (\w+) \[\d+ d\] (.+)/ and $1 eq $opt_f) { $n = $1; $dkey = $2; $file = $3; if ($file =~ s/ "(.*)"$//) { $opt_C ||= $1 if $1 ne 'NOMAIL'; } last; } } close $fexlist; unless ($n) { die "$0: file #$opt_f not found in fexlist\n"; } female_mode("forward file #$opt_f?") if $opt_F; serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); $req = "GET $proxy_prefix/fup?" ."from=$from&ID=$sid&to=$to&dkey=$dkey&command=FORWARD"; $req .= "&comment=$opt_C" if $opt_C; $req .= "&keep=$opt_k" if $opt_k; $req .= "&autodelete=$opt_D" if $opt_D; $req .= "&$opt_X" if $opt_X; $req .= " HTTP/1.1"; sendheader("$server:$port",$req); http_response(); while (<$SH>) { if ($opt_v) { print; $status = 0 if /\Q"$file"/; } else { if (/\Q"$file"/) { print; $status = 0; } } } if ($status) { die "$0: server failed, rerun command with option -v\n"; } exit; } sub renotify { my (@r); my ($to,$n,$dkey,$file,$req,$recipient); local $_; die $usage if @ARGV; open $fexlist,$fexlist or die "$0: $fexlist - $!\n"; while (<$fexlist>) { if (/^\s*(\d+)\) (\w+) \[\d+ d\] (.+)/ and $1 eq $opt_N) { $n = $1; $dkey = $2; last; } } close $fexlist; unless ($n) { die "$0: file #$opt_N not found in fexlist\n"; } female_mode("resend notification for file #$opt_N?") if $opt_F; serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); $req = "GET $proxy_prefix/fup?" ."from=$from&ID=$sid&dkey=$dkey&command=RENOTIFY" ." HTTP/1.1"; sendheader("$server:$port",$req); http_response(); while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; last if /^\s*$/; if (/^X-Notify: (.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)/) { $recipient = $1; $file = $3; } } if ($file) { print "notification e-mail for $file has been resent to $recipient\n"; } else { if ($opt_v) { die "$0: server failed\n"; } else { die "$0: server failed, rerun command with option -v\n"; } } exit; } sub modify { my (@r); my ($n,$dkey,$file,$req); local $_; die $usage if @ARGV; die $usage unless $opt_C or $opt_k or $opt_D; open $fexlist,$fexlist or die "$0: $fexlist - $!\n"; while (<$fexlist>) { if (/^\s*(\d+)\) (\w+) \[\d+ d\] (.+)/ and $1 eq $opt_x) { $n = $1; $dkey = $2; $file = $3; $file =~ s/ "(.*)"$//; last; } } close $fexlist; unless ($n) { die "$0: file #$opt_x not found in fexlist\n"; } female_mode("modify file #$opt_x?") if $opt_F; serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); $req = "GET $proxy_prefix/fup?" ."from=$from&ID=$sid&dkey=$dkey&command=MODIFY"; $req .= "&comment=$opt_C" if $opt_C; $req .= "&keep=$opt_k" if $opt_k; $req .= "&autodelete=$opt_D" if $opt_D; $req .= " HTTP/1.1"; sendheader("$server:$port",$req); http_response(); while (<$SH>) { if ($opt_v) { print "<-- $_"; } else { print if /\Q$file/; } } exit; } sub get_xx { my $transferfile = shift; my $ft = ''; local $_; # get transfer file from FEX server unless ($SH) { serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); } xxget($from,$sid,$transferfile); # empty file? unless (-s $transferfile) { unlink $transferfile; exit; } # no further processing if delivering to pipe exec 'cat',$transferfile unless -t STDOUT; if ($ft = `file $transferfile 2>/dev/null`) { if ($ft =~ /compressed/) { rename $transferfile,"$transferfile.gz"; shelldo(ws("gunzip $transferfile.gz")); } $ft = `file $transferfile`; } # file command failed, so we look ourself into the file... elsif (open $transferfile,$transferfile) { read $transferfile,$_,4; close $transferfile; # gzip magic? if (/\x1F\x8B\x08\x00/) { rename $transferfile,"$transferfile.gz"; shelldo(ws("gunzip $transferfile.gz")); # assuming tar $ft = 'tar archive'; } } if ($ft =~ /tar archive/) { rename $transferfile,"$transferfile.tar"; $transferfile .= '.tar'; if ($opt_q) { $_ = 'y'; } else { print "Files in transfer-container:\n\n"; shelldo(ws("tar tvf $transferfile")); print "\nExtract these files? [Yn] "; $_ = ; } if (/^n/i) { print "keeping $transferfile\n"; } else { system("tar xvf $transferfile && rm $transferfile"); die "$0: error while untaring, see $transferfile\n" if -f $transferfile; } } else { exec 'cat',$transferfile; } exit; } sub formdatapost { my %P = @_; my ($boundary,$filename,$filesize,$length,$buf,$file,$fpsize,$resume,$seek); my ($flink); my (@hh,@hb,@r,@pv,$to); my ($bytes,$t,$bt); my ($t0,$t1,$t2,$tt,$tc); my $bs = 2**16; # blocksize for reading and sending file my $fileid = int(time); my $chunk = 0; my $connection = ''; my $pct = ''; my ($tar,$aname,$atype,$tarlist,$tarerror,$location,$transferfile); local $_; if (defined($file = $P{file})) { $to = $AB{$P{to}} || $P{to}; # for gpg # special file: stream from STDIN if ($opt_s) { $filename = encode_utf8($file); $filesize = -1; } # compression? if ($opt_c) { my ($if,$of); $if = $file; $if =~ s/([^_\w\.\-])/\\$1/g; $transferfile = $tmpdir . '/' . basename($file) . '.gz'; $of = $transferfile; $of =~ s/([^_\w\.\-])/\\$1/g; shelldo("gzip <$if>$of"); $filesize = -s $transferfile; die "$0: cannot gzip $file\n" unless $filesize; $file = $transferfile; } # special file: tar-on-the-fly if (not $windoof and $opt_a and $file =~ /(.+)\.(tar|tgz)$/) { $aname = $1; $atype = $2; $tarlist = "$tmpdir/$aname.list"; $tarerror = "$tmpdir/$aname.error"; $tar = 'tar -cv'; $tar .= 'z' if $atype eq 'tgz'; if (`tar --help 2>/dev/null` =~ /--index-file/) { $tar .= " --index-file=$tarlist -f-"; } else { $tar .= " -f-"; } if (${'opt_#'}) { foreach my $x (split('#',${'opt_#'})) { $tar .= " --exclude=$x"; } } foreach (@ARGV) { $file = $_; $file =~ s/([^\w\-\@\#%,.=+~_:])/\\$1/g; $tar .= ' '.$file; } # print "calculating archive size... "; open $tar,"$tar 2>$tarerror|" or die "$0: cannot run tar - $!\n"; $t0 = int(time) if -t STDOUT; while ($b = read $tar,$_,$bs) { $filesize += $b; if ($t0) { $t1 = int(time); if ($t1>$t0) { printf "Archive size: %d MB\r",int($filesize/M); $t0 = $t1; } } } printf "Archive size: %d MB\n",int($filesize/M) if -t STDOUT; unless (close $tar) { $_ = ''; if (open $tarerror,$tarerror) { local $/; $_ = <$tarerror>; close $tarerror; } unlink $tarlist,$tarerror; die "$0: tar error:\n$_"; } $file = "$aname.$atype"; $filename = encode_utf8($file); undef $SH; # force reconnect (timeout!) } # single file else { $filename = encode_utf8(${'opt_='} || $file); if ($windoof) { $filename =~ s/^[a-z]://; $filename =~ s/.*\\//; } $filename =~ s:.*/::; $filename =~ s:[\r\n]+: :g; if ($opt_d) { $filesize = 0; } elsif (not $opt_g and not $opt_s) { $filesize = -s $file or die "$0: $file is empty or not readable\n"; } } $filename .= '.gpg' if $opt_g; unless ($opt_d) { if ($opt_g) { $filesize = -1; $fileid = int(time); } else { if ($opt_a) { $fileid = md5_hex(fmd(@ARGV)); } else { $fileid = fileid($file); } } } } else { $file = $filename = ''; $filesize = 0; } FORMDATAPOST: @hh = (); # HTTP header @hb = (); # HTTP body @r = (); $seek = 0; $resume = ''; $chunk++; unless ($SH) { serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port) unless $anonymous; } $P{id} = $sid; # ugly hack! # ask server if this file has been already sent if ($file and not $xx and not ($opt_s or $opt_g or $opt_o or $opt_d or $opt_l or $opt_L or ${'opt_/'})) { ($seek,$location) = query_file($server,$port,$frecipient||$P{to},$P{from}, $P{id},$filename,$fileid); if ($filesize == $seek) { print "Location: $location\n" if $location and $nomail; warn "$0: $file has been already transferred\n"; return $file; } elsif ($seek and $seek < $filesize) { $resume = " (resuming at byte $seek)"; } elsif ($filesize <= $seek) { $seek = 0; } if ($proxy) { sleep 1; # do not overrun proxy serverconnect($server,$port); } } # file part size if ($chunksize and $proxy and $port != 443 and $filesize - $seek > $chunksize - $bs) { if ($features !~ /MULTIPOST/) { die sprintf("$0: server does not support chunked multi-POST needed for" ." files > %d MB via proxy\n",$chunksize/M); } $opt_o = 0; # no overwriting mode for next chunks $fpsize = $chunksize - $bs; } else { $fpsize = $filesize - $seek; } $boundary = randstring(48); $P{seek} = $seek; $P{filesize} = $filesize; # send HTTP POST variables if ($skey) { $P{skey} = $skey; @pv = qw'from to skey keep autodelete comment seek filesize'; } elsif ($gkey) { $P{gkey} = $gkey; @pv = qw'from to gkey keep autodelete comment seek filesize'; } else { @pv = qw'from to id replyto keep autodelete comment command seek filesize'; } foreach my $v (@pv) { if ($P{$v}) { my $name = uc($v); push @hb,"--$boundary"; push @hb,"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"$name\""; push @hb,""; push @hb,encode_utf8($P{$v}); } } # at last, POST the file if ($file) { push @hb,"--$boundary"; push @hb,"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"FILE\"; filename=\"$filename\""; unless ($opt_d) { if ($opt_M) { push @hb,"Content-Type: application/x-mime" } else { push @hb,"Content-Type: application/octet-stream" } if (${'opt_/'}) { $flink = abs_path($file); push @hb,"Content-Location: $flink"; } else { # push @hb,"Content-Length: " . ((-s $file||0) - $seek); # optional header! push @hb,"Content-Length: $fpsize"; # optional header! NOT filesize! push @hb,"X-File-ID: $fileid"; } push @hb,""; } push @hb,""; # prevent proxy chunked mode reply $connection = "close"; } push @hb,"--$boundary--"; if ($fpsize < 0) { $length = $fpsize; } else { $length = length(join('',@hb)) + scalar(@hb)*2 + $fpsize; } if ($file and not $opt_d) { if ($flink) { $hb[-2] = $flink } else { $hb[-2] = '(file content)' } } # any other extra URL arguments my $opt_X = ''; $opt_X = "?$::opt_X" if $::opt_X and $file; # HTTP header push @hh,"POST $proxy_prefix/fup$opt_X HTTP/1.1"; push @hh,"Host: $server:$port"; push @hh,"User-Agent: $useragent"; push @hh,"Content-Length: $length"; push @hh,"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary"; push @hh,"Connection: $connection" if $connection; push @hh,''; if ($opt_v) { print "--> $_\n" foreach (@hh,@hb); } $SIG{PIPE} = \&sigpipehandler; # foreach $sig (keys %SIG) { # eval '$SIG{$sig} = sub { print "\n!!! SIGNAL '.$sig.' !!!\n"; exit; }'; # } if ($file) { pop @hb; pop @hb unless $flink; nvtsend(@hh,@hb) or do { warn "$0: server has closed the connection, reconnecting...\n"; sleep 3; goto FORMDATAPOST; # necessary: new $sid ==> new @hh }; unless ($opt_d or $flink) { $t0 = $t2 = int(time); $tt = $t0-1; $t1 = 0; $tc = 0; if ($opt_s) { if ($opt_g) { open $file,"gpg -e -r $to|" or die "$0: cannot run gpg - $!\n"; } else { open $file,'>&=STDIN' or die "$0: cannot open STDIN - $!\n"; } } elsif ($tar) { if ($opt_g) { open $file,"$tar|gpg -e -r $to|" or die "$0: cannot run tar&gpg - $!\n"; } else { open $file,"$tar|" or die "$0: cannot run tar - $!\n"; } if (-t STDOUT) { $tpid = fork(); if (defined $tpid and $tpid == 0) { sleep 1; if (open $tarlist,$tarlist) { # print "\n$tar|\n"; system "ls -l $tarlist"; while ($tarlist) { while (<$tarlist>) { print ' 'x(length($file)+40),"\r",$_; } sleep 1; } } exit; } $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; } if ($seek) { print "Fast forward to byte $seek (resuming)\n"; readahead($file,$seek); } } else { if ($opt_g) { my $fileq = $file; $fileq =~ s/([^\w\-\@\#%,.=+~_:])/\\$1/g; open $file,"gpg -e -r $to <$fileq|" or die "$0: cannot run gpg - $!\n"; } else { open $file,$file or die "$0: cannot read $file - $!\n"; seek $file,$seek,0; } binmode $file; } $bytes = 0; autoflush $SH 0; print $rcamel[0] if ${'opt_+'}; while (my $b = read $file,$buf,$bs) { print {$SH} $buf or &sigpipehandler; $bytes += $b; if ($filesize > 0 and $bytes+$seek > $filesize) { die "$0: $file filesize has grown while uploading\n"; } $bt += $b; $t2 = time; if (${'opt_+'} and int($t2*10)>$tc) { print $rcamel[$tc%2+1]; $tc = int($t2*10); } if (not $opt_q and -t STDOUT and int($t2)>$t1) { &sigpipehandler unless $SH->connected; # smaller block size is better on slow links $bs = 4096 if $t1 and $bs>4096 and $bytes/($t2-$t0)<65536; if ($filesize > 0) { $pct = sprintf "(%d%%)",int(($bytes+$seek)/$filesize*100); } if ($bytes>2*M and $bs>4096) { printf STDERR "%s: %d MB of %d MB %s %d kB/s \r", $opt_s||$opt_a||$file, int(($bytes+$seek)/M), int($filesize/M), $pct, int($bt/k/($t2-$tt)); } else { printf STDERR "%s: %d kB of %d MB %s %d kB/s \r", $opt_s||$opt_a||$file, int(($bytes+$seek)/k), int($filesize/M), $pct, int($bt/k/($t2-$tt)); } $t1 = $t2; # time window for transfer rate calculation if ($t2-$tt>10) { $bt = 0; $tt = $t2; } } last if $filesize > 0 and $bytes >= $fpsize; sleep 1 while ($opt_m and $bytes/k/(time-$t0||1) > $opt_m); } close $file; # or die "$0: error while reading $file - $!\n"; $tt = ($t2-$t0)||1; print $rcamel[2] if ${'opt_+'}; # terminate tar verbose output job if ($tpid) { sleep 2; kill 9,$tpid; unlink $tarlist; } unless ($opt_q) { if (not $chunksize and $bytes+$seek < $filesize) { die "$0: $file filesize has shrunk while uploading\n"; } if ($seek or $chunksize and $chunksize < $filesize) { if ($fpsize>2*M) { printf STDERR "%s: %d MB in %d s (%d kB/s)", $opt_s||$opt_a||$file, int($bytes/M), $tt, int($bytes/k/$tt); if ($bytes+$seek == $filesize) { printf STDERR ", total %d MB\n",int($filesize/M); } else { printf STDERR ", chunk #%d : %d MB\n", $chunk,int(($bytes+$seek)/M); } } else { printf STDERR "%s: %d kB in %d s (%d kB/s)", $opt_s||$opt_a||$file, int($bytes/k), $tt, int($bytes/k/$tt); if ($bytes+$seek == $filesize) { printf STDERR ", total %d kB\n",int($filesize/k); } else { printf STDERR ", chunk #%d : %d kB\n", $chunk,int(($bytes+$seek)/k); } } } else { if ($bytes>2*M) { printf STDERR "%s: %d MB in %d s (%d kB/s) \n", $opt_s||$opt_a||$file, int($bytes/M), $tt, int($bytes/k/$tt); } else { printf STDERR "%s: %d kB in %d s (%d kB/s) \n", $opt_s||$opt_a||$file, int($bytes/k), $tt, int($bytes/k/$tt); } } if (-t STDOUT and not ($opt_s or $opt_g)) { print STDERR "waiting for server ok..." } } } autoflush $SH 1; print {$SH} "\r\n--$boundary--\r\n"; # special handling of streaming file because of stunnel tcp shutdown bug if ($opt_s or $opt_g) { close $SH; sleep 1; serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port) unless $anonymous; ($seek,$location) = query_file($server,$port,$P{to},$P{from},$sid, $filename,$fileid); if ($seek != $bytes) { die "$0: streamed $bytes bytes but server received $seek bytes\n"; } return "X-Location: $location\n"; } if ($flink) { $bytes = -s $flink; if ($bytes>2*M) { printf STDERR "%s: %d MB\n",$flink,int($bytes/M); } else { printf STDERR "%s: %d kB\n",$flink,int($bytes/k); } } } else { autoflush $SH 1; nvtsend(@hh,@hb); } # SuSe: Can't locate object method "BINMODE" via package "IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_HANDLE" # binmode $SH,':utf8'; if (not $opt_q and $file and -t STDOUT) { print STDERR "\r \r"; } while (<$SH>) { s/[\r\n]+//; print "<-- $_\n" if $opt_v; last if @r and $r[0] =~ / 204 / and /^$/ or /<\/html>/i; push @r,decode_utf8($_); } if ($file) { close $SH; undef $SH; if ($proxy and $fpsize+$seek < $filesize) { goto FORMDATAPOST; } } return @r; } sub randstring { my $n = shift; my @rc = ('A'..'Z','a'..'z',0..9 ); my $rn = @rc; my $rs; for (1..$n) { $rs .= $rc[int(rand($rn))] }; return $rs; } sub zipsplit { my $zipbase = shift; my @files = @_; my @zipfiles = (); my $file; my ($zsize,$size,$n); $zipbase =~ s/\.zip$//; map { s/([^_\w\+\-\.])/\\$1/g } @files; open my $ff,"find @files|" or die "$0: cannot search for @_ - $!\n"; @files = (); zipfile: for (;;) { $n++; if ($n eq 10) { unlink @zipfiles; die "$0: too many zip-archives\n"; } $zsize = 0; while ($file = <$ff>) { chomp $file; # next if -l $file or not -f $file; next unless -f $file; $size = -s $file; if ($size > 2147480000) { unlink @zipfiles; die "$0: $file too big for zip\n"; } if ($zsize + $size > 2147000000) { push @zipfiles,zip($zipbase.'_'.$n.'.zip',@files); @files = ($file); next zipfile; } else { push @files,$file; $zsize += $size; } } close $ff; last; } push @zipfiles,zip($zipbase.'_'.$n.'.zip',@files); return @zipfiles; } sub zip { no strict 'refs'; my $zip = shift; my $cmd; local $_; unlink $zip; # if ($opt_c) { $cmd = "zip -@ $zip" } # else { $cmd = "zip -0 -@ $zip" } $cmd = "zip -@ $zip"; if (${'opt_#'}) { ${'opt_#'} =~ s/#/ /g; $cmd .= " -x ".${'opt_#'}; } print $cmd,"\n" if $opt_v; open $cmd,"|$cmd" or die "$0: cannot create $zip - $!\n"; foreach (@_) { print {$cmd} $_."\n"; print " $_\n" if $opt_v; } close $cmd or die "$0: zip failed - $!\n"; return $zip; } sub getline { my $file = shift; local $_; while (<$file>) { chomp; s/^#.*//; s/\s+#.*//; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; return $_ if length($_); } return ''; } sub query_file { my ($server,$port,$to,$from,$id,$filename,$fileid) = @_; my $seek = 0; my $qfileid = ''; my ($head,$location); my ($response,$fexsrv); local $_; $to =~ s/,.*//; $to =~ s/:\w+=.*//; $to = $AB{$to} if $AB{$to}; $filename =~ s/([^_=:,;<>()+.\w\-])/'%'.uc(unpack("H2",$1))/ge; # urlencode if ($skey) { $head = "HEAD $proxy_prefix/fop/$to/$from/$filename??SKEY=$id HTTP/1.1"; } elsif ($gkey) { $head = "HEAD $proxy_prefix/fop/$to/$from/$filename??GKEY=$id HTTP/1.1"; } else { $head = "HEAD $proxy_prefix/fop/$to/$from/$filename??ID=$id HTTP/1.1"; } sendheader("$server:$port",$head); $_ = <$SH>; unless (defined $_ and /\w/) { die "$0: no response from server\n"; } s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; unless (/^HTTP.* 200/) { s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::; $response = $_; while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; $fexsrv = $_ if /^(Server: fexsrv|X-Features:)/; last if /^\s*$/; } die "$0: no fexserver at $server:$port\n" unless $fexsrv; die "$0: server response: $response"; } while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; last if /^$/; if (/^Content-Length:\s+(\d+)/) { $seek = $1 } if (/^X-File-ID:\s+(.+)/) { $qfileid = $1 } if (/^X-Features:\s+(.+)/) { $features = $1 } if (/^X-Location:\s+(.+)/) { $location = $1 } } # return true seek only if file is identified $seek = 0 if $qfileid and $qfileid ne $fileid; return ($seek,$location); } sub edit_address_book { my ($user) = @_; my $alias; my $ab = "$fexhome/ADDRESS_BOOK"; my (%AB,@r); local $_; die "$0: address book not available for subusers\n" if $skey; die "$0: address book not available for group members\n" if $gkey; female_mode("edit your address book?") if $opt_F; %AB = query_address_book($server,$port,$user); if ($AB{ADDRESS_BOOK} !~ /\w/) { $AB{ADDRESS_BOOK} = "# Format: alias e-mail-address # Comment\n". "# Example:\n". "framstag framstag\@rus.uni-stuttgart.de\n"; } open $ab,">$ab" or die "$0: cannot write to $ab - $!\n"; print {$ab} $AB{ADDRESS_BOOK}; close $ab; system $editor,$ab; exit unless -s $ab; $opt_o = $opt_A; serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); @r = formdatapost( from => $user, to => $user, id => $sid, file => $ab, ); unlink $ab,$ab.'~'; } sub query_address_book { my ($server,$port,$user) = @_; my ($req,$alias,$address,$options,$comment,$cl,$ab,$b); my %AB; local $_; unless ($SH) { serverconnect($server,$port); query_sid($server,$port); } $req = "GET $proxy_prefix/fop/$user/$user/ADDRESS_BOOK?ID=$sid HTTP/1.1"; sendheader("$server:$port",$req); $_ = <$SH>; unless (defined $_ and /\w/) { die "$0: no response from server\n"; } s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; unless (/^HTTP.* 200/) { if (/^HTTP.* 404/) { while (<$SH>) { last if /^\r?\n/ } return; } else { # s:HTTP/[\d\. ]+::; # die "$0: server response: $_"; close $SH; undef $SH; return (); } } while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; last if /^$/; $cl = $1 if /^Content-Length: (\d+)/; } if ($cl) { while (<$SH>) { $b += length; $ab .= $_; s/[\r\n]//g; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; print "<-- $_\n" if $opt_v; s/\s*#\s*(.*)//; if ($_) { $comment = $1||''; ($alias,$address,$options) = split; if ($address) { if ($options) { $options =~ s/[()]//g } else { $options = '' } $AB{$alias} = $address; $AB{$alias}->{options} = $options||''; $AB{$alias}->{comment} = $comment||''; if ($options and $options =~ /keep=(\d+)/i) { $AB{$alias}->{keep} = $1; } if ($options and $options =~ /autodelete=(\w+)/i) { $AB{$alias}->{autodelete} = $1; } } } last if $b >= $cl; } } $AB{ADDRESS_BOOK} = $ab; return %AB; } # sets global $sid $features $timeout # ugly hack! :-} sub query_sid { my ($server,$port) = @_; my ($req,$fexsrv); local $_; $sid = $id; if ($port eq 443) { return if $features; # early return if we know enough $req = "OPTIONS FEX HTTP/1.1"; } elsif ($proxy) { return if $features; # early return if we know enough $req = "GET $proxy_prefix/SID HTTP/1.1"; } else { $req = "GET SID HTTP/1.1"; } sendheader("$server:$port",$req,"User-Agent: $useragent"); $_ = <$SH>; unless (defined $_ and /\w/) { print "\n" if $opt_v; die "$0: no response from server\n"; } s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; if (/^HTTP.* [25]0[01] /) { if (not $proxy and $port ne 443 and /^HTTP.* 201 (.+)/) { $sid = 'MD5H:'.md5_hex($id.$1); } while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; $features = $1 if /^X-Features: (.+)/; $timeout = $1 if /^X-Timeout: (\d+)/; last if /^\n/; } } elsif (/^HTTP.* 301 /) { while (<$SH>) { last if /Location/ } die "$0: cannot use $server:$port because server has a redirection to\n".$_; } else { # no SID support - perhaps transparent web proxy? while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; $fexsrv = $_ if /^(Server: fexsrv|X-Features:)/; last if /^\s*$/; } die "$0: no fexserver at $server:$port\n" unless $fexsrv; serverconnect($server,$port); $sid = $id; } # warn "proxy: $proxy\n"; if ($proxy) { serverconnect($server,$port); $sid = $id; } } sub xxget { my ($from,$id,$save) = @_; my $bs = 4096; my $xx = $save; my ($url,$B,$b,$t0,$t1,$cl); my ($ts,$tso); local $_; $xx =~ s:.*/::; $url = "$proxy_prefix/fop/$from/$from/$xx?ID=$id"; sendheader("$server:$port","GET $url HTTP/1.0","User-Agent: $useragent"); http_response(); while (<$SH>) { s/\r//; print "<-- $_" if $opt_v; $cl = $1 if /^Content-Length:\s(\d+)/; # $ft = $1 if /^X-File-Type:\s(.+)/; last if /^$/; } die "$0: no Content-Length in server-reply\n" unless $cl; open F,">$save" or die "$0: cannot write to $save - $!\n"; binmode F; $t0 = $t1 = int(time); $tso = ''; while ($b = read($SH,$_,$bs)) { $B += $b; print F; if (int(time) > $t1) { $t1 = int(time); $ts = ts($B,$cl); if ($ts ne $tso) { print STDERR $ts,"\r"; $tso = $ts; } } sleep 1 while ($opt_m and $B/k/(time-$t0||1) > $opt_m); } print STDERR ts($B,$cl),"\n"; close F; } # transfer status sub ts { my ($b,$tb) = @_; return sprintf("transferred: %d MB (%d%%)",int($b/M),int($b/$tb*100)); } sub sigpipehandler { $SIG{ALRM} = sub { }; if (fileno $SH) { alarm(1); @_ = <$SH>; alarm(0); kill 9,$tpid if $tpid; if (@_ and $opt_v) { die "\n$0: ($$) server error: @_\n"; } if (@_ and $_[0] =~ /^HTTP.* \d+ (.*)/) { die "\n$0: server error: $1\n"; } } $timeout *= 2; warn "\n$0: connection to $server died\n"; warn "retrying after $timeout seconds...\n"; sleep $timeout; if ($windoof) { exec $^X,$0,@_ARGV } else { exec $_0,@_ARGV } die $!; } sub checkrecipient { my ($from,$to) = @_; my @r; local $_; @r = formdatapost( from => $from, to => $to, id => $sid, command => 'CHECKRECIPIENT', ); $_ = shift @r or die "$0: no reply from server\n"; if (/ 2\d\d /) { foreach (@r) { last if /^$/; if (s/X-(Recipient: .+)/$1\n/) { s/autodelete=\w+/autodelete=$opt_D/ if $opt_D; s/keep=\d+/keep=$opt_k/ if $opt_k; print; $frecipient ||= (split)[1]; } } } else { http_response($_,@r); } } # get ID data from ID file sub get_id { my $idf = shift; $fexcgi = getline($idf) || die "$0: no FEX-URL in $idf\n"; $from = getline($idf) || die "$0: no FROM in $idf\n"; $id = getline($idf) || die "$0: no ID in $idf\n"; if ($fexcgi =~ s/!([\w.-]+:\d+)(:(\d+))?//) { $proxy = $1; $chunksize = $3 || 0; } unless ($fexcgi =~ /^[_:=\w\-\.\/\@\%]+$/) { die "$0: illegal FEX-URL \"$fexcgi\" in $idf\n"; } unless ($from =~ /^[_:=\w\-\.\/\@\%\+]+$/) { die "$0: illegal FROM \"$from\" in $idf\n"; } $fexcgi =~ s:/+$::; } # for windows sub inquire { my ($file,$to); for (;;) { print "file to send: "; chomp($file = ); $file =~ s/^\"//; $file =~ s/\"$//; last if -e $file; warn "$file does not exist\n"; } print "recipient (e-mail address): "; chomp($to = ); die $usage unless $to; unless ($opt_n) { print "comment: "; chomp($opt_C = ); } @ARGV = ($file,$to); } sub shelldo { if (system(@_) < 0) { die "failed: @_\n" } } # emulate seek on a pipe sub readahead { my $fh = shift; # filehandle my $ba = shift; # bytes ahead my $bs = 2**16; my $s = 0; my $n; local $_; while ($s < $ba) { $n = $ba-$s; $n = $bs if $n > $bs; $s += read $fh,$_,$n; } } # fileid is inode and mtime sub fileid { my @s = stat(shift); return @s ? $s[1].$s[9] : int(time); } # collect file meta data (filename, inode, mtime) sub fmd { my @files = @_; my ($file,$dir); my $fmd = ''; foreach $file (@files) { if (not -l $file and -d $file) { $dir = $file; if (opendir $dir,$dir) { while (defined ($file = readdir($dir))) { next if $file eq '..'; if ($file eq '.') { $fmd .= $file.fileid($dir); } else { $fmd .= fmd("$dir/$file"); } } closedir $dir; } } else { $fmd .= $file.fileid($file); } } return $fmd; } # from MIME::Base64::Perl sub decode_b64 { local $_ = shift; my $uu = ''; my ($i,$l); tr|A-Za-z0-9+=/||cd; s/=+$//; tr|A-Za-z0-9+/| -_|; return "" unless length; $l = (length)-60; for ($i = 0; $i <= $l; $i += 60) { $uu .= "M" . substr($_,$i,60); } $_ = substr($_,$i); if (length) { $uu .= chr(32+(length)*3/4) . $_; } return unpack("u",$uu); } sub female_mode { local $_; if (open my $tty,'/dev/tty') { print "@_\n"; print " [y] yes\n", " [n] no\n", " [p] perhaps - don't know\n", "your choice: "; $_ = <$tty> || ''; close $tty; if (/^y/i) { return } if (/^n/i) { exit } if (/^p/i) { int(rand(2)) ? return : exit } female_mode(@_); } } sub http_response { local $_ = shift || <$SH>; my @r = @_; my $error; $_ = <$SH> unless $_; unless (defined $_ and /\w/) { die "$0: no response from server\n"; } s/\r?\n//; # CGI fatalsToBrowser if (/^HTTP.* 500/) { @r = <$SH> unless @r; @r = () unless @r; die "$0: server error: $_\n@r\n"; } unless (/^HTTP.* 200/) { $error = $_; $error =~ s/HTTP.[\s\d.]+//; if ($opt_v) { print "<-- $_"; print "<-- $_" while <$SH>; } die "$0: server error: $error\n"; } print "<-- $_\n" if $opt_v; return $_; } sub ws { local $_ = shift; return split; } sub update { my $cfb = '### common functions ###'; my $cfc; local $/; open $0,$0 or die "cannot read $0 - $!\n"; $_ = <$0>; close $0; s/.*\n$cfb\n//s; $cfc = $_; foreach my $p (qw(fexget sexsend)) { open $p,$p or die "cannot read $p - $!\n"; $_ = <$p>; close $p; s/\n$cfb.*/\n$cfb\n$cfc/s; system "vv -s $p"; open $p,'>',$p or die "cannot write $p - $!\n"; print {$p} $_; close $p; } exec "l $0 fexget sexsend"; exit; } ### common functions ### sub mtime { my @d = localtime((stat shift)[9]); return sprintf('%d%02d%02d',$d[5]+1900,$d[4]+1,$d[3]); } sub urldecode { local $_ = shift; s/\%([a-f\d]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ige; return $_; } sub get_ssl_env { # set SSL/TLS options $SSL{SSL_verify_mode} = $ENV{SSLVERIFY} if defined($ENV{SSLVERIFY}); foreach my $opt (qw( SSL_version SSL_cipher_list SSL_verify_mode SSL_ca_path SSL_ca_file) ) { my $env = uc($opt); $env =~ s/_//g; $SSL{$opt} = $ENV{$env} if defined($ENV{$env}); } if ($SSL{SSL_verify_mode}) { &search_ca; unless ($SSL{SSL_ca_path} or $SSL{SSL_ca_file}) { die "$0: \$SSLVERIFYMODE, but not valid \$SSLCAPATH or \$SSLCAFILE\n"; } } elsif (defined($SSL{SSL_verify_mode})) { # user has set SSLVERIFY=0 ! } else { &search_ca; $SSL{SSL_verify_mode} = 1 if $SSL{SSL_ca_path} or $SSL{SSL_ca_file}; } } sub search_ca { local $_; return if $SSL{SSL_ca_file} or $SSL{SSL_ca_path}; foreach (qw(/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)) { if (-f) { $SSL{SSL_ca_file} = $_; return; } } foreach (qw(/etc/ssl/certs /etc/pki/tls/certs)) { if (-f) { $SSL{SSL_ca_path} = $_; return; } } } sub serverconnect { my ($server,$port) = @_; my $connect = "CONNECT $server:$port HTTP/1.1"; local $_; if ($opt_v and $port == 443 and %SSL) { foreach my $v (keys %SSL) { printf "%s => %s\n",$v,$SSL{$v}; } } if ($proxy) { tcpconnect(split(':',$proxy)); if ($port == 443) { printf "--> %s\n",$connect if $opt_v; nvtsend($connect,""); $_ = <$SH>; s/\r//; printf "<-- $_"if $opt_v; unless (/^HTTP.1.. 200/) { die "$0: proxy error : $_"; } eval "use IO::Socket::SSL"; die "$0: cannot load IO::Socket::SSL\n" if $@; $SH = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($SH,%SSL); } } else { tcpconnect($server,$port); } # if ($port == 443 and $opt_v) { # printf "%s\n",$SH->get_cipher(); # } } # set up tcp/ip connection sub tcpconnect { my ($server,$port) = @_; if ($SH) { close $SH; undef $SH; } if ($port == 443) { # eval "use IO::Socket::SSL qw(debug3)"; eval "use IO::Socket::SSL"; die "$0: cannot load IO::Socket::SSL\n" if $@; $SH = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', %SSL ); } else { $SH = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', ); } if ($SH) { autoflush $SH 1; } else { die "$0: cannot connect $server:$port - $@\n"; } print "TCPCONNECT to $server:$port\n" if $opt_v; } sub sendheader { my $sp = shift; my @head = @_; my $head; push @head,"Host: $sp"; foreach $head (@head) { print "--> $head\n" if $opt_v; print {$SH} $head,"\r\n"; } print "-->\n" if $opt_v; print {$SH} "\r\n"; } sub nvtsend { local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { $sigpipe = "@_" }; $sigpipe = ''; die "$0: internal error: no active network handle\n" unless $SH; die "$0: remote host has closed the link\n" unless $SH->connected; foreach my $line (@_) { print {$SH} $line,"\r\n"; if ($sigpipe) { undef $SH; return 0; } } return 1; } # from MIME::Base64::Perl sub encode_b64 { my $res = ""; my $eol = "\n"; my $padding; pos($_[0]) = 0; $res = join '',map(pack('u',$_)=~ /^.(\S*)/, ($_[0]=~/(.{1,45})/gs)); $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; $padding = (3-length($_[0])%3)%3; $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding; return $res; }