#if defined(_WIN32)
Props.basedir = getenv("HOMEDRIVE");
Props.basedir += getenv("HOMEPATH");
- Props.basedir += "\.stickletrack";
Props.basedir = getenv("HOME");
- Props.basedir += "/.stickletrack";
+ Props.basedir += "/.stickletrack";
cout << "Using " << Props.basedir << " for data output." << endl;
+bool isWindowClosed (const char* name) {
+ if ( cvGetWindowHandle(name) == NULL )
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
void beforeExit() {
cout << "Exitting ..." << endl;
alles << framenum << " : " << fixed << (framenum)/(double)Props.fps << "s : +" << (double)moresleep/Props.fps << "ms";
string text = alles.str();
+ int fontFace = FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX;
- double fontScale = Props.diagonal/1000.0;
- int thickness = 3;
+ double fontScale = Props.width / 600.0;
+ int thickness = Props.width / 250.0;
int baseline=0;
Size textSize = getTextSize(text, fontFace,
fontScale, thickness, &baseline);
- Point textOrg(10, 10 + textSize.height);
+ Point textOrg(Props.width*0.01, Props.width*0.01 + textSize.height);
rectangle(mContours, Point(0, 0),
- Point(Props.width, 20+textSize.height),
+ Point(Props.width, Props.width*0.02 + textSize.height),
Scalar(0,0,255), -1);
putText(mContours, text, textOrg, fontFace, fontScale,
char filename[200];
bool pleaseExit = false;
- namedWindow("original", CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
+ namedWindow("stickletrack_original", CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
Mat frame, origframe, combinedmask;
- tracking_init();
- cvSetMouseCallback("contours_picture", mouseTracking, 0);
+ tracking_init(&mouseTracking);
capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0);
gotoframe = framenum + 1;
- imshow("original", origframe/255.0);
+ if ( ! isWindowClosed("stickletrack_original") )
+ imshow("stickletrack_original", origframe/255.0);
circle( tracking_getFrame(), Point2f(tags[nearestTags[0]].x, tags[nearestTags[0]].y), Props.diagonal / 100.0, Scalar(0,0,255), -1, 8 );
- tracking_showFrame();
+ if ( tracking_showFrame() )
+ pleaseExit = true;
char key;
cerr << "Failed to open a video device or video file!\n" << endl;
return 1;
- cout << "Exit with q if you want to save your data!!!" << endl;
return process(capture);