my $fileid; # file ID
my $captive;
my $muser; # main user fur sub or group user
+my %specific; # upload specific KEEP and AUTODELETE parameters
# load common code, local config: $FEXLIB/
require "$FEXLIB/fex.pp";
my %to;
foreach $to (@to) { $to{$to} = 1 }
push @to,$addto unless $to{$addto};
- if ($submit and @to == 1) { $addto = '' }
+ # user has submitted with [select from your address book] ?
+ # if ($submit and @to == 1) { $addto = '' }
$to = join(',',@to);
foreach my $to (@group?@group:@to) {
# my $options = sprintf "(autodelete=%s,keep=%s,locale=%s)",
# readlink "$to/\@LOCALE"||$locale||$locale{$to}||$default_locale;
- my $options = sprintf "(autodelete=%s,keep=%s,locale=%s,notification=%s)",
+ # my $options = sprintf "(autodelete=%s,keep=%s,locale=%s,notification=%s)",
+ my $options = sprintf "(autodelete=%s,keep=%s,locale=%s)",
- readlink("$to/\@LOCALE")||$default_locale,
- readlink("$to/\@NOTIFICATION")||'full';
+ readlink("$to/\@LOCALE")||$locale{$to}||$default_locale;
+ # readlink("$to/\@NOTIFICATION")||'full';
nvt_print("X-Recipient: $to $options");
+ # print "[$addto] [$submit] [@to]<p>\n";
@ab = ("<option></option>");
# select menu from server address book
if (/(\S+)[=\s]+(\S+@[\w.-]+\S*)/) {
$_ = "$1 <$2>";
+ s/:.*/>/;
push @ab,"<option>$_</option>";
print "Alternate Java client</a> (for files > 2 GB or sending of more than one file)\n";
print &logout;
- if (-x "$FEXHOME/cgi-bin/login") {
- print $info_login||$info_1;
- }
'Use a <a href="/tools.html">F*EX client</a> if you want to send more than one file or resume an interrupted upload.'
- '<p>
+ '<p>'
+ print $info_1;
# }
print "</form>\n";
- print $info_1;
+ print $info_login||$info_1;
if ($debug and $debug>1) {
print "<hr>\n<pre>\n";
my $to = $_;
$to =~ s/:\w+=.*//; # remove options from address
my $file = "$to/$from/$fkey";
- my $options = sprintf "(autodelete=%s,keep=%s,locale=%s,notification=%s)",
+ # my $options = sprintf "(autodelete=%s,keep=%s,locale=%s,notification=%s)",
+ my $options = sprintf "(autodelete=%s,keep=%s,locale=%s)",
- readlink("$to/\@LOCALE")||readlink("$file/locale")||$default_locale,
- readlink("$to/\@NOTIFICATION")||'full';
+ readlink("$to/\@LOCALE")||readlink("$file/locale")||$default_locale;
+ # readlink("$to/\@NOTIFICATION")||'full';
nvt_print("X-Recipient: $to $options");
nvt_print("X-Location: $durl/$dkey{$to}/$fkey") unless $restricted;
print "&bwlimit=$bwlimit&autodelete=$autodelete&keep=$keep\">";
print "send another file</a>\n";
if ($http_client !~ /fexsend/ and $http_client =~ /Linux/i) {
- print qq'<p>Hi Linux-user, try <a href="/FAQ/user.html#Why_should_I_use_a_special_F_EX_client">fexsend</a>! ☺<p>\n';
+ print '<p>Hi Linux-user, try ',
+ '<a href="/FAQ/user.html#Why_should_I_use_a_special_F_EX_client">',
+ "fexsend</a>! ☺<p>\n";
+ }
+ if ($http_client !~ /fexit/ and $http_client =~ /Windows/i) {
+ print '<p>Hi Windows-user, try <a href="/fexit.html">fexit</a>! ',
+ "☺<p>\n";
print &logout;
if ($p eq 'KEEP' and /^\d+$/) {
$specific{'keep'} = $keep = $v;
+ # if ($p eq 'LOCALE') {
+ # $specific{'locale'} = $locale = $v;
+ # }
# collect multiple addresses and check for aliases (not group)
if (@to and "@to" !~ /^@[\w-]+$/
- and not ($gkey or $addto or $command =~ /^LIST(RECEIVED)?$/))
- {
+ and not ($gkey or $addto or $command =~ /^LIST(RECEIVED)?$/)) {
# read address book
if ($from and open my $AB,'<',"$from/\@ADDRESS_BOOK") {
- my ($alias,$address,$autodelete,$locale,$keep);
+ my ($alias,$addresses,$autodelete,$locale,$keep);
while (<$AB>) {
$_ = lc $_;
if (s/^\s*(\S+)[=\s]+(\S+)//) {
- ($alias,$address) = ($1,$2);
+ ($alias,$addresses) = ($1,$2);
+ # alias specific options?
$autodelete = $locale = $keep = '';
$autodelete = $1 if /autodelete=(\w+)/;
$locale = $1 if /locale=(\w+)/;
$keep = $1 if /keep=(\d+)/;
- foreach my $address (split(",",$address)) {
- $address .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $address !~ /@/;
+ foreach my $address (split(",",$addresses)) {
+ # alias address specific :options?
+ if ($address =~ s/(.+?):(.+)/$1/) {
+ my @options = split(':',$2);
+ $address = expand($address);
+ foreach (@options) {
+ if (/^keep=(\d+)$/i) {
+ $alias_keep{$alias}{$address} = $1
+ }
+ if (/^autodelete=(yes|no|delay)$/i) {
+ $alias_autodelete{$alias}{$address} = $1
+ }
+ if (/^locale=(\w+)$/i) {
+ $alias_locale{$alias}{$address} = $1
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $address = expand($address);
+ }
push @{$ab{$alias}},$address;
$autodelete{$alias} = $autodelete if $autodelete;
$keep{$alias} = $keep if $keep;
# look for recipient's options and eliminate dupes
%to = ();
foreach my $to (my @loop = @to) {
- # address book alias?
- if ($to !~ /@/ and $ab{$to}) {
- foreach my $address (my @loop = @{$ab{$to}}) {
- $address .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $address !~ /@/;
+ # address book alias?
+ if ($to !~ /@/ and ($ab{$to} or $to =~ /(.+?):(.+)/ and $ab{$1})) {
+ my $alias = $to;
+ my @options = ();
+ $alias =~ s/:(.*)// and @options = split(':',$1);
+ if (@options) {
+ # alias with :options
+ $alias =~ s/:.*//;
+ foreach my $address (my @loop = @{$ab{$alias}}) {
+ $to{$address} = $address; # ignore dupes
+ foreach (@options) {
+ $keep{$address} = $1 if /^keep=(\d+)$/i;
+ $autodelete{$address} = $1 if /^autodelete=(yes|no|delay)$/i;
+ $locale{$address} = $1 if /^locale=(\w+)$/i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $address (my @loop = @{$ab{$alias}}) {
$to{$address} = $address; # ignore dupes
- if ($specific{'autodelete'}) {
- $autodelete{$address} = $specific{'autodelete'};
- } elsif ($autodelete{$to}) {
- $autodelete{$address} = $autodelete{$to};
- } else {
- $autodelete{$address} = readlink "$address/\@AUTODELETE"
- || $autodelete;
+ unless ($keep{$address}) {
+ $keep{$address} = $keep{$alias} if $keep{$alias};
+ if ($specific{'keep'}) {
+ $keep{$address} = $specific{'keep'}
+ } elsif (my $keep = $alias_keep{$alias}{$address}) {
+ $keep{$address} = $keep;
+ } elsif ($keep{$alias}) {
+ $keep{$address} = $keep{$alias}
+ }
- if (my $locale = readlink "$address/\@LOCALE") {
- $locale{$address} = $locale;
- } elsif ($locale{$to}) {
- $locale{$address} = $locale{$to};
- } else {
- $locale{$address} = $::locale ;
+ unless ($autodelete{$address}) {
+ if ($specific{'autodelete'}) {
+ $autodelete{$address} = $specific{'autodelete'};
+ } elsif (my $autodelete = $alias_autodelete{$alias}{$address}) {
+ $autodelete{$address} = $keep;
+ } elsif ($autodelete{$alias}) {
+ $autodelete{$address} = $autodelete{$alias};
+ } else {
+ $autodelete{$address} = readlink "$address/\@AUTODELETE"
+ || $autodelete;
+ }
unless ($locale{$address}) {
- $locale{$address} = $default_locale || 'english';
+ if (my $locale = readlink "$address/\@LOCALE") {
+ $locale{$address} = $locale;
+ } elsif ($locale{$alias}) {
+ $locale{$address} = $locale{$alias};
+ } elsif ($locale = $alias_locale{$alias}{$address}) {
+ $locale{$address} = $locale;
+ } else {
+ $locale{$address} = $::locale ;
+ }
+ $locale{$address} ||= $default_locale || 'english';
- if ($specific{'keep'}) { $keep{$address} = $specific{'keep'} }
- elsif ($keep{$to}) { $keep{$address} = $keep{$to} }
} else {
+ # regular address, not an alias
+ if ($to =~ s/(.+?):(.+)/$1/) {
+ my @options = split(':',$2);
+ $to = expand($to);
+ foreach (@options) {
+ $keep{$to} = $1 if /^keep=(\d+)$/i;
+ $autodelete{$to} = $1 if /^autodelete=(yes|no|delay)$/i;
+ $locale{$to} = $1 if /^locale=(\w+)$/i;
+ }
+ }
$to = expand($to);
$to{$to} = $to; # ignore dupes
unless ($autodelete{$to}) {
- $autodelete{$to} = readlink "$to/\@AUTODELETE" || $autodelete;
+ $autodelete{$to} = untaint(readlink("$to/\@AUTODELETE")
+ ||$autodelete);
+ if ($specific{'autodelete'}) {
+ $autodelete{$to} = $specific{'autodelete'};
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($keep{$to}) {
+ $keep{$to} = $keep_default;
+ $keep{$to} = $keep if $keep;
+ $keep{$to} = untaint(readlink "$to/\@KEEP") if -l "$to/\@KEEP";
+ $keep{$to} = $specific{'keep'} if $specific{'keep'};
- $autodelete{$to} = $specific{'autodelete'} if $specific{'autodelete'};
- $keep{$to} = $keep_default;
- $keep{$to} = $keep if $keep;
- $keep{$to} = untaint(readlink "$to/\@KEEP") if -l "$to/\@KEEP";
- $keep{$to} = $specific{'keep'} if $specific{'keep'};
- # recipient specific parameters
- $keep{$to} = $1 if $to =~ /:keep=(\d+)/i;
- $autodelete{$to} = $1 if $to =~ /:autodelete=(\w+)/i;
$autodelete{$to} = 'NO' if $to =~ /$amdl/; # mailing lists, etc
if (-e "$to/\@CAPTIVE") {
@to = keys %to;
http_header('200 OK');
print html_header($head);
$locale = $1;
} elsif ($v eq 'REDIRECT' and $vv =~ /^([\w?=]+)$/) {
$redirect = $1;
- } elsif (($v eq 'KEY' or $v eq 'SKEY') and $vv =~ /^([\w:]+)$/) {
+ } elsif ($v eq 'SKEY' and $vv =~ /^([\w:]+)/) {
$skey = $1;
$restricted = $v;
- } elsif ($v eq 'GKEY' and $vv =~ /^([\w:]+)$/) {
+ } elsif ($v eq 'GKEY' and $vv =~ /^([\w:]+)/) {
$gkey = $1 unless $nomail;
$restricted = $v;
- } elsif ($v eq 'DKEY' and $vv =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
+ } elsif ($v eq 'DKEY' and $vv =~ /^(\w+)/) {
$dkey = $1;
- } elsif ($v eq 'AKEY' and $vv =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
+ } elsif ($v eq 'AKEY' and $vv =~ /^(\w+)/) {
$akey = $1;
} elsif ($v eq 'FROM' or $v eq 'USER') {
$from = normalize_email($vv);
$keep = $keep_max if $keep_max and $keep > $keep_max;
$specific{'keep'} = $keep;
} elsif ($v eq 'TIMEOUT' and $vv =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
- $specific{'timeout'} = $timeout = $1;
+ $specific{'timeout'} = $timeout = $1;
# lookup akey, skey and gkey (full and sub user and group)
sub check_keys {
+ if (@to and "@to" ne '_') {
+ http_die("you cannot mix TO and SKEY URL parameters") if $skey;
+ http_die("you cannot mix TO and GKEY URL parameters") if $gkey;
+ }
# only one key can be valid
$akey = $gkey = '' if $skey;
$akey = $skey = '' if $gkey;