+function returnnewer {
+ fctime=$(stat -c %Y "$1")
+ if [ -z "$2" ] || [ $fctime -gt $2 ]; then
+ echo $fctime
+ else
+ echo $2
+ fi
+if [ ! -d "$BROADSYNCDIR" ]; then
+ mkdir "$BROADSYNCDIR" || exit 1
+ echo "Created directory $BROADSYNCDIR."
+if [ ! -f "$BROADSYNCDIR/$SYNCLINEFILE" ]; then
+ echo "# line format:
+# user:password:port:/remote_directory:/local_directory" > \
+ echo "Created syncline file $BROADSYNCDIR/$SYNCLINEFILE."
+if [ $(cat "$BROADSYNCDIR/$SYNCLINEFILE" | grep -v "#" | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Your syncline file $BROADSYNCDIR/$SYNCLINEFILE is empty."
+ echo "You have to add at least one syncline to run broadsync!"
+tmpdir="$(mktemp -p /tmp -d broadsync-XXXXXXX)" || exit 1
+subnets=$(ip addr | \
+ sed -En 's/.*inet (([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*)\/.*/\1/p' | \
+ grep -v '' | \
+ sed -En 's/(([0-9]*\.){3})[0-9]*/\1/p')
+echo "Subnets to probe: $(echo "$subnets" | tr '\n' ' ')"
+while read syncline; do
+ syncline_user=$(echo "$syncline" | cut -f1 -d":")
+ syncline_pass=$(echo "$syncline" | cut -f2 -d":")
+ syncline_port=$(echo "$syncline" | cut -f3 -d":")
+ syncline_rdir=$(echo "$syncline" | cut -f4 -d":")
+ syncline_ldir=$(eval echo "$(echo "$syncline" | cut -f5 -d":")")
+ syncline_hash=$(echo "$syncline_user:$syncline_port:$syncline_rdir" | \
+ md5sum | cut -f1 -d" ")
+ echo "Processing syncline $syncline_user:$syncline_port:$syncline_rdir"
+ if [ ! -d "$syncline_ldir" ]; then
+ echo "Creating local syncdir $syncline_ldir"
+ mkdir "$syncline_ldir" || exit 1
+ fi
+ statdir="$BROADSYNCDIR/$syncline_hash.stat"
+ if [ ! -d "$statdir" ]; then
+ echo "Creating statdir $statdir"
+ mkdir "$statdir" || exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$statdir/newestdate" ]; then
+ newestdate=$(cat "$statdir/newestdate")
+ echo "Using newestdate $(date +"%T %B %d %Y" -d @$newestdate)"
+ else
+ newestdate=0
+ fi
+ for subnet in $subnets; do
+ echo "Scanning for potential hosts in subnet $subnet"
+ for i in $(seq 1 254); do
+ (nc -w 5 -z "$subnet$i" "$syncline_port"; echo $? > "$tmpdir/nc-$subnet-$i") &
+ done
+ wait
+ for i in $(seq 1 254); do
+ if [ $(cat "$tmpdir/nc-$subnet-$i") -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Trying to sync with potential host $subnet$i"
+ while read logline; do
+ [ -n "$lastfile" ] && newestdate=$(returnnewer "$syncline_ldir/$lastfile" "$newestdate")
+ echo $logline
+ file=$(echo "$logline" | sed -En 's/Transferring file .(.*)./\1/p')
+ if [ -n $file ]; then
+ lastfile="$file"
+ else
+ lastfile=""
+ fi
+ done < <(lftp -p "$syncline_port" \
+ -u "$syncline_user,$syncline_pass" \
+ -e "mirror -v -N \"$(date +"%T %B %d %Y" -d @$newestdate)\" \"$syncline_rdir\" \"$syncline_ldir\"" \
+ "$subnet$i")
+ [ -n "$lastfile" ] && newestdate=$(returnnewer "$syncline_ldir/$lastfile" "$newestdate")
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ echo $newestdate > "$statdir/newestdate"
+done < <(cat "$BROADSYNCDIR/$SYNCLINEFILE" | grep -v '#')
+rm -r "$tmpdir"
+exit 0