BEGIN { ($ENV{PERLINIT}||'') =~ /(.+)/s and eval $1 }
+use utf8;
use Fcntl qw':flock :seek';
use Cwd qw'abs_path';
use File::Basename;
and not($dkey and ($ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}||'') =~ /dkey=$dkey/)
and open $file,'<',"$file/download")
- $_ = <$file> || '';
+ my $d1 = <$file> || ''; # first download
+ chomp $d1;
close $file;
- chomp;
if ($ra) {
# allow downloads from same ip
- $_ = '' if /\Q$ra/;
+ $d1 = '' if $d1 =~ /\Q$ra/;
# allow downloads from sender ip
- $_ = '' if (readlink("$file/ip")||'') eq $ra;
+ $d1 = '' if (readlink("$file/ip")||'') eq $ra;
- if ($_) {
- s/(.+) ([\w.:]+)$/by $2 at $1/;
+ if ($d1 and $d1 =~ s/(.+) ([\w.:]+)$/$2 at $1/) {
$file = filename($file);
- http_die("$file has already been downloaded $_");
+ http_die("$file has already been downloaded by $d1");
$sb = sendfile($file,$seek,$stop);