#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# F*EX CGI for download
# Author: Ulli Horlacher <framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de>

BEGIN { ($ENV{PERLINIT}||'') =~ /(.+)/s and eval $1 }

use utf8;
use Fcntl 		qw':flock :seek';
use Cwd			qw'abs_path';
use File::Basename;
use IO::Handle;
use Encode;

# add fex lib
($FEXLIB) = $ENV{FEXLIB} =~ /(.+)/;
die "$0: no $FEXLIB\n" unless -d $FEXLIB;

our $error = 'F*EX download ERROR';
our $head = "$ENV{SERVER_NAME} F*EX download";
# import from fex.pp
our ($spooldir,$tmpdir,@logdir,$skeydir,$dkeydir,$durl);
our ($bs,$fop_auth,$timeout,$keep_default,$nowarning);
our ($limited_download,$admin,$akey,$adlm,$amdl);
our (@file_link_dirs);

# load common code, local config : $HOME/lib/fex.ph
require "$FEXLIB/fex.pp" or die "$0: cannot load $FEXLIB/fex.pp - $!\n";

my $ra = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}||0;
if (@download_hosts and not ipin($ra,@download_hosts)) {
    "Downloads from your host ($ra) are not allowed.",
    "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details."


# call localized fop if available
if ($0 !~ m{/locale/.*/fop} and my $lang = $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE}) {
  if ($lang =~ /^de/ and $0 =~ m{(.*)/cgi-bin/fop}) {
    my $fop = "$1/locale/deutsch/cgi-bin/fop";
    exec $fop if -x $fop;

my $log = 'fop.log';

chdir $spooldir or die "$spooldir - $!\n";

my $http_client = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || '';

$file = $ENV{PATH_INFO} || '';
http_die('no file name') unless $file;
$file =~ s:%3F:/?/:g; # escape '?' for URL-decoding
$file =~ s/%([\dA-F]{2})/unpack("a",pack("H2",$1))/ge;
$file =~ s:/\?/:%3F:g; # deescape '?'
$file =~ s:/\.\.:/__:g;
$file =~ s:^/+::;
$file = untaint($file);

# secure mode with HTTP authorization?
if ($fop_auth) {
  @http_auth = ();
    @http_auth = split(':',decode_b64($1));
  if (@http_auth != 2) {

# download-URL-scheme /$dkey/$file ?
if ($file =~ m:^([^/]+)/[^/]+$:) {
  $dkey = $1;
  if ($link = readlink("$dkeydir/$dkey")) {
    if ($link !~ s:^\.\./::) {
      http_die("internal error on dkey for $link");
    $file = untaint($link);
  } else {
    http_die("no such file $file");
} else {
  # download-URL-scheme /$to/$from/$file
  $file =~ s/\?.*//;

  if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET' and $file =~ m:.+/(.+)/.+:) {
    $from = lc $1;
    if (-s "$from/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS") {
      http_die("$from is a restricted user");

  # add mail-domain to addresses if necessary
  if ($mdomain and $file =~ s:(.+)/(.+)/(.+):$3:) {
    $to   = lc $1;
    $from = lc $2;
    $to   =~ s/[:,].*//;
    $to   .= '@'.$hostname if $to   eq 'anonymous';
    $from .= '@'.$hostname if $from eq 'anonymous';
    $to   .= '@'.$mdomain if -d "$to\@$mdomain";
    $from .= '@'.$mdomain if -d "$from\@$mdomain";
    if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET' and -s "$from/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS") {
      http_die("$from is a restricted user");
    $file = "$to/$from/$file";

if ($file and $file =~ m:(.+)/(.+)/.+:) {
  $to   = $1;
  $from = $2;
  # afex!
  if ($from =~ s/^(anonymous).*/$1/) {
    if (@anonymous_upload and ipin($ra,@anonymous_upload) or $dkey) {
      $anonymous = $from;
    } else {
      http_header('403 Forbidden');
      print html_header($head),
        "You have no permission to request the URI $ENV{REQUEST_URI}\n",
} else {
  http_die("unknown query format");

$data = "$file/data";

# open $file,$file; print Digest::MD5->new->addfile($file)->hexdigest;

# request with ?query-parameter ?
if ($qs = $ENV{QUERY_STRING}) {

  http_die("\"$1\" is not allowed in URL") if $qs =~ /([<>\%\'\"])/;

  # workaround for broken F*IX
  $qs =~ s/&ID=skey:\w+//;

  # subuser with skey?
  if ($qs =~ s/&*SKEY=([\w:]+)//i) {
    $skey = $1;
    # encrypted skey?
    if ($skey =~ s/^MD5H:(.+)/$1/) {
      # lookup real skey
      foreach my $s (glob "$skeydir/*") {
        $s =~ s:.*/::;
        if ($skey eq md5_hex($s.$ENV{SID})) {
          $skey = $s;
    if (open $skey,'<',"$skeydir/$skey") {
      $from = $to = '';
      while (<$skey>) {
        $from = lc($1) if /^from=(.+)/;
        $to   = lc($1) if /^to=(.+)/;
      close $skey;
      if ($from and $to) {
        $file =~ s:.*/:$to/$from/:;
      } else {
        http_die("INTERNAL ERROR: missing data in $skeydir/$skey");
    } else {
      http_die("wrong SKEY authentification");

  # group member with gkey?
  if ($qs =~ s/&*GKEY=([\w:]+)//i) {
    $gkey = $1;
    # encrypted gkey?
    if ($gkey =~ s/^MD5H:(.+)/$1/) {
      # lookup real gkey
      foreach my $g (glob "$gkeydir/*") {
        $g =~ s:.*/::;
        if ($gkey eq md5_hex($g.$ENV{SID})) {
          $gkey = $g;
    if (open $gkey,'<',"$gkeydir/$gkey") {
      $from = $to = '';
      while (<$gkey>) {
        $from  = lc($1) if /^from=(.+)/;
        $group = lc($1) if /^to=\@(.+)/;
      close $gkey;
      if ($from and $group and open $group,'<',"$from/\@GROUP/$group") {
        while (<$group>) {
          if (/(.+):/) {
            my $to = $1;
            $file =~ s:.*/:$to/$from/:;
        close $group;
      } else {
        http_die("INTERNAL ERROR: missing data in $gkeydir/$gkey");
    } else {
      http_die("wrong GKEY authentification");

  # check for ID in query
  elsif ($qs =~ s/\&*\bID=([^&]+)//i) {
    $id = $1;
    $fop_auth = 0;

    if ($id eq 'PUBLIC') {
      http_header('403 Forbidden');

    if ($file =~ m:^(.+)/(.+)/(.+):) {
      $to   = $1;
      $from = $2;
      $to   =~ s/,+/,/g;
      $to   =~ s/\s//g;
      $from =~ s/\s//g;
      if ($mdomain and $from ne 'anonymous') {
        $to   .= '@'.$mdomain if $to   !~ /@/;
        $from .= '@'.$mdomain if $from !~ /@/;
      $to   = lc $to;
      $from = lc $from;
    } else {
      http_die("unknown file query format");

    # public or anonymous recipient? (needs no auth-ID for sender)
    if ($anonymous or $id eq 'PUBLIC' and
        @public_recipients and grep /^\Q$to\E$/i,@public_recipients) {
      $rid = $id;
    } else {
      open my $idf,'<',"$from/@" or http_die("unknown user $from");
      $rid = getline($idf);
      close $idf;
      $rid = sidhash($rid,$id);

    unless ($id eq $rid) {
      debuglog("real id=$rid, id sent by user=$id");
      http_die("wrong auth-ID");

    # set akey link for HTTP sessions
    # (need original id for consistant non-moving akey)
    if (-d $akeydir and open $idf,'<',"$from/@" and my $id = getline($idf)) {
      $akey = untaint(md5_hex("$from:$id"));
      unlink "$akeydir/$akey";
      symlink "../$from","$akeydir/$akey";

    my %to;
    COLLECTTO: foreach my $to (split(',',$to)) {
      if ($to !~ /.@./ and open my $AB,'<',"$from/\@ADDRESS_BOOK") {
        while (<$AB>) {
          next unless $_;
          if (/^\s*([\S]+)\s+([\S]+)/) {
            my ($alias,$address) = ($1,$2);
            if ($to =~ /^\Q$alias\E$/i) {
              foreach my $to (split(",",$address)) {
                $to .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $to !~ /@/;
                $to{$to} = lc $to; # ignore dupes
              next COLLECTTO;
      } elsif ($to =~ /^\@(.+)/) {
        my $group = "$from/\@GROUP/$1";
        if (not -l $group and open $group) {
          while (<$group>) {
            if (/(.+\@[w.-]+):.+/) {
              $to{$1} = lc $1; # ignore dupes
          close $group;
      } else {
        $to .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $to !~ /.@./;
        $to{$to} = lc $to; # ignore dupes
    foreach $to (keys %to) {
      # if (-e "$to/\@CAPTIVE") { http_die("$to is CAPTIVE") }
      unless (-d $to or checkaddress($to)) {
        http_die("$to is not a legal e-mail address");


  if ($qs =~ /\&?KEEP=(\d+)/i) {
    $keep = $1;
    $filename = filename($file);
    if  (-f $data) {
      unlink "$file/keep";
      if (symlink $keep,"$file/keep") {
        http_header('200 OK');
        print html_header($head),
              "<h3>set keep=$keep for $filename</h3>\n",
      } else {
        http_header('599 internal error');
        print html_header($head),
              "<h3>$filename - $!</h3>\n",
    } else {
      http_header('404 File not found');
      print html_header($head),
            "<h3>$filename not found</h3>\n",
  } elsif ($qs =~ s/\&?KEEP//i) {
    $autodelete = 'NO';

  if ($qs =~ s/\&?FILEID=(\w+)//i) { $fileid = $1 }

  if ($qs =~ s/\&?IGNOREWARNING//i) { $ignorewarning = 1 }

  if ($qs eq 'LIST') {
    http_header('200 OK','Content-Type: text/plain');
    print "$file :\n";
    chdir $file and exec '/client/bin/l';

  # copy file to yourself
  if ($qs eq 'COPY') {
    unless (-f "$file/data") {
      http_die("File not found.");
    ($to,$from,$file) = split('/',$file);
    unless ("$to/@") {
      # http_header('403 Forbidden');
      # print html_header($head),
      #  "You have no permission to copy a file.\n",
      #  "</body></html>\n";
      http_die("You have no permission to copy a file.");
    if (-s "$to/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS") {
      http_die("You are a restricted user.");
    if (-e "$to/$to/$file/data") {
      # http_header('409 File Exists');
      # print html_header($head),
      #   "File $file already exists in your outgoing spool.\n",
      #   "</body></html>\n";
      http_die("File $file already exists in your outgoing spool.");
    link "$to/$from/$file/data","$to/$to/$file/data"
      or http_die("cannot link to $to/$to/$file/data - $!\n");
    my $fkey = copy("$to/$from/$file/filename","$to/$to/$file/filename");
    open my $notify,'>',"$to/$to/$file/notify";
    close $notify;
    my $dkey = randstring(8);
    unlink "$to/$to/$file/dkey","$dkeydir/$dkey";
    symlink "../$to/$to/$file","$dkeydir/$dkey";
    symlink $dkey,"$to/$to/$file/dkey";
    http_header('200 OK',"Location: $durl/$dkey/$fkey");
    print html_header($head),
      "File $file copied to yourself.\n",

  # ex and hopp?
  if ($qs =~ s/(^|&)DELETE//i) {
    if (unlink $data) {
      $filename = filename($file);
      if (open my $log,'>',"$file/error") {
        printf {$log} "%s has been deleted by %s at %s\n",
        close $log;
      foreach my $logdir (@logdir) {
        my $msg = sprintf "%s [%s_%s] %s %s deleted\n",
        if (open $log,'>>',"$logdir/$log") {
          print {$log} $msg;
          close $log;
      http_header('200 OK',"X-File: $file");
      print html_header($head),
            "<h3>$filename deleted</h3>\n",
    } else {
      http_die("no such file");

  # wipe out!? (for anonymous upload)
  if ($qs =~ s/(^|&)PURGE//i) {
    $filename = filename($file);
    if (@anonymous_upload and ipin($ra,@anonymous_upload)) {
      unlink "$dkeydir/$dkey" if $dkey;
      if (rmrf($file)) {
        foreach my $logdir (@logdir) {
          my $msg = sprintf "%s [%s_%s] %s %s purged\n",
          if (open $log,'>>',"$logdir/$log") {
            print {$log} $msg;
            close $log;
        http_header('200 OK',"X-File: $file");
        print html_header($head),
          "<h3>$filename purged</h3>\n",
      } else {
        http_die("no such file");
    } else {
      http_die("you are not allowed to purge $filename");

  # request for file size?
  if ($qs eq '?') {
    # control back to fexsrv for further HTTP handling

  # fallback
  if ($qs) {
    http_die("unknown query format $qs");


unless ($id and $rid and $id eq $rid or $dkey or $anonymous) {
  http_die("wrong parameter $file");

unless ($to) {
  http_die("internal error: unknown recipient");

unless ($from) {
  http_die("internal error: unknown sender");


# server based ip restrictions
if (@download_hosts and not ipin($ra,@download_hosts)) {
    "Downloads from your host ($ra) are not allowed.",
    "Contact $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} for details."

# user based ip restrictions
unless (check_rhosts("$to/\@DOWNLOAD_HOSTS")) {
  http_die("You are not allowed to download from IP $ra");

# file based ip restrictions
unless (check_rhosts("$file/restrictions")) {
  http_die("Download of files from external user $from is restricted "
          ."to internal hosts. Your IP $ra is not allowed.");

# set time mark for this access
if ($file =~ m:(.+?)/:) {
  my $user = $1;
  my $time = untaint(time);
  utime $time,$time,$user;

# reget or range?
if ($range = $ENV{HTTP_RANGE}) {
  $seek = $1 if $range =~ /^bytes=(\d+)-/i;
  $stop = $1 if $range =~ /^bytes=\d*-(\d+)/i;
} else {
  $seek = 0;
  $stop = 0;

if (not $autodelete or $autodelete ne 'NO') {
  $autodelete = readlink "$file/autodelete" || 'YES';

if ($from and $file eq "$from/$from/ADDRESS_BOOK") {
  if (open my $AB,'<',"$from/\@ADDRESS_BOOK") {
    my $ab = '';
    while (<$AB>) {
      $ab .= $_."\r\n";
    close $AB;
      'HTTP/1.1 200 OK',
      'Content-Length: ' . length($ab),
      'Content-Type: text/plain',
    print $ab;
  } else {
      'HTTP/1.1 404 No address book found',
      'Content-Length: 0',
  # control back to fexsrv for further HTTP handling

if (-f $data) {
  # already downloaded?
  if ($limited_download and $limited_download !~ /^n/i
      and $from ne $to                    # fex to yourself is ok!
      and $from !~ /^_?fexmail/		  # fexmail is ok!
      and $to !~ /^_?fexmail/		  # fexmail is ok!
      and $to !~ /^anonymous/		  # anonymous fex is ok!
      and $to !~ /$amdl/                  # allowed multi download recipients
      and $http_client !~ /$adlm/         # allowed download managers
      and $file !~ /\/STDFEX$/            # xx is ok!
      and (slurp("$file/comment")||'') !~ /^!\*!/ # multi download allow flag
      and not($dkey and ($ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}||'') =~ /dkey=$dkey/)
      and open $file,'<',"$file/download")
    my $d1 = <$file> || ''; # first download
    chomp $d1;
    close $file;
    if ($ra) {
      # allow downloads from same ip
      $d1 = '' if $d1 =~ /\Q$ra/;
      # allow downloads from sender ip
      $d1 = '' if (readlink("$file/ip")||'') eq $ra;
    if ($d1 and $d1 =~ s/(.+) ([\w.:]+)$/$2 at $1/) {
      $file = filename($file);
      http_die("$file has already been downloaded by $d1");
  $sb = sendfile($file,$seek,$stop);
} elsif (-l $data) {
  # $file =~ s:.*/::;
  http_die("<code>$file</code> has been withdrawn");
} elsif (open $errf,'<',"$file/error" and $err = getline($errf)) {
} else {
  if ($file =~ /^anonymous.*afex_\d+\.tar$/) {
    # should be extra handled...
  http_die("no such file $file");

debuglog(sprintf("%s %s %d %d %d",
         isodate(time),$file,$sb||0,$seek,-s $data||0));

if ($sb+$seek == -s $data) {

  # note successfull download
  $download = "$file/download";
  if (open $download,'>>',$download) {
    printf {$download} "%s %s\n",isodate(time),$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
    close $download;

  # delete file after grace period
  if ($autodelete eq 'YES') {
    $grace_time = 60 unless defined $grace_time;
    for (;;) {
      my $utime = (stat $data)[8] || 0;
      my $dtime = (stat $download)[8] || 0;
      exit if $utime > $dtime;
      last if time > $dtime+$grace_time;
      sleep 10;
    unlink $data;
    my $error = "$file/error";
    if (open $error,'>',$error) {
      printf {$error} "%s has been autodeleted after download from %s at %s\n",
      close $error;



sub sendfile {
  my ($file,$seek,$stop) = @_;
  my ($filename,$size,$total_size,$fileid,$filetype);
  my ($data,$download,$header,$buf,$range,$s,$b,$t0);
  my $type = '';

  # swap to and from for special senders, see fup storage swap!
  $file =~ s:^(_?anonymous_.*)/(anonymous.*)/:$2/$1/:;
  $file =~ s:^(_?fexmail_.*)/(fexmail.*)/:$2/$1/:;

  $data     = $file.'/data';
  $download = $file.'/download';
  $header   = $file.'/header';

  # fallback defaults, should be set later with better values
  $filename = filename($file);
  $total_size = -s $data || 0;

  # file link?
  if (-l $data) {
    unless (-f $data and -r $data) {
      http_die("<code>$file</code> has been withdrawn");
    $data = abs_path($data);
    my $fok;
    foreach (@file_link_dirs) {
      my $dir = abs_path($_);
      $fok = $data if $data =~ /^\Q$dir\//;
    unless ($fok) {
      http_die("no permission to download <code>$file</code>");
  } else {
    unless (-f $data and -r $data) {
      http_die("<code>$file</code> has gone");

  if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET') {
    debuglog("Exp: FROM=\"$from\"","Exp: TO=\"$to\"");
    open $data,$data and flock($data,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
    # security check: must be regular file after abs_path()
    if (-l $data) {
      http_die("no permission to download <code>$file</code>");
    # HTTP Range download suckers are already rejected by fexsrv
    unless ($range = $ENV{HTTP_RANGE}) {
      # download lock
      open $download,'>>',$download or die "$download - $!\n";
      if ($file =~ m:(.+?)/(.+?)/: and $1 ne $2) {
        # only one concurrent download is allowed if sender <> recipient
        flock($download,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) or
          http_die("$file locked: a download is already in progress");
    $size = $total_size - $seek - ($stop ? $total_size-$stop-1 : 0);
  } elsif ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'HEAD') {
    $size = -s $data || 0;
  } else {
    http_die("unknown HTTP request method $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}");

  # read MIME entity header (what the client said)
  if (open $header,'<',$header) {
    while (<$header>) {
      if (/^Content-Type: (.+)/i) {
        $type = $1;
    close $header;
    $type =~ s/\s//g;

  $fileid = readlink "$file/id" || '';

  # determine own MIME entity header for download
  my $mime = $file;
  $mime =~ s:/.*:/\@MIME:;
  my $mt = $ENV{FEXHOME}.'/etc/mime.types';
  if (($type =~ /x-mime/i or -e $mime) and open $mt,'<',$mt) {
    $type = 'application/octet-stream';
    MIMETYPES: while (<$mt>) {
      my ($mt,@ft) = split;
      foreach my $ft (@ft) {
        if ($filename =~ /\.\Q$ft\E$/i) {
          $type = $mt;
          last MIMETYPES;
    close $mt;
  # reset to default MIME type
  else { $type = 'application/octet-stream' }

  # HTML is not allowed for security reasons! (embedded javascript, etc)
  $type =~ s/html/plain/i;

  debuglog("download with $http_client");

  if ($seek or $stop) {
    if ($size < 0) {
      http_header('416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable');
    if ($stop) {
      $range = sprintf("bytes %s-%s/%s",$seek,$stop,$total_size);
    } else {
      $range = sprintf("bytes %s-%s/%s",$seek,$total_size-1,$total_size);
    # RFC 7233 "Responses to a Range Request"
      'HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content',
      "Content-Length: $size",
      "Content-Range: $range",
      "Content-Type: $type",
    if ($http_client !~ /MSIE/) {
      nvt_print("Cache-Control: no-cache");
      if ($type eq 'application/octet-stream') {
        nvt_print("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
  } else {
    # another stupid IE bug-workaround
    # http://drupal.org/node/163445
    # http://support.microsoft.com/kb/323308
    if ($http_client =~ /MSIE/ and not $nowarning) {
      # $type = 'application/x-msdownload';
      if ($ignorewarning) {
        $type .= "; filename=$filename";
          'HTTP/1.1 200 OK',
          "Content-Length: $size",
          "Content-Type: $type",
#         "Pragma: no-cache",
#         "Cache-Control: no-store",
          "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"",
          "Connection: close",
#        nvt_print('','HTTP/1.1 200 OK',"Content-Length: $size","Content-Type: $type"); exit;
        nvt_print($_) foreach(@extra_header);
      } else {
        http_header('200 OK');
        print html_header($head);
          '<h2>Internet Explorer warning</h2>'
          'Using Microsoft Internet Explorer for download will probably'
          'lead to problems, because it is not Internet compatible (RFC 2616).'
          'We recommend <a href="http://firefox.com">Firefox</a>'
          'If you really want to continue with Internet Explorer, then'
          '<a href="$ENV{REQUEST_URL}?IGNOREWARNING">'
          'click here with your right mouse button and select "save as"'
          'See also <a href="/FAQ/user.html">F*EX user FAQ</a>.'
    } else {
        'HTTP/1.1 200 OK',
        "Content-Length: $size",
        "Content-Type: $type",
        "Cache-Control: no-cache",
        "Connection: close",
      if ($type eq 'application/octet-stream') {
        nvt_print(qq'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$filename"');
      nvt_print($_) foreach(@extra_header);

    nvt_print("X-Size: $total_size");
    nvt_print("X-File-ID: $fileid") if $fileid;
    # if ((`file "$file/data" 2>/dev/null` || '') =~ m{.*/data:\s(.+)}) {
    #  nvt_print("X-File-Type: $1");
    # }
    if ($dkey = $dkey||readlink "$file/dkey") {
      my $ma = (readlink "$file/keep"||$keep_default)*60*60*24;
      nvt_print("Set-Cookie: dkey=$dkey; Max-Age=$ma; Path=$ENV{REQUEST_URI}");

    # control back to fexsrv for further HTTP handling

  if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET') {

    if (@throttle) {
      my $to = $file;
      $to =~ s:/.*::;
      foreach (@throttle) {
        if (/(.+):(\d+)$/) {
          my $throttle = $1;
          my $limit = $2;
          # throttle ip address?
          if ($throttle =~ /^[\d.-]+$/) {
            if (ipin($ra,$throttle)) {
              $bwl = $limit;
          # throttle e-mail address?
          else {
            # allow wildcard *, but not regexps
            $throttle =~ quotemeta $throttle;
            $throttle =~ s/\*/.*/g;
            if ($to =~ /$throttle$/) {
              $bwl = $limit;

    foreach my $sig (keys %SIG) { local $SIG{$sig} = \&sigexit }
    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "TIMEOUT\n" };

    seek $data,$seek,0;

    $t0 = time;
    $s = $b = 0;

    # sysread/syswrite because of speed
    while ($s < $size and $b = sysread($data,$buf,$bs)) {
      # last chunk for HTTP Range?
      if ($stop and $s+$b > $size) {
        $b = $size-$s;
        $buf = substr($buf,0,$b)
      $s += $b;
      syswrite STDOUT,$buf or last; # client still alive?
      if ($bwl) {
        sleep 1 while $s/(time-$t0||1)/1024 > $bwl;

    close $data;

  close $download;

  return $s;

sub sendsize {
  my ($path) = @_;
  my ($file,$upload,$to,$from,$dkey);
  my $size = 0;
  local $_;

  $path =~ s:^/::;
  ($to,$from,$file) = split('/',$path);
  $to =~ s/,.*//;
  $to   = lc $to;
  $from = lc $from;

  # swap to and from for special senders, see fup storage swap!
  ($from,$to) = ($to,$from) if $from =~ /^(fexmail|anonymous)/;

  $to   .= '@'.$hostname if $to   eq 'anonymous';
  $from .= '@'.$hostname if $from eq 'anonymous';

  $to   .= '@'.$mdomain if -d "$to\@$mdomain";
  $from .= '@'.$mdomain if -d "$from\@$mdomain";

  $file =~ s/%([A-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
  $file = urlencode($file);

  if ($to eq '*' and $fileid) {
    foreach my $fd (glob "*/$from/$file") {
      if (-f "$fd/data"
          and -l "$fd/id" and readlink "$fd/id" eq $fileid
          and $dkey = readlink "$fd/dkey") {
        $to = $fd;
        $to =~ s:/.*::;
  } elsif ($to !~ /@/ and open my $AB,'<',"$from/\@ADDRESS_BOOK") {
    while (<$AB>) {
      $_ = lc $_;
      my ($alias,$address) = split;
      if ($address) {
        $address =~ s/,.*//;
        $address .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $address !~ /@/;
        if ($to eq $alias) {
          $to = $address;
    close $AB;

  if (-f "$to/$from/$file/data") {
    $dkey = readlink "$to/$from/$file/dkey";
    $fkey = slurp("$to/$from/$file/filename")||$file;

  $upload = -s "$to/$from/$file/upload" || -s "$to/$from/$file/data" || 0;
  $size = readlink "$to/$from/$file/size" || 0;
  $fileid = readlink "$to/$from/$file/id" || '';

  nvt_print('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
  nvt_print("Server: fexsrv");
  nvt_print("Content-Length: $upload");
  nvt_print("X-Original-Recipient: $to");
  if ($dkey and not -s "$from/\@ALLOWED_RECIPIENTS") {
    nvt_print("X-DKEY: $dkey");
    nvt_print("X-Location: $durl/$dkey/$fkey") if $fkey;
  nvt_print("X-Size: $size");
  nvt_print("X-File-ID: $fileid") if $fileid;
  nvt_print("X-Features: $ENV{FEATURES}");

sub check_rhosts {
  my $ipr = shift;
  my @hosts;
  local $_;

  if (open $ipr,$ipr) {
    while (<$ipr>) {
      if ($_ eq '@LOCAL_RHOSTS') {
        push @hosts,@local_rhosts if @local_rhosts;
      } elsif (/\w/) {
        push @hosts,$_;
    close $ipr;
    if (@hosts and not ipin($ra,@hosts)) {
      return 0;
  return 1;

sub require_auth {
    '401 Authorization Required',
    'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$ENV{SERVER_NAME}.' F*EX download"',
    'Content-Length: 0',
  # control back to fexsrv for further HTTP handling

sub check_auth {
  my ($path,$user,$auth) = @_;
  my ($to,$from,$file,$dkey);
  my ($id,$idf);
  my ($subuser,$subid);
  my $auth_ok = 0;
  local $_;

  if ($path =~ m:(.+)/(.+)/(.+):) {
    ($to,$from,$file) = ($1,$2,$3);
  } elsif ($path =~ m:(.+)/(.+):) {
    ($dkey,$file) = ($1,$2);
    $path = readlink "$dkeydir/$dkey" or http_die('no such file');
    (undef,$to,$from,$file) = split('/',$path);
  } else {
    http_die("wrong URL format for download");

  $to   .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $to   !~ /@/;
  $from .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and $from !~ /@/;

  $to   = lc $to;
  $from = lc $from;

  # auth user match to in download URL?
  if ($to ne $user and "$to\@$mdomain" ne $user and $to ne "$user@$mdomain") {
    debuglog("mismatch: to=$to, auth user=$user");

  # check for real user
  if (open $idf,'<',"$to/@") {
    $id = getline($idf);
    close $idf;
    unless ($id and $id eq $auth) {
      debuglog("$user mismatch: id=$id, auth=$auth");
  # check for sub user
  elsif (open $idf,'<',"$from/\@SUBUSER") {
    while (<$idf>) {
      ($subuser,$subid) = split ':';
      if ($subid and $subid eq $auth
          and ($user eq $subuser
               or $subuser eq '*@*'
               or $subuser =~ /^\*\@(.+)/ and $user =~ /\@\Q$1\E$/i
               or $subuser =~ /(.+)\@\*$/ and $user =~ /^\Q$1\E\@/i)) {
        $auth_ok = 1;
    close $idf;
    unless ($auth_ok) {
      debuglog("no matching $user in $from/\@SUBUSER");
  } else {
    debuglog("no $to/@ and no $from/@");


sub check_captive {
  my $to = shift;
  $to =~ s:/.*::;
  $to .= '@'.$mdomain if $mdomain and -d "$to\@$mdomain";
  if (-e "$to/\@CAPTIVE") {
    http_die("$to is CAPTIVE - no URL parameters allowed");

sub sigexit {
  my ($sig) = @_;
  my $msg;

  $msg = @_ ? "@_" : '???';
  $msg =~ s/\n/ /g;
  $msg =~ s/\s+$//;

  errorlog("$file caught SIGNAL $msg");

  # sigpipe means: client has terminated
  # this event will be handled further by sendfile(), do not terminate here
  if ($sig ne 'PIPE') {
    $SIG{__DIE__} = '';
    if ($sig eq 'DIE') {
      die "$msg\n";
    } else {
      die "SIGNAL $msg\n";