#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # FEX CGI for user registration # # Author: Ulli Horlacher # use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek :mode); $CGI::LIST_CONTEXT_WARN = 0; $CGI::LIST_CONTEXT_WARN = 0; # import from fex.ph our (@local_hosts,@local_domains,@local_rhosts,@local_rdomains); our (@registration_hosts,@registration_domains); our ($usage_conditions); # import from fex.pp our ($mdomain,$logdir,$spooldir,$fra,$hostname,$sendmail,$admin,$bcc); our $error = "F*EX user registration ERROR"; my $ra = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}||0; my ($CASE,$ESAC); # add fex lib (our $FEXLIB) = $ENV{FEXLIB} =~ /(.+)/; die "$0: no $FEXLIB\n" unless -d $FEXLIB; # load common code, local config: $HOME/lib/fex.ph require "$FEXLIB/fex.pp" or die "$0: cannot load $FEXLIB/fex.pp - $!\n"; my $log = "$logdir/fur.log"; my $head = "$ENV{SERVER_NAME} F*EX user registration"; chdir $spooldir or die "$spooldir - $!\n"; my $user = my $id = my $verify = ''; &check_maint; unless (@local_domains or @local_rdomains) { html_error($error, "No domains for registrations are defined.", "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details." ); } # look for CGI parameters foreach my $v (param) { my $vv = despace(param($v)); debuglog("Param: $v=\"$vv\""); $CASE = $v =~ /^user$/i ? $user = normalize_address($vv): $v =~ /^exuser$/i ? $exuser = normalize_address($vv): $v =~ /^demouser$/i ? $demouser = normalize_address($vv): $v =~ /^verify$/i ? $verify = lc(checkchars('URL-parameter',$vv)): $v =~ /^confirm$/i ? $confirm = checkchars('URL-parameter',$vv): $v =~ /^domain$/i ? $domain = lc(checkchars('URL-parameter',$vv)): $ESAC; } if ($confirm) { if ($confirm =~ /^(\w+)$/i) { $confirm = $1; } else { http_die("illegal registration key"); } open $confirm,"<.reg/$confirm" or http_die("no registration key $confirm"); $user = untaint(getline($confirm)); $id = getline($confirm); close $confirm; # unlink ".reg/$confirm"; unless ($user and $id) { http_die("no registration data for key $confirm"); } unless (-f "$user/.auto") { http_die("registration expired"); } # if (-f "$user/@") { http_die("$user is already activated") } open $user,'>',"$user/@" or http_die("open $user/@ - $!\n"); print {$user} $id,"\n"; close $user or http_die("close $user/@ - $!\n"); http_header("200 OK"); print html_header($head); my $url = "$ENV{PROTO}://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/fup/" . b64("from=$user&id=$id"); pq(qq( '

Your registration was successful. Your new F*EX account is:

' '

' '$url' '

' '(bookmark this URL!)' '

' 'or you can use:' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
'' )); furlog("confirm: account $user created"); exit; } unless ($user or $exuser or $demouser) { http_header("200 OK"); print html_header($head); pq(qq( '

' )); if (@local_domains and @local_hosts and ipin($ra,@local_hosts)) { $reg = $ra; if (grep(/\*/,@local_domains)) { pq(qq( ' new user (may send to internal or external users):
' ' ' '

' ' allowed domains are:' '

      foreach my $ld (@local_domains) {
        print "  $ld\n";
      print "
\n"; } else { if ($mdomain and not grep /^\Q$mdomain\E$/i,@local_domains) { unshift @local_domains,$mdomain; } my @mydomains = map { "\t\n" } @local_domains; pq(qq( ' new user (may send to internal or external users):
' ' \@' )); } } if (@local_rdomains and @local_rhosts and (not @registration_hosts or ipin($ra,@registration_hosts))) { print "


\n" if $reg; $reg = $ra; pq(qq( ' new external user (may send only to internal users):
' ' ' '

' )); } if (@demo) { print "


\n" if $reg; $reg = $ra; local $_ = sprintf "with %d MB quota and %d day%s account life time", @demo,$demo[1]>1 ? 's' : ''; pq(qq( ' new demo user ($_):
' ' ' '

' )); } if ($reg) { pq(qq( '

' ' you must enter your e-mail address and ' '

' '

' )); if (@local_rdomains) { pq(qq( '

' 'internal domains are:' '

      foreach my $lrd (@local_rdomains) {
        print "  $lrd\n";
' '

' 'User types overview' '' )); } else { html_error($error, "Registrations from your host ($ra) are not allowed.", "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details." ); } exit; } if ($exuser) { unless (@local_rdomains) { http_die("no \@local_rdomains"); } if (@registration_hosts and not ipin($ra,@registration_hosts)) { html_error($error, "Registrations from your host ($ra) are not allowed.", "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details." ); } if ($exuser =~ /\@(.+)/) { my $exd = $1; if (@registration_domains and not grep /^\Q$exd\E$/i,@registration_domains) { html_error($error, "Your domain $exd is not allowed for registration.", "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details." ); } } else { html_error($error,"$exuser is not an email address"); } $user = $exuser; } elsif ($demouser) { $user = $demouser; } elsif ($user) { unless (@local_domains) { html_error($error, "No local domains for registration are defined.", "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details." ); } my $mydomains = join('|',@local_domains); $mydomains =~ s/\./\\./g; $mydomains =~ s/\*/.*/g; $mydomains .= "|$mdomain" if $mdomain; $user .= '@'.$domain if $domain and $user !~ /@/; # $user .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $user !~ /@/; unless (@local_hosts and ipin($ra,@local_hosts)) { html_error($error, "Registrations from your host ($ra) are not allowed.", "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details." ); } if ("@local_domains" ne "*" and $user !~ /\@($mydomains)$/i) { html_error($error, "Illegal domain for username.", "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details." ); } } else { html_error($error,"No user type found."); } unless (checkforbidden($user)) { html_error($error,"$user is not allowed"); } unless (checkaddress($user)) { html_error($error,"$user is not a valid e-mail address"); } $user = untaint($user); if (-f "$user/@") { html_error( $error, "you are already registered". " (I have lost my auth-ID)" ); } unless (-d $user) { mkdir $user,0770 or http_die("mkdir $user - $!\n"); } if ($exuser) { my $rf; # recipients e-mail address restrictions $rf = "$exuser/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS"; open $rf,'>',$rf or http_die("cannot write $rf - $!\n"); print {$rf} "\@LOCAL_RDOMAINS\n"; print {$rf} "# See also file \@ALLOWED_RHOSTS\n"; close $rf; # recipients ip restrictions $rf = "$exuser/\@ALLOWED_RHOSTS"; open $rf,'>',$rf or http_die("cannot write $rf - $!\n"); print {$rf} "\@LOCAL_RHOSTS\n"; close $rf; if (open $user,'>',"$user/.auto") { print {$user} "fur:external\n"; close $user; } } elsif ($demouser) { my $quota = "$demouser/\@QUOTA"; open $quota,'>',$quota or http_die("cannot write $quota - $!\n"); printf {$quota} "recipient:%d\n",$demo[0]; printf {$quota} "sender:%d\n",$demo[0]; close $quota; if (open $user,'>',"$user/.auto") { print {$user} "fur:demo\n"; close $user; } open $demouser,'>',"$demouser/.demo" and close $demouser; } else { if (open $user,'>',"$user/.auto") { print {$user} "fur:internal\n"; close $user; } } $id = randstring(6); if ("@local_domains" eq "*") { open $id,'>',"$user/@" or http_die("open $user/@ - $!\n"); print {$id} $id,"\n"; close $id or http_die("close $user/@ - $!\n"); http_header("200 OK"); print html_header($head); $uid = "from=$user&id=$id"; $b64 = b64($uid); pq(qq( 'Account created:' '

' '' )); exit; } # from fexsend if ($verify eq 'no') { open $id,'>',"$user/@" or http_die("open $user/@ - $!\n"); print {$id} $id,"\n"; close $id or http_die("close $user/@ - $!\n"); http_header("200 OK",'Content-Type: text/plain'); print "$ENV{PROTO}://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/fup?from=$user&ID=$id\n"; furlog("direct: account $user created"); if ($bcc and open my $mail,"|$sendmail '$bcc' 2>>$log") { pq($mail,qq( 'From: fex' 'To: $bcc' 'Subject: F*EX user registration' '' '$user has been auto-registrated with verify=no' )); close $mail; } else { furlog("ERROR: cannot run sendmail - $!\n"); } exit; } unless (-d '.reg') { mkdir '.reg',0770 or http_die("mkdir .reg - $!\n"); } $reg = randstring(8); open $reg,'>',".reg/$reg" or http_die("open .reg/$reg - $!\n"); print {$reg} $user,"\n",$id,"\n"; close $reg or http_die("close .reg/$reg - $!\n"); open my $mail,'|-',$sendmail,$user,$bcc or http_die("cannot start sendmail - $!\n"); pq($mail,qq( 'From: $admin' 'To: $user' 'Subject: F*EX user registration request' '' 'To activate your new F*EX account go to this URL:' '' '$ENV{PROTO}://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/fur?confirm=$reg' '' )); if ($usage_conditions and open $usage_conditions,$usage_conditions) { print {$mail} "The conditions of usage are:\n\n"; print {$mail} $_ while <$usage_conditions>; close $usage_conditions; } close $mail or http_die("cannot send mail - $!\n"); http_header("200 OK"); print html_header($head); print "confirmation e-mail has been sent to $user\n"; print "\n"; furlog("confirmation request mailed to $user"); exit; # standard log sub furlog { my $msg = "@_"; $msg =~ s/\n/ /g; $msg =~ s/\s+$//; if (open $log,'>>',$log) { flock $log,LOCK_EX; seek $log,0,SEEK_END; printf {$log} "%s [%s_%s] %s %s\n", isodate(time),$$,$ENV{REQUESTCOUNT},$fra,$msg; close $log; } } sub normalize_address { my $a = shift; $a = lc(normalize(despace($a))); checkchars('address',$a); $a =~ s:/:_:g; $a =~ s:^\.:_:; return untaint($a); }