use Socket;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Socket::INET;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); # encypted ID / SID
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); # encypted ID / SID
use constant k => 2**10;
use constant M => 2**20;
eval 'use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6';
-our $version = 20150120;
+our $version = 20150826;
my %SSL = (SSL_version => 'TLSv1');
my $sigpipe;
$| = 1;
# sexsend is default
-$usage =
+$usage =
"usage: ... | $0 [options] [SEX-URL/]recipient [stream]\n".
"options: -v verbose mode\n".
" -g show transfer rate\n".
"example: tail -f /var/log/syslog | $0 log\n";
if ($0 eq 'sexget' or $0 eq 'fuckme') {
- $usage =
+ $usage =
"usage: $0 [options] [[SEX-URL/]user:ID] [stream]\n".
"options: -v verbose mode\n".
" -g show transfer rate\n".
if ($0 eq 'sexxx') {
- $usage =
+ $usage =
"usage: $0 [-v] [-g] [-c] [-u [SEX-URL/]user] [-s stream] [files...]\n".
"usage: $0 [-v] [-g] [-u [SEX-URL/]user] [-s stream] | ...\n".
"options: -v verbose mode\n".
$_ = "$fexhome/"; require if -f;
if ($0 eq 'sexxx') {
# xx server URL, user and auth-ID
if ($FEXXX = $ENV{FEXXX}) {
$FEXXX = decode_b64($FEXXX) if $FEXXX !~ /\s/;
close $idf;
getopts('hgvcu:s:') or die $usage;
die $usage if $opt_h;
die $usage unless -t;
unless ($user) {
die "$0: no xx user found, use \"$0 -u user\"\n";
} elsif ($0 eq 'sexget' or $0 eq 'fuckme') {
getopts('hgvVdu:') or die $usage;
die $usage if $opt_h;
print "Version: $version\n";
exit unless @ARGV;
if (not $opt_u and @ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ m{^anonymous|/|:}) {
$opt_u = shift @ARGV;
if ($opt_u) {
$fexcgi = $1 if $opt_u =~ s:(.+)/::;
($user,$id) = split(':',$opt_u);
unless ($fexcgi) {
die "$0: no SEX URL found, use \"$0 -u SEX-URL/recipient\" or \"fexsend -I\"\n";
unless ($user) {
die "$0: no recipient found, use \"$0 -u SEX-URL/recipient\" or \"fexsend -I\"\n";
} else { # sexsend
$opt_g = 1;
getopts('hguvqVTt:') or die $usage;
die $usage if $opt_h;
print "Version: $version\n";
exit unless @ARGV;
if ($opt_t and $opt_t =~ /^\d+$/) {
$timeout = "&timeout=$opt_t";
my $save_user = $user;
$user = shift or die $usage;
$fexcgi = $1 if $user =~ s:(.+)/::;
if ($user =~ /^anonymous/) {
die "$0: need SEX-URL with anonymous SEX\n" unless $fexcgi;
$mode = 'anonymous';
die "$0: no SEX URL found, use \"$0 SEX-URL/recipient\" or \"fexsend -I\"\n";
$fexcgi =~ s(/fup.*)();
$server = $fexcgi;
-if ($server =~ s(^https://)()i) { $port = 443 }
-elsif ($server =~ /:(\d+)/) { $port = $1 }
-else { $port = 80 }
+if ($server =~ s(^https://)()i) { $port = 443 }
+elsif ($server =~ /:(\d+)/) { $port = $1 }
+else { $port = 80 }
$server =~ s([:/].*)();
## set up tcp/ip connection
-# $iaddr = gethostbyname($server)
+# $iaddr = gethostbyname($server)
# or die "$0: cannot find ip-address for $server $!\n";
# socket(SH,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "$0: socket $!\n";
# connect(SH,sockaddr_in($port,$iaddr)) or die "$0: connect $!\n";
eval "use IO::Socket::SSL";
die "$0: cannot load IO::Socket::SSL\n" if $@;
- $SH = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
- PeerAddr => $server,
- PeerPort => $port,
+ $SH = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
+ PeerAddr => $server,
+ PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
- );
-} else {
+ );
+} else {
$SH = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $server,
PeerPort => $port,
- Proto => 'tcp',
- );
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ );
-die "cannot connect $server:$port - $!\n" unless $SH;
+die "cannot connect $server:$port - $!\n" unless $SH;
warn "TCPCONNECT to $server:$port\n" if $opt_v;
# autoflush $SH 1;
print STDERR "==> (streaming ...)\n" if $opt_v;
my $destination = shift;
my ($t0,$t1,$tt);
my ($B,$b,$bt);
$t0 = $t2 = time;
$tt = $t0-1;
$t1 = 0;
die "$0: no stream data\n" unless $B;
$tt = (time-$t0)||1;
if ($opt_v or $opt_g) {
if ($B>2097152) {
printf STDERR "transfered: %d MB in %d s with %d kB/s\n",
sub request {
my $req = shift;
print STDERR "==> $req\n" if $opt_v;
syswrite $SH,"$req\r\n\r\n";
for (;;) {
my ($server,$port,$id) = @_;
my $req;
local $_;
$req = "GET SID HTTP/1.1";
print STDERR "==> $req\n" if $opt_v;
syswrite $SH,"$req\r\n\r\n";
$_ = &getline;
- unless (defined $_ and /\w/) {
+ unless (defined $_ and /\w/) {
print STDERR "\n" if $opt_v;
die "$0: no response from server\n";
if (/^HTTP.* 201 (.+)/) {
print STDERR "<== $_" if $opt_v;
$id = 'MD5H:'.md5_hex($id.$1);
- while (defined($_ = &getline)) {
+ while (defined($_ = &getline)) {
last if /^\n/;
print STDERR "<== $_" if $opt_v;
return $id;
-sub sigpipehandler {
+sub sigpipehandler {
local $_ = '';
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { };
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "$0: timeout while waiting for server reply\n" };
# must use sysread to avoid perl line buffering
while (sysread $SH,$c,1) {
$line .= $c;
last if $c eq "\n";
return $line;
local $_ = shift;
my $uu = '';
my ($i,$l);
tr|A-Za-z0-9+/| -_|;
$SSL{SSL_verify_mode} = $ENV{SSLVERIFY} if defined($ENV{SSLVERIFY});
foreach my $opt (qw(
- SSL_cipher_list
- SSL_verify_mode
- SSL_ca_path
+ SSL_cipher_list
+ SSL_verify_mode
+ SSL_ca_path
) {
my $env = uc($opt);
my ($server,$port) = @_;
my $connect = "CONNECT $server:$port HTTP/1.1";
local $_;
if ($opt_v and $port == 443 and %SSL) {
foreach my $v (keys %SSL) {
printf "%s => %s\n",$v,$SSL{$v};
if ($proxy) {
if ($port == 443) {
# set up tcp/ip connection
sub tcpconnect {
my ($server,$port) = @_;
if ($SH) {
close $SH;
undef $SH;
if ($port == 443) {
# eval "use IO::Socket::SSL qw(debug3)";
eval "use IO::Socket::SSL";
Proto => 'tcp',
if ($SH) {
autoflush $SH 1;
} else {
die "$0: cannot connect $server:$port - $@\n";
print "TCPCONNECT to $server:$port\n" if $opt_v;
my $sp = shift;
my @head = @_;
my $head;
push @head,"Host: $sp";
foreach $head (@head) {
print "--> $head\n" if $opt_v;
print {$SH} $head,"\r\n";
sub nvtsend {
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { $sigpipe = "@_" };
$sigpipe = '';
die "$0: internal error: no active network handle\n" unless $SH;
die "$0: remote host has closed the link\n" unless $SH->connected;
foreach my $line (@_) {
print {$SH} $line,"\r\n";
if ($sigpipe) {
return 0;
return 1;
my $res = "";
my $eol = "\n";
my $padding;
pos($_[0]) = 0;
$res = join '',map(pack('u',$_)=~ /^.(\S*)/, ($_[0]=~/(.{1,45})/gs));
$res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;