New features for users ---------------------- 2016-01-04: - new Windows client fexit - new MacOS client macfexsend 2015-01-12: - user configuration: save-or-display (MIME) for download - fexsend has new option -S show server/user settings - fexsend has new option -N resend notification email 2014-12-24: - the CLI clients respect the environment variables SSLVERIFY SSLVERSION SSLCAPATH SSLCAFILE SSLCIPHERLIST to enhance HTTPS security - new $HOME/.fex/config for the CLI clients, you can set there the variables $opt_* %autoview %alias see "fexsend -H" and "fexget -H" for details - fexget autoviews images after download 2014-08-06: - you as the sender can download the file, too, without auto-deleting it 2014-03-05: - email enryption option: you can upload your PGP/GPG public key via "user config & operation control" and "Manage e-mail encryption" - fexget checks local storage capacity before download - new FAQ - notification e-mail resend option via "user config & operation control" 2013-08-05: - allow multiple downloads from same ip - fexget proxy support