+ numprocs = 1;
+ rank = 0;
+ addComOption("lsize", required_argument, NULL, 'L', "define lattice size", "xsize:tsize");
+ addComOption("nmeas", required_argument, NULL, 'N', "set number of measurements", "nmeas");
+ addComOption("skip", required_argument, NULL, 'S', "set number of skips between configs", "nskip");
+ addComOption("nequi", required_argument, NULL, 'E', "set number of equilibrations", "nequi");
+ addComOption("ocache", required_argument, NULL, 'O', "set observable cache (mode=oo|ro|wo|rw)", "dir:mode");
+ addComOption("ccache", required_argument, NULL, 'C', "set config cache (mode=oo|ro|wo|rw)", "dir:mode");
+ addComOption("write", required_argument, NULL, 'W', "data writeout directory", "dir");
+ addComOption("idonly", no_argument, &comargs.idonly, 'I', "show output-id only", "");
+ addComOption("jobnum", no_argument, &comargs.showjobnum, 'J', "show jobnumber only", "");
+ vector<comoption>::iterator lastO815Opt = comOptions.end()-1;
+ if (specOps != NULL)
+ for (int ispecop = 0; specOps[ispecop].name != ""; ispecop++)
+ comOptions.push_back(specOps[ispecop]);
+ if (argc > 1)
+ parseArgs(argc, argv, specOps);
+ else {
+ int longestCombinedLong=0;
+ if (helpHeader != NULL)
+ helpHeader();
+ cout << "General options:" << endl;
+ for (vector<comoption>::iterator opit = comOptions.begin(); opit != comOptions.end(); ++opit) {
+ stringstream combinedLong;
+ combinedLong << opit->name;
+ if (opit->has_arg == required_argument)
+ combinedLong << "=" << opit->argdesc;
+ else if (opit->has_arg == optional_argument)
+ combinedLong << "[=" << opit->argdesc << "]";
+ if (longestCombinedLong < combinedLong.str().size())
+ longestCombinedLong = combinedLong.str().size();
+ }
+ for (vector<comoption>::iterator opit = comOptions.begin(); opit != comOptions.end(); ++opit) {
+ stringstream combinedLong;
+ cout << " -" << char(opit->val) << ", --";
+ combinedLong << opit->name;
+ if (opit->has_arg == required_argument)
+ combinedLong << "=" << opit->argdesc;
+ else if (opit->has_arg == optional_argument)
+ combinedLong << "[=" << opit->argdesc << "]";
+ cout << setw(longestCombinedLong) << setiosflags(ios::left) << combinedLong.str();
+ cout << "\t" << opit->optdesc;
+ cout << endl;
+ if ( opit == lastO815Opt && (opit+1) != comOptions.end() ) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Simulation specific options:" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }