Prerequisites: ============== To install the F*EX server, you need a UNIX system with perl, xinetd and /usr/lib/sendmail (either original or a clone like postfix or exim). Your perl must have the following standard core modules: CGI CGI::Carp Digest::MD5 Encode Fcntl File::Basename Getopt::Std IO::Handle POSIX Optional are the non-standard perl modules: Net::DNS (for better domain error handling) Socket6 (for ipv6 support) Net::INET6Glue (for ipv6 support) IO::Socket::INET6 (for ipv6 support) On Debian or Ubuntu Linux simply execute as root: apt-get install xinetd perl-modules libnet-dns-perl libnet-inet6glue-perl test -x /usr/lib/sendmail || apt-get install postfix Do not forget to open port 80 on your firewalls and routers for incoming connections! To install F*EX, simply run "./install", then edit lib/ and set your local config. If you want to upgrade from a previous F*EX version, you also can run "./install", no old config files will be overwritten. Also index.html is kept. Alternativly use "./install -p 8888" to install F*EX on port 8888 instead on default port 80. Run "./install" again for installing optional localizations (languages). If the install-script does not work for you (no xinetd, no GNU tools, etc) here is what is to be done manually for installing: echo "fex 80/tcp" >> /etc/services echo "fex stream tcp nowait fex /home/fex/bin/fexsrv fexsrv" >> /etc/inetd.conf # restart inetd or reboot useradd -s /bin/bash -c "File EXchange" -m fex cd FEXSOURCEDIR chown -R fex . su - fex cd FEXSOURCEDIR rsync -av bin cgi-bin lib etc htdocs doc $HOME cd $HOME mkdir spool chmod 700 spool vi lib/ # set your config crontab -e 3 3 * * * exec /home/fex/bin/fex_cleanup Hints: ====== F*EX runs with its own uid (default: fex), which will be created by the install script. F*EX uses a directory (FEXHOME) containing anything needed to run fex. Default is FEXHOME=/home/fex, the home directory of the "fex" user. If you want fex to be installed elsewhere create a new "fex" user account BEFORE running ./install, e.g.: adduser --system --group \ --gecos "File EXchange" \ --home /srv/fex \ --shell /bin/bash \ fex ./install If you run F*EX behind a HTTP reverse proxy, then write to lib/ : $reverse_proxy_ip = 'internal-IP.address.of.proxy'; $durl = 'http://your.proxy.with.domain/fop'; Be aware that most proxies have a 2 GB file size limit (signed int 32 bit bug)! Of course you have to configure your reverse proxy correctly, especially the URL rewrite rules. See the manual of your reverse proxy. If you want to use https, you need the stunnel package. See file SSL for more information. On problems contact the author: