#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # F*EX document output # # is a subprogram of fexsrv! do not run it directly! # # Author: Ulli Horlacher <framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de> # use File::Basename; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Fcntl qw(:flock :seek :mode); use POSIX qw(strftime locale_h); use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path); # import from fex.pp our ($bs,$tmpdir,@doc_dirs); my $log = "$logdir/dop.log"; # POSIX time format needed for HTTP header setlocale(LC_TIME,'POSIX'); sub dop { my $doc = shift; my $source = shift; my $seek = 0; my $stop = 0; my ($link,$host,$path,$range); our $error = 'F*EX document output ERROR'; security_check($doc); # reget? if ($range = $ENV{HTTP_RANGE}) { $seek = $1 if $range =~ /^bytes=(\d+)-/i; $stop = $1 if $range =~ /^bytes=\d*-(\d+)/i; } # redirect on relative symlinks without "../" if ($link = readlink($doc) and $link !~ m:^/: and $link !~ m:\.\./: and $link !~ /^:.+:$/) { $path = $ENV{REQUEST_URI}; $path =~ s:[^/]*$::; $doc = "$path/$link"; $doc =~ s:/+:/:g; $doc =~ s:^/::; $host = $ENV{HTTP_HOST} || $hostname; nvt_print( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently", "Location: $ENV{PROTO}://$host/$doc", "Content-Length: 0", "Connection: close", "" ); &reexec; } # watchdog documents if (@wdd and $wdd and grep { $doc =~ /$_/ } @wdd) { &$wdd($doc) } my $dir = untaint(getcwd()); chdir(dirname($doc)); http_output($doc,$seek,$stop); chdir($dir); } sub http_output { my ($file,$seek,$stop) = @_; my ($filename,$files,$streamfile,$size,$total_size); my ($data,$type); my ($var,$env,$con); my @files; my $htmldoc = ''; my $htauth; my @s; my $s = 0; my $b = 0; my $http_client = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || ''; local $_; # extra security check: document must not be in lib or spool directory if (path_match($file,$FEXLIB) or path_match($file,$spooldir)) { http_error(403); } security_check($file); $htauth = dirname($file).'/.htauth'; require_auth($htauth,$file) if -f $htauth; if (-f $file) { # normal file open $file,'<',$file or http_error(400); security_check($file); } elsif ($file =~ /(.+)\.gz$/ and -f $1) { @files = ($1); open $file,'-|',qw'gzip -c',@files or http_error(503); } elsif ($file =~ /(.+)\.tgz$/ and -f "$1.tar") { @files = ("$1.tar"); open $file,'-|',qw'gzip -c',@files or http_error(503); } elsif ($file =~ /(.+)\.(tar|tgz|zip)$/ and @s = lstat($streamfile = "$1.stream") and $s[4] == $<) { # streaming file (only if it is owned by user fex) chdir dirname($file); security_check($file); if (-l $streamfile and readlink($streamfile) =~ /^:(.+):$/) { # special symlink pointer file for streaming @files = split(/:/,$1); } elsif (open $streamfile,$streamfile) { # special streaming file while (<$streamfile>) { chomp; if (/^(\/.*):/) { chdir $1; security_check($1); } else { push @files,$_; } } } else { http_error(503); } close $streamfile; foreach (@files) { if (/^\// or /\.\.\//) { # absolute path or relative path with parent directory is not allowed http_error(403); } if (@s = stat($_) and not($s[2] & S_IRGRP) or not -r $_) { # file must be readable by user and group http_error(403); } } http_error(416) if $ENV{HTTP_RANGE}; close STDERR; if ($file =~ /\.tar$/) { @a = qw'tar --exclude *~ --exclude .* -cf -' } elsif ($file =~ /\.tgz$/) { @a = qw'tar --exclude *~ --exclude .* -czf -' } elsif ($file =~ /\.zip$/) { @a = qw'zip -x *~ */.*/* @ -rq -' } else { http_error(400) } open $file,'-|',@a,@files or http_error(503); } else { http_error(404); } $type = 'application/octet-stream'; if ($file =~ /\.html$/) { $type = 'text/html' } # elsif ($file =~ /\.txt$/) { $type = 'text/plain' } elsif ($file =~ /\.css$/) { $type = 'text/css' } elsif ($file =~ /\.js$/) { $type = 'text/javascript' } elsif ($file =~ /\.ps$/) { $type = 'application/postscript' } elsif ($file =~ /\.pdf$/) { $type = 'application/pdf' } elsif ($file =~ /\.jpg$/) { $type = 'image/jpeg' } elsif ($file =~ /\.png$/) { $type = 'image/png' } elsif ($file =~ /\.gif$/) { $type = 'image/gif' } elsif ($file !~ /\.(tar|tgz|zip|jar|rar|arj|7z|bz2?|gz)$/) { my $qfile = untaint(abs_path($file)); $qfile =~ s/([^\/\.\+\w!=,_-])/\\$1/g; $_ = `file $qfile`; if (/HTML/) { $type = 'text/html'; } elsif (/text/i and not -x $file) { $type = 'text/plain'; if (/\sASCII\s/) { $type .= "; charset=us-ascii" } elsif (/(ISO-[\w-]+)/) { $type .= "; charset=".lc($1) } else { $type .= "; charset=utf-8" } } } # show sourcecode if URL ends with '!' # to avoid this for a HTML file, simple do a: chmod o-r file if ($type eq 'text/html') { if ($htmlsource) { if (@s = stat($file) and $s[2] & S_IROTH) { $type = 'text/plain'; } else { http_error(403); } } } elsif ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} eq '!') { $type = 'text/plain'; } if ($type eq 'text/html') { $seek = $stop = 0; local $^W = 0; local $/; $htmldoc = <$file>; while ($htmldoc =~ s/\n##.*?\n/\n/) {}; # evaluate #if ... #else ... #elseif ... #endif blocks my $mark = randstring(16); while ($htmldoc =~ s/\n(#if\s+(.+?)\n.+?\n)#endif/\n$mark/s) { $_ = $1; # if block if (eval $2) { s/#if.*\n//; s/\n#else.*//s; $htmldoc =~ s/$mark/$_/; } else { # elseif blocks while (s/.*?\n#elseif\s+(.+?)\n//s) { if (eval $1) { s/\n#else.*//s; $htmldoc =~ s/$mark/$_/; } } # else block left? if ($htmldoc =~ /$mark/) { s/.*\n#else\s*\n//s or $_ = ''; $htmldoc =~ s/$mark/$_/; } } }; # evaluate #include while ($htmldoc =~ s/\n#include "(.*?)"/\n$mark/s) { my $file = $1; my $include = ''; if (open $file,$file) { $include = <$file>; close $file; } $dynamic = $htmldoc =~ s/$mark/$include/; } # evaluate <<perl-code>> while ($htmldoc =~ /<<(.+?)>>/s) { local $pc = $1; local $__ = ''; tie *STDOUT => "Buffer",\$__; $__ .= eval $pc; untie *STDOUT; $dynamic = $htmldoc =~ s/<<(.+?)>>/$__/s; }; # substitute $variable$ with value from environment (if present) while ($htmldoc =~ /\$([\w_]+)\$/g) { $var = $1; if (defined($env = $ENV{$var})) { $htmldoc =~ s/\$$var\$/$env/g; } }; $total_size = $size = $s = length($htmldoc); } else { if (@files) { $size = 0; } else { $total_size = -s $file || 0; $size = $total_size - $seek - ($stop ? $total_size-$stop-1 : 0); } } if ($size < 0) { http_header('416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable'); exit; } alarm($timeout*10); if ($seek or $stop) { my $range; if ($stop) { $range = sprintf("bytes %s-%s/%s",$seek,$stop,$total_size); } else { $range = sprintf("bytes %s-%s/%s",$seek,$total_size-1,$total_size); } nvt_print( 'HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content', 'Server: fexsrv', "Content-Length: $size", "Content-Range: $range", "Content-Type: $type", '', ); } else { # streaming? if (@files) { nvt_print( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Server: fexsrv', "Expires: 0", "Content-Type: $type", '', ); } else { # Java (clients) needs Last-Modified header! # if there are locale versions, use actual time for Last-Modified # to enforce reload of page $file =~ m{/htdocs/(.+)}; my @lfiles = glob("$FEXHOME/locale/*/htdocs/$1"); my $date = ($dynamic or @lfiles > 1) ? strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT",gmtime(time)) : http_date($file); nvt_print( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Server: fexsrv', "Last-Modified: $date", "Expires: 0", "Content-Length: $size", "Content-Type: $type", ); nvt_print("Set-Cookie: locale=$locale") if $use_cookies and $locale; nvt_print(''); } } if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET') { if ($type eq 'text/html') { alarm($timeout*10); print $htmldoc; } else { # binary data # can be stream! seek $file,$seek,0 if $seek; while ($b = read($file,$data,$bs)) { if ($stop and $s+$b > $size) { $b = $size-$s; $data = substr($data,0,$b) } $s += $b; alarm($timeout*10); print $data or last; } } fdlog($log,$file,$s,$size) if $s; } alarm(0); close $file; exit if @files; # streaming end return $s; } # show directory index sub showindex { my $dir = shift; my ($htmldoc,$size); my @links = (); my @dirs = (); my @files = (); my $uri = $ENV{REQUEST_URI}; my $allowed; my ($htindex,$htauth); local $_; $uri =~ s:/+$::; $dir =~ s:/+$::; security_check($dir); $htindex = "$dir/.htindex"; $htauth = "$dir/.htauth"; open $htindex,$htindex or http_error(403); require_auth($htauth,$dir) if -f $htauth; # .htindex may contain listing regexp chomp ($allowed = <$htindex>||'.'); close $htindex; opendir $dir,$dir or http_error(503); while (defined($_ = readdir $dir)) { next if /^[.#]/ or /~$/; if (@s = lstat "$dir/$_" and ($s[2] & (S_IRGRP|S_IROTH))) { if (-l _) { push @links,$_ } elsif (-d _) { push @dirs,$_ } elsif (-f _) { push @files,$_ } } } closedir $dir; # parent directory listable? if ($uri =~ m:(/.+)/.+: and -f "$dir/../.htindex") { unshift @dirs,$1; } # first the (sub)directories $htmldoc = "<HTML>\n<h1>$uri/</h1>\n"; foreach my $d (sort @dirs) { if ($d =~ m:^/: and -f "$d/.htindex") { $htmldoc .= "<h3><a href=\"$d/\">$d/</a></h3>\n"; } elsif (-f "$dir/$d/.htindex") { $htmldoc .= "<h3><a href=\"$uri/$d/\">$uri/$d/</a></h3>\n"; } } # # then the symlinks # $htmldoc .= "\n<pre>\n"; # my $link; # foreach my $l (sort @links) { # if ($l =~ /$allowed/ and $link = readlink "$dir/$l" and $link =~ /^[^.\/]/) { # $htmldoc .= "$l -> <a href=\"$link\">$dir/$link</a>\n"; # } # } # then the files $htmldoc .= "\n<pre>\n"; foreach my $f (sort @files) { if ($f =~ /$allowed/) { $htmldoc .= sprintf "%20s %20s <a href=\"%s/%s\">%s</a>\n", isodate(mtime("$dir/$f")), d3(-s "$dir/$f"||0), $uri,urlencode($f),$f; } } $htmldoc .= "</pre>\n</HTML>\n"; $size = length($htmldoc); nvt_print( 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Server: fexsrv', "Content-Length: $size", "Content-Type: text/html", '', ); print $htmldoc; fdlog($log,"$dir/",$size,$size); } sub mtime { return (lstat shift)[9]; } sub d3 { local $_ = shift; while (s/(\d)(\d\d\d\b)/$1,$2/) {}; return $_; } sub http_date { my $file = shift; my @stat; if (@stat = stat($file)) { return strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT",gmtime($stat[9])); } else { return 0; } } sub path_match { my $p1 = abs_path(shift); my $p2 = abs_path(shift); if (defined $p1 and defined $p2) { return 1 if $p1 =~ /^\Q$p2/; return 2 if dirname($p1) =~ /^\Q$p2/; } return 0; } # return real file name (from symlink) sub realfilename { my $file = shift; return '' unless -e $file; if (-l $file) { return realfilename(readlink($file)); } else { return $file; } } sub security_check { my $file = shift; # can be directory, too! my @s; # client ip allowed? access_check($file); # documents with leading . are not allowed if (abs_path($file) =~ /\/\./) { errorlog("$file with leading ."); http_error(403); } if (-f $file) { # document filename must not contain @ if (realfilename($file) =~ /@/ or abs_path($file) =~ /@/) { errorlog("$file contains @"); http_error(403); } # document filename must not end with ~ if (realfilename($file) =~ /~$/) { errorlog("$file ends with ~"); http_error(403); } # file must be group or world readable if (@s = stat($file) and not($s[2] & (S_IRGRP|S_IROTH))) { errorlog("$file not group or world readable"); http_error(403); } # symlink to regular file and symlink owned by root or fex? ==> ok! if (-l $file and path_match(dirname($file),$docdir)) { @s = lstat($file); return if $s[4] == 0 or $s[4] == $<; } } # file in allowed directory? ==> ok! foreach my $dir (@doc_dirs) { return if path_match($file,$dir); } errorlog("$file not in \@doc_dirs"); http_error(403); } # security check: client ip allowed? sub access_check { my $file = abs_path(shift); my $dir = $file; my $af; local $_; $dir .= '/x' if -d $dir; while ($dir = dirname($dir) and $dir ne '/') { $af = "$dir/.htaccessfrom"; if (open $af,$af) { while (<$af>) { s/\s//g; if (ipin($ra,$_)) { close $af; return; } } errorlog("no access to $file by $af"); http_error(403); } } } # HTTP Basic authentication sub require_auth { my $htauth = shift; my $doc = shift; my ($realm,$auth); my @http_auth; my $uri = $ENV{REQUEST_URI} || '/'; $uri =~ s/\/index\.html$//; $uri =~ s/\/$//; if (-d $doc or $doc =~ /\/index\.html$/) { $realm = $uri; } else { $realm = dirname($uri); } $auth = slurp($htauth); unless ($auth and $realm) { http_header("200 OK"); print html_header("$ENV{SERVER_NAME} no authentication"); pq(qq( '<h3><code>$htauth</code> missing</h3>' '</body></html>' )); exit; } chomp $auth; if ($ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} and $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} =~ /Basic\s+(.+)/) { @http_auth = split(':',decode_b64($1)) } if (@http_auth != 2 or $http_auth[1] ne $auth) { http_header( '401 Authorization Required', "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"$realm\"", 'Content-Length: 0', ); # control back to fexsrv for further HTTP handling &reexec; } } # function for <<perl-code>> inside HTML documents sub out { $__ .= join('',@_); return ''; } # tie STDOUT to buffer variable (redefining print) package Buffer; sub TIEHANDLE { my ($class,$buffer) = @_; bless $buffer,$class; } sub PRINT { my $buffer = shift; $$buffer .= $_ foreach @_; } sub PRINTF { my $buffer = shift; my $fmt = shift @_; $$buffer .= sprintf($fmt,@_); } 1;