#include "o815.h"
#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
#include "latlib/progress.h"
-o815::o815(int argc, char **argv, const string& _programid) {
+using namespace std;
+extern int opterr;
+o815::o815(int argc, char **argv, const string& _programid, comoption specOps[], void (*helpHeader)()) {
long timestamp;
programid = _programid;
paraQ = new paraq(numprocs, rank);
- parseArgs(argc, argv);
+ addComOption("lsize", required_argument, NULL, 'L', "define lattice size", "xsize:tsize");
+ addComOption("nmeas", required_argument, NULL, 'N', "set number of measurements", "nmeas");
+ addComOption("skip", required_argument, NULL, 'S', "set number of skips between configs", "nskip");
+ addComOption("nequi", required_argument, NULL, 'E', "set number of equilibrations", "nequi");
+ addComOption("oro", required_argument, NULL, 'o', "read-only observable-store directory", "dir");
+ addComOption("orw", required_argument, NULL, 'O', "read-write observable-store directory", "dir");
+ addComOption("cro", required_argument, NULL, 'c', "read-only config-store directory", "dir");
+ addComOption("crw", required_argument, NULL, 'C', "read-write config-store directory", "dir");
+ addComOption("write", required_argument, NULL, 'w', "data writeout directory", "dir");
+ addComOption("idonly", no_argument, &comargs.idonly, 'i', "show output-id only", "");
+ addComOption("jobnum", no_argument, &comargs.showjobnum, 'j', "show jobnumber only", "");
+ if (specOps != NULL)
+ for (int ispecop = 0; specOps[ispecop].name != ""; ispecop++)
+ comOptions.push_back(specOps[ispecop]);
+ if (argc > 1)
+ parseArgs(argc, argv, specOps);
+ else {
+ int longestCombinedLong=0;
+ if (helpHeader != NULL)
+ helpHeader();
+ cout << "Options:" << endl;
+ for (vector<comoption>::iterator opit = comOptions.begin(); opit != comOptions.end(); ++opit) {
+ stringstream combinedLong;
+ combinedLong << opit->name;
+ if (opit->has_arg == required_argument)
+ combinedLong << "=" << opit->argdesc;
+ else if (opit->has_arg == optional_argument)
+ combinedLong << "[=" << opit->argdesc << "]";
+ if (longestCombinedLong < combinedLong.str().size())
+ longestCombinedLong = combinedLong.str().size();
+ }
+ for (vector<comoption>::iterator opit = comOptions.begin(); opit != comOptions.end(); ++opit) {
+ stringstream combinedLong;
+ cout << " -" << char(opit->val) << ", --";
+ combinedLong << opit->name;
+ if (opit->has_arg == required_argument)
+ combinedLong << "=" << opit->argdesc;
+ else if (opit->has_arg == optional_argument)
+ combinedLong << "[=" << opit->argdesc << "]";
+ cout << setw(longestCombinedLong) << setiosflags(ios::left) << combinedLong.str();
+ cout << "\t" << opit->optdesc;
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
if(comargs.idonly) {
cout << programid << headMaster() << endl << flush;
*out->log << " " << (*obsit)->obsid;
*out->log << endl << flush;
+ Sim->toEquilibrate = true;
for( int imeas=0; imeas<comargs.nmeas; imeas++ ) {
bool nextAlready = false;
for (vector<obs*>::iterator obsit = observables.begin(); obsit != observables.end(); ++obsit) {
-void o815::parseArgs(int argc, char **argv) {
- int opt = 0;
- while( (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "L:N:S:E:o:O:c:C:w:i:j:")) != -1 )
+void o815::addComOption(const char* name, int has_arg, int *flag, int val, const char* optdesc, const char* argdesc) {
+ comoption newop = { name, has_arg, flag, val, optdesc, argdesc };
+ comOptions.push_back(newop);
+void o815::parseArgs(int argc, char **argv, comoption specOps[]) {
+ int opt;
+ int indexptr=0;
+ stringstream optargstr;
+ option allOptions[comOptions.size()+1];
+ for (int iop=0; iop < comOptions.size(); iop++) {
+ allOptions[iop].name = comOptions[iop].name.c_str();
+ allOptions[iop].has_arg = comOptions[iop].has_arg;
+ //allOptions[iop].flag = NULL;
+ allOptions[iop].flag = comOptions[iop].flag;
+ allOptions[iop].val = comOptions[iop].val;
+ optargstr << char(allOptions[iop].val);
+ if (allOptions[iop].has_arg == required_argument)
+ optargstr << ":";
+ else if (allOptions[iop].has_arg == optional_argument)
+ optargstr << "::";
+ }
+ allOptions[comOptions.size()].name = 0;
+ allOptions[comOptions.size()].has_arg = 0;
+ allOptions[comOptions.size()].flag = 0;
+ allOptions[comOptions.size()].val = 0;
+ while((opt = getopt_long( argc, argv, optargstr.str().c_str(), allOptions, &indexptr )) != -1)
switch(opt) {
case 'L':
listArg(comargs.lsize, 2, optarg);
case 'w':
comargs.outdir = optarg;
- case 'i':
- comargs.idonly = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'j':
- comargs.showjobnum = atoi(optarg);
+ default:
+ if ( opt != 0) {
+ comoption* thisop = getOptionByVal(opt);
+ if (thisop->flag != 0)
+ *thisop->flag = thisop->val;
+ else
+ parsedSpecOps.push_back( pair<int,char*>(thisop->val, optarg) );
+ }
+ for (int ilon=0; optind+ilon < argc; ilon++)
+ lonelyArgs.push_back(argv[optind+ilon]);
+o815::comoption* o815::getOptionByVal(int val) {
+ for (vector<comoption>::iterator opit = comOptions.begin(); opit != comOptions.end(); ++opit)
+ if ( opit->val == val )
+ return &(*opit);
+ return NULL;
void o815::listArg(int *target, int tlen, char *listarg) {