#!/usr/bin/perl -w # F*EX CGI for administration # # Author: Andre Hafner # use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); $| = 1; # add fex lib (our $FEXLIB) = $ENV{FEXLIB} =~ /(.+)/; die "no \$FEXLIB\n" unless -d $FEXLIB; # import from fex.pp and fex.ph our ($FEXHOME,$spooldir,$logdir,$docdir,$durl,$mdomain); our ($bs,$hostname,$keep_default,$recipient_quota,$sender_quota,$autodelete); our ($admin,$admin_pw,$admin_hosts); our ($sendmail,$bcc); our $error = 'FAC error'; # load common code, local config : $HOME/lib/fex.ph require "$FEXLIB/fex.pp" or http_die("cannot load $FEXLIB/fex.pp - $!\n"); my @http_auth = (); my $ra = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}||0; if (not @admin_hosts or not ipin($ra,@admin_hosts)) { html_error($error,"Administration from your host ($ra) is not allowed."); } html_error($error,"\$admin not configured in $FEXLIB/fex.ph\n") unless $admin; chdir $spooldir or http_die("$spooldir - $!"); chomp($admin_pw = slurp("$admin/@")||''); html_error($error,"no F*EX account for admin $admin\n") unless $admin_pw; # redirect to https if configured if (0 and open my $x,'/etc/xinetd.d/fexs') { while (<$x>) { if (/^\s*disable\s*=\s*no/) { nvt_print( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently", "Location: https://$hostname$ENV{REQUEST_URI}", 'Content-Length: 0', '' ); exit; } } close $x; } # authentication &require_akey; my $fup = $durl; $fup =~ s:/fop:/fup:; my $http_client = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || ''; # here is chosen which files to save with backup function my @backup_files = qw( htdocs/index.html lib/fex.ph lib/fup.pl spool/*@*/@* ); # backup goes first if (defined param("action") and param("action") eq "backup") { &backup } http_header('200 OK'); $_ = html_header("F*EX Admin Control for $hostname"); s:: (logout):; print; my $nav_user = li("Create new user") . "\n" . li("Change user auth-ID") . "\n" . li("Edit user restrictions file") . "\n" . li("Delete existing user") . "\n" . li("Manage disk quota") . "\n"; my $nav_log = li("Get fup.log") . "\n" . li("Get fop.log") . "\n" . li("Get error.log") . "\n"; if (-f 'fexsrv.log') { $nav_log = li("Watch logfile") . "\n" . li("Get fexsrv.log") . "\n" . $nav_log; } my $nav_backup = li("Download backup
(config only)
") . "\n" . li("Restore backup") . "\n"; my $nav_show = li("List spooled files") . "\n" . li("Show quotas (sender/recipient)") . "\n" . li("Show server config") . "\n" . li("Show user config") . "\n"; my $nav_edit = li("Edit config") . "\n" . li("Edit index.html") . "\n"; #print table({-border=>"0"},Tr({-valign=>"top"},[td([ul($nav_user), ul($nav_log), ul($nav_backup), ul($nav_other)])])), "\n"; #print "\n", hr, "\n" ; print table({-border=>"0"}, th({},["manage user","show","log files","edit","backup"]), Tr({-valign=>"top"},[td([ ul($nav_user), ul($nav_show), ul($nav_log), ul($nav_edit), ul($nav_backup) ])])), "\n"; print "
\n"; my @user_items = &userList; if (my $action = param("action")) { if ($action eq "create") { &createUserForm } elsif ($action eq "change-auth") { &changeAuthForm } elsif ($action eq "edit") { &editRestrictionsForm } elsif ($action eq "delete") { &deleteUserForm } elsif ($action eq "quota") { &changeQuotaForm } elsif ($action eq "list") { &listFiles } elsif ($action eq "showquota") { &showQuota } elsif ($action eq "showconfig") { &showConfig } elsif ($action eq "userconfig") { &userConfigForm } elsif ($action eq "watch") { &watchLog } elsif ($action eq "fexsrv.log") { &getlog("fexsrv.log") } elsif ($action eq "fup.log") { &getlog("fup.log") } elsif ($action eq "fop.log") { &getlog("fop.log") } elsif ($action eq "error.log") { &getlog("error.log") } elsif ($action eq "editconfig") { &editFile("$FEXLIB/fex.ph") } elsif ($action eq "editindex") { &editFile("$docdir/index.html") } elsif ($action eq "backup") { &backup } elsif ($action eq "restore") { &restoreForm } else { http_die("STOP TRYING TO CHEAT ME!\n") } } if (defined param("createUser")) { createUser(param("createUser"), param("authID")); } elsif (defined param("changeAuthUser")) { if (param("changeAuthUser") =~ /^#.*/) { &changeAuthForm; } else { changeUser(param("changeAuthUser"), param("authID")); } } elsif (defined param("showUserConfig")) { if (param("showUserConfig") =~ /^#.*/) { &userConfigForm; } else { showUserConfig(param("showUserConfig")); } } elsif (defined param("deleteUser")) { if (param("deleteUser") =~ /^#.*/) { &deleteUserForm; } else { deleteUser(param("deleteUser")); } } elsif (defined param("userQuota")) { if (param("userQuota") =~ /^#.*/) { &changeQuotaForm; } else { if (defined param("remove quota")) { $user = param("userQuota"); deleteFiles("$spooldir/$user/\@QUOTA"); } else { alterQuota(param("userQuota"), param("recipientQuota"), param("senderQuota")); } } } elsif (defined param("editUser")) { if (param("editUser") =~ /^#.*/) { &editRestrictionsForm; } else { if (defined param("delete file")) { $user = param("editUser"); deleteFiles("$spooldir/$user/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS"); } else { editUser(param("editUser")); } } } elsif (defined param("contentBox") && defined param("ar")) { saveFile(param("contentBox"), param("ar")); } elsif (defined param("upload_archive")) { restore(param("upload_archive")); } print end_html(); exit; ####### # declaration of formular functions ####### # formular for creating new users # required arguments: - sub createUserForm { my $nameRow = "\n" . td(["user:", textfield(-size=>80, -name=>"createUser")]); my $authRow = "\n" . td(["auth-ID:", textfield(-size=>80, -name=>"authID")]); print "\n", h3("Create new user"); print "\n", start_form(-name=>"create", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", table(Tr([$nameRow, $authRow])); print "\n", submit('create user'), br; print "\n", end_form; } # formular for changing auth-id of an user # required arguments: - sub changeAuthForm { my $nameRow = "\n" . td(["user:", popup_menu(-name=>"changeAuthUser", -values=>\@user_items)]); my $authRow = "\n" . td(["new auth-ID:", textfield(-size=>80, -name=>"authID")]); print "\n", h3("change auth-ID"); print "\n", start_form(-name=>"change-auth", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", table(Tr([$nameRow, $authRow])); print "\n", submit('change'), br; print "\n", end_form; } # formular choosing user, whose config files shall be shown # required arguments: - sub userConfigForm { my $nameRow = "\n". td(["user:", popup_menu(-name=>"showUserConfig", -values=>\@user_items)]); print "\n", h3("Show user config files"); print "\n", start_form(-name=>"showUserConfig", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", table(Tr([$nameRow])); print "\n", submit('show config files'), br; print "\n", end_form; } # formular for choosing user, whose restriction file shall be edited # required arguments: - sub editRestrictionsForm { my $nameRow = "\n" . td(["user:", popup_menu(-name=>"editUser", -values=>\@user_items)]); print "\n", h3("Edit user restriction file"); print "\n", start_form(-name=>"edit", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", table(Tr([$nameRow])); print "\n", submit('edit file'); print "\n", submit('delete file'), br; print "\n", end_form; } # formular for choosing user, who shall be removed # required arguments: - sub deleteUserForm { my $nameRow = "\n". td(["user:", popup_menu(-name=>"deleteUser", -values=>\@user_items)]); print "\n", h3("Delete existing user"); print "\n", start_form(-name=>"deleteUser", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", table(Tr([$nameRow])); print "\n", submit('delete user'), br; print "\n", end_form; } # formular for changing an user's quota file # required arguments: - sub changeQuotaForm { my ($rquota,$squota) = ''; $rquota = param("rquota") if defined param("rquota"); $squota = param("squota") if defined param("squota"); my $dropdownMenu; if (defined param("user")) { $dropdownMenu = "\n"; } else { $dropdownMenu = popup_menu(-name=>"userQuota", -values=>\@user_items); } my $nameRow = "\n" . td(["user:", $dropdownMenu]); my $recipientRow = "\n" . td(["new quota for recipient:", textfield(-size=>20, -name=>"recipientQuota", -value=>$rquota). " MB (optional)"]); my $senderRow = "\n" . td (["new quota for sender:", textfield(-size=>20, -name=>"senderQuota", -value=>$squota). " MB (optional)"]); print "\n", h3("Manage disk quota"); print "\n", start_form(-name=>"manageQuota", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", table(Tr([$nameRow, $recipientRow, $senderRow])); print "\n", submit('change quota'); print "\n", submit('remove quota'), br; print "\n", end_form; } # formular for choosing backup file to restore # required arguments: - sub restoreForm { print h2("restore config"); print "please specify the backup-archive you want to restore:"; print "\n", start_form(-name=>"restoreFile", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", filefield(-name=>"upload_archive", -size=>"80"), br; print "\n", submit('restore'); print "\n", end_form; } ####### # declaration user functions ####### # function for creating new users # required arguments: username, auth-id sub createUser { my ($user,$id) = @_; my $idf; $id or http_die("not enough arguments in createUser"); $user = lc $user; $user =~ s:/::g; $user =~ s:^[.@]+::; $user =~ s:@+$::; if ($user !~ /@/) { if ($mdomain) { $user .= '@'.$mdomain; } else { error("Missing domain part in user address"); } } unless (-d "$spooldir/$user") { mkdir "$spooldir/$user",0755 or http_die("cannot mkdir $spooldir/$user - $!\n"); } $idf = "$spooldir/$user/@"; if (-f $idf) { error("There is already an user $user!"); } open $idf,'>',$idf or http_die("cannot write $idf - $!\n"); print {$idf} $id,"\n"; close $idf or http_die("cannot write $idf - $!\n"); print "\n"; printf "%s?from=%s&ID=%s
\n",$fup,$user,$id; printf "%s/%s

\n",$fup,b64("from=$user&id=$id"); print "\n"; notifyUser($user,$id); print "An information e-mail to $user has been sent.\n"; } # function for changing an user's auth-ID # required arguments: username, auth-id sub changeUser { my ($user,$id) = @_; defined($id) or http_die("not enough arguments in changeUser.\n"); $user .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $user !~ /@/; my $idf = "$spooldir/$user/@"; print "\n"; print "$idf

"; open $idf,'>',$idf or http_die("cannot write $idf - $!\n"); print {$idf} $id,"\n"; close $idf or http_die("cannot write $idf - $!\n"); printf "%s?from=%s&ID=%s
\n",$fup,$user,$id; printf "%s/%s\n",$fup,b64("from=$user&id=$id"); print "

\n"; notifyUser($user,$id,"change-auth"); print "An information e-mail to $user has been sent.\n"; } # function for showing an user's config files # required arguments: username sub showUserConfig { http_die("not enough arguments in showUserConfig!\n") unless (my $user = $_[0]); chdir "$spooldir/$user" or http_die("could not change directory $spooldir/$user - $!"); print h2("Config files of $user"); foreach my $file (glob('.auto @* @GROUP/*')) { if (-f $file and not -l $file and $file !~ /.*~$/) { print h3($file), "\n"; open $file,'<',$file or http_die("cannot open $file - $!"); # print "
\n"; dumpfile($file); # print "
\n"; close $file; } } } # function for editing an user's recipient/sender restrictions # required arguments: username sub editUser { http_die("not enough arguments in editUser.\n") unless (my $user = $_[0]); my @content; http_die("no user $user") unless -d "$spooldir/$user"; my $ar = "$spooldir/$user/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS"; unless (-f $ar) { print "yeah!"; open F,">$ar" or http_die("cannot open $ar - $!"); print F<) { push @content, $_; } close $file or http_die("cannot write $file - $!\n"); print "\nedit file:", br; print "\n", start_form(-name=>"editRestrictions", -method=>"POST"); print "\n", textarea(-name=>'contentBox', -default=>join('',@content), -rows=>10, -columns=>80), br; print "\n", hidden(-name=>'ar', -default=>"$ar",); print "\n", submit('save changes'); print "\n", end_form; } # function for deleting files # required arguments: list of Files sub deleteFiles { http_die("not enough arguments in deleteFiles.\n") unless (my @files = @_); foreach (@files) { if (-e $_) { if (unlink $_) { print "file has been deleted: $_\n", br; } else { print "file could not be deleted: $_ - $!\n", br; } } else { print "file does not exists: $_\n", br; } } } # function for saving a single file # required arguments: content, location sub saveFile { http_die("not enough arguments in saveFile.\n") unless (my ($rf,$ar) = @_); if ($ar eq "$FEXLIB/fex.ph") { open my $conf,">${ar}_new" or http_die("cannot open ${ar}_new - $!"); print {$conf} $rf; close $conf or http_die("cannot write $conf - $!\n");; my $status = `perl -c $FEXLIB/fex.ph_new 2>&1`; if ($status =~ /syntax OK/ ) { unlink "${ar}_new"; } else { pq(qq( 'No valid syntax in configuration file:' '

' '

' )); &editFile("$FEXLIB/fex.ph_new"); exit; } } open my $file,">$ar" or http_die("cannot open $ar - $!"); print {$file} $rf; close $file or http_die("cannot write $file - $!\n");; print "The following data has been saved:\n

\n"; open $file,'<',$ar or http_die("cannot open $ar - $!"); if ($ar =~ /\.html$/) { print while <$file>; } else { print "

	print while <$file>;
    close $file or http_die("cannot write $file - $!\n");;

# function for deleting existing user
# required arguments: username
sub deleteUser {
    http_die("not enough arguments in createUser.\n") unless (my $user = $_[0]);

    $idf = "$spooldir/$user/\@";
    http_die("no such user $user\n") unless -f $idf;
    unlink $idf or http_die("cannot remove $idf - $!\n");
    unlink "$spooldir/$user/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS";
    print "$user deleted\n";

# function for saving quota information for one single user
# required arguments: username, recipient-quota, sender-quota
sub alterQuota {
    http_die("not enough arguments in createUser.\n") unless (my ($user,$rq,$sq) = @_);

    $user .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $user !~ /@/;
    unless (-d "$spooldir/$user") {
        http_die("$user is not a regular F*EX user\n");

    $rquota = $squota = '';
    $qf = "$spooldir/$user/\@QUOTA";
    if (open $qf,'<',$qf) {
        while (<$qf>) {
            $rquota = $1 if /recipient.*?(\d+)/i;
            $squota = $1 if /sender.*?(\d+)/i;
        close $qf or http_die("cannot write $qf - $!\n");

    open $qf,'>',$qf or http_die("cannot open $qf - $!\n");
    if(defined($rq) && $rq ne "") {
        $rquota = $1 if $rq =~ /(\d+)/i;
    if(defined($sq) && $sq ne "") {
        $squota = $1 if $sq =~ /(\d+)/i;
    print {$qf} "recipient:$rquota\n" if $rquota =~ /\d/;
    print {$qf} "sender:$squota\n" if $squota =~ /\d/;
    close $qf or http_die("cannot write $qf - $!\n");

    $rquota = $recipient_quota if $rquota !~ /\d/;
    $squota = $sender_quota    if $squota !~ /\d/;
    print h3("New quotas for $user");
    print "recipient quota: $rquota MB\n", br;
    print "sender quota:   $squota MB\n", br;

# function for listing f*exed files
# required arguments: -
sub listFiles {
    print h3("List current files"),"\n";
    my ($file,$dkey);
    chdir $spooldir or http_die("$spooldir - $!\n");
    print "\n";
    foreach $file (glob "*/*/*") {
        if (-s "$file/data" and  $dkey = readlink("$file/dkey") and -l ".dkeys/$dkey") {
          ($to,$from,$file) = split "/",$file;
          $file = html_quote($file);
          print "$from --> $to : $durl/$dkey/$file
\n"; } } print "
\n"; } # function for watching the fex-logfile # required arguments: - sub watchLog { if (-f 'fexsrv.log') { print h2("polling fexsrv.log"),"\n"; open my $log,"$FEXHOME/bin/logwatch|" or http_die("cannot run $FEXHOME/bin/logwatch - $!\n"); dumpfile($log); } else { print h2("no fexsrv.log"),"\n"; } } # function for showing logfiles # required arguments: logfile-name sub getlog { my $log = shift or http_die("not enough arguments in getLog"); print h2("show $log"),"\n"; if (open $log,"$logdir/$log") { dumpfile($log); close $log; } else { http_die("cannot open $logdir/$log - $!\n"); } } # function for creating a new backup file # required arguments: - sub backup { my @d = localtime time; my $date = sprintf('%d%02d%02d',$d[5]+1900,$d[4]+1,$d[3]); my $backup = "backup/config-$date.tar"; my $http_client = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || ''; my $size; my $home = $FEXHOME; $home = $1 if $ENV{VHOST} and $ENV{VHOST} =~ /:(.+)/; chdir $home or http_die("$home - $!\n"); unless (-d "backup") { mkdir "backup",0700 or http_die("cannot mkdir backup - $!\n"); } system "tar -cf $backup @backup_files 2>/dev/null"; $size = -s $backup or http_die("backup file empty\n"); open $backup,'<',$backup or http_die("cannot open $backup - $!\n"); nvt_print( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', "Content-Length: $size", "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; filename=fex-backup-$date.tar", "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"fex-backup-$date.tar\"", "", ); while (read($backup,my $b,$bs)) { print $b or last; } exit; } # function for restoring an old configuration file # required arguments: uploaded archive sub restore { http_die("not enough arguments in restore!\n") unless (my $archive_file = $_[0]); my $restore = "backup.tar"; my $home = $FEXHOME; $home = $1 if $ENV{VHOST} and $ENV{VHOST} =~ /:(.+)/; chdir $home or http_die("$home - $!\n"); open $restore,'>',$restore or http_die("cannot open $restore - $!"); my $data; while(read $archive_file,$data,$bs) { print {$restore} $data; } close $restore or http_die("cannot write $restore - $!"); if (-s $restore) { print "file upload successful, saving actual config in $home/backup/failsave.tar\n", br; system "tar -cf $home/backup/failsave.tar @backup_files 2>/dev/null"; print "starting restore:\n

        system "tar -xvf $restore";
        unlink $restore;
    } else {
	http_die("upload error - no file data received\n");

# function for editing a text-file
# required arguments: filepath, filename
sub editFile {
    my $ar = shift;
    my $file;
    local $/;
    open $ar,'<',$ar or http_die("cannot open $ar - $!");
    $file = <$ar>;
    close $ar;

    print start_form(-name=>"editFile", -method=>"POST"),"\n";
    print textarea(-name=>'contentBox', -default=>$file, -rows=>26, -columns=>80), br,"\n";
    print hidden(-name=>'ar', -default=>"$ar"),"\n";
    print submit('save changes'),"\n";
    print end_form(),"\n";

# function for showing all users' quotas
# required arguments: -
sub showQuota {
    my @table_content;
    my $table_head;

    print h2("Show quotas (domain sorted, values in MB)");
    foreach (@user_items) {
	if (s/###\s*//g) {
	    $table_head = th({}, ["\@$_","sender","sender (used)","recipient","recipient (used)"]);
	    if (@table_content) {
		print table({-border=>1},Tr([@table_content])), "\n

\n"; @table_content = ''; } push @table_content, $table_head; } else { my $rquota = $recipient_quota; my $squota = $sender_quota; my $rquota_used = 0; my $squota_used = 0; my $user = $_; ($squota,$squota_used) = check_sender_quota($user); ($rquota,$rquota_used) = check_recipient_quota($user); s/\@.*//; push @table_content, "$_". "$squota". "$squota_used". "$rquota". "$rquota_used"; } } print table({-border=>1},Tr([@table_content])), "\n"; } # function for showing fex-server configuration # required arguments: - sub showConfig { print h3("Show config"); print table({},Tr([ td(["spooldir:", $spooldir ]), td(["logdir:", $logdir ]), td(["docdir:", $docdir ]), td(["durl:", $durl ]), td(["mdomain:", $mdomain||'' ]), td(["autodelete:", $autodelete ]), td(["keep:", $keep_default ]), td(["recipient_quota:", $recipient_quota]), td(["sender_quota:", $sender_quota ]), td(["admin:", $admin ]) ])); } # require authentification sub require_akey { my $id; my $rid; my $action; $action = param("action"); if ($action and $action eq 'logout') { nvt_print( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently", "Location: /fac", 'Content-Length: 0', "Set-Cookie: akey=; Max-Age=0; Discard", '' ); &reexec; } $rid = slurp("$admin/@") or html_error($error,"no F*EX account for $admin"); chomp $rid; $id = param("id"); if ($id) { # correct auth-ID? if ($id eq $rid) { $akey = md5_hex("$admin:$rid"); return; } } elsif ($akey) { # correct akey? return if $akey eq md5_hex("$admin:$rid"); } http_header('200 OK'); print html_header("F*EX Admin Control for $hostname"); if ($akey) { pq(qq( '

' ' wrong akey for $admin' '

' )); } if ($id and $id ne $rid) { pq(qq( '

' ' wrong auth-ID for $admin' '

' )); } pq(qq( '
' ' auth-ID for $admin:' ' ' '
' )); exit; } # function for checking simple HTTP authentication # (not used any more, replaced with require_akey) sub require_auth { if ($ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} and $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} =~ /Basic\s+(.+)/) { @http_auth = split(':',decode_b64($1)) } if ( @http_auth != 2 or $http_auth[0] !~ /^(fexmaster|admin|\Q$admin\E)$/ or $http_auth[1] ne $admin_pw ) { http_header( '401 Authorization Required', "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=$admin F*EX admin authentification", 'Content-Length: 0', ); # control back to fexsrv for further HTTP handling &reexec; } } # function for sending notification mails to an user # required arguments: username, auth-id, message-type sub notifyUser { http_die("not enough arguments in createUser.\n") unless (my ($user,$id) = @_); my $type = $_[2]; my $message = 'A F*EX account has been created for you. Use'; if (defined($type) and $type eq "change-auth") { $message = 'New auth-ID for your F*EX account has been set. Use' } $user .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $user !~ /@/; open my $mail,'|-',$sendmail,'-f',$admin,$user,$bcc or http_die("cannot start sendmail - $!\n"); pq($mail,qq( 'From: $admin' 'To: $user' 'Subject: your F*EX account on $hostname' 'X-Mailer: F*EX' '' '$message' '' '$ENV{PROTO}://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/fup?from=$user' 'auth-ID: $id' '' 'See http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/index.html for more information about F*EX.' '' 'Questions? ==> F*EX admin: $admin' )); close $mail or http_die("cannot send notification e-mail (sendmail error $!)\n"); } # sort key is the (inverse) domain # required arguments: list of usernames (e-mail addresses) sub domainsort { # http_die("not enough arguments in domainsort.\n") unless (my @d = @_); my @d = @_; local $_; foreach (@d) { s/ //g; s/^/ /; s/\./,/ while /\..*@/; s/@/@./; $_ = join('.',reverse(split /\./)); } @d = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @d; foreach (@d) { $_ = join('.',reverse(split /\./)); s/,/./g; s/@\./@/; } return @d; } # function for creating a sorted list of all users # required arguments: - sub userList { my @u; my $d = ''; foreach (domainsort(grep { s:/@:: } glob('*@*/@'))) { s/ //g; /@(.+)/; if ($1 ne $d) { push @u,"### $1 ###"; } push @u,$_; $d = $1; } return @u; } sub dumpfile { my $file = shift; print "
  while (<$file>) {

sub error {
    print join("\n",@_),"\n";
    print end_html();