Q: What is so special about F*EX?
-A: See feature list http://fex.belwue.de/features.html
- and use cases http://fex.belwue.de/usecases/
+A: See feature list http://fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/features.html
+ and use cases http://fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/usecases/
Q: Why not use one of the commercial services like DropLoad, ALLPeers, YouSendIt, etc?
A: * They have a file size limit of 2 GB or even less.
* There are no UNIX (CLI) clients for them.
* They need java, active-X, flash or other evil plugins.
* It is unknown how long they will exist - DropLoad and ALLPeers already have terminated their business.
Q: Why name "F*EX" and not shortly "FEX"?
A: At publication time there was already a program named "FEX" listed on freshmeat.net.
Try this with an ordinary webserver like Apache!
Q: Which licence does F*EX have? And why?
-A: Perl Artistic free software with a special anti-military clause:
+A: Perl Artistic free software with a special anti-military clause:
"I want peace on earth and goodwill towards men"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHU0HinVhYc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneakers_%281992_film%29
Clients: 180 kB, 5500 lines of code
Documentation: 130 kB
Localizations: 250 kB
Q: Who else is using F*EX?
A: For example:
* German Aerospace Center http://fex.dlr.de
F*EX does not use an extra web server or a (SQL) database, so no typical web attacks are possible.
F*EX was analysed by security company revshell.com and labeled as "secure".
F*EX comes with source code, so everybody can verify it.
Q: Feature/design XY is missing.
A: Contact the author <framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de>