3 \usepackage[intlimits]{amsmath}
9 \title{Solving the sign problem of scalar, two-flavored electrodynamics
10 for finite chemical potential and exploring its full phase-diagram}
12 \ShortTitle{Solving the sign problem of scalar electrodynamics at final chemical potential}
14 \author{Ydalia Delgado
15 \\Institut f\"ur Physik, Karl-Franzens Universit\"at, Graz, Austria
16 \\E-mail: \email{ydalia.delgado-mercado@uni-graz.at}}
18 \author{Christof Gattringer
19 \\Institut f\"ur Physik, Karl-Franzens Universit\"at, Graz, Austria
20 \\E-mail: \email{christof.gattringer@uni-graz.at}}
22 \author{Alexander Schmidt
23 \\Institut f\"ur Physik, Karl-Franzens Universit\"at, Graz, Austria
24 \\E-mail: \email{alexander.schmidt@uni-graz.at}}
28 We explore two-flavored scalar electrodynamics on the lattice, which has a complex phase problem
29 at finite chemical potential. By rewriting the action in terms of dual variables
30 this complex phase problem can be solved exactly. The dual variables are links and plaquettes, subject to non-trivial
31 constraints, which have to be respected by the Monte Carlo algorithm.
32 Therefore, for the simulation we use a local update and the surface worm algorithm (SWA).
33 The SWA is a generalization of the Prokof'ev Svistunov
34 worm algorithm concept to simulate the dual representation of abelian Gauge-Higgs models on a lattice.
35 We also assess the performance of the SWA and compare it with a local update in the dual representation.
36 Finally, we determine the full phase diagram of the model.
39 \FullConference{XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory \\
40 July 29 $-$ August 03 2013\\
48 At finite chemical potential $\mu$ the fermion determinant becomes complex
49 and can not be interpreted as a probability weight in the Monte Carlo simulation.
50 This complex phase problem has slowed down considerably the exploration of QCD
51 at finite density using Lattice QCD. Although many efforts have been put into
52 solving the complex phase problem of QCD (see e.g. \cite{reviews}), the final goal
53 has not been achieved yet.
55 For some models or QCD in limiting cases, it is possible to deal with the complex phase
56 problem (e.g. \cite{solve-sign-problem}). Among the different techniques, we use the dual representation,
57 which has been shown to be a very powerful method that can solve the complex
58 phase problem without making any approximation of the partition sum, i.e. it is an exact method \cite{dual}.
59 In the following we present another example where the dual representation can be applied succesfully. We consider a compact
60 U(1) gauge field coupled with two complex scalar fields with opposite charge. We explore the full phase diagram
61 as a function of the gauge coupling, the mass parameter and the chemical potential, which has not yet been studied in detail.
62 At finite density we present some preliminary results.
64 After mapping the degrees of freedom of the system to its dual variables, the weight in the
65 partition sum is positive and real and usual Monte Carlo techniques can be applied. However,
66 the dual variables, links and plaquettes for this model, are subject to non-trivial constraints.
67 Therefore one has to choose a proper algorithm in order to sample the system efficiently. In our case, we have
68 used two different Monte Carlo algorithms: A local update (LMA) \cite{z3} and an extension \cite{swa} of the
69 Prokof'ev Svistunov worm algorithm \cite{worm}. Here we present
70 some technical comparison of both algorithms in addition to the physics of the model.
73 \section{Two-flavored scalar electrodynamics}
76 We here study two-flavored scalar electrodynamics, which is a model of two flavors of oppositely charged complex fields $\phi_x, \chi_x \in \mathds{C}$ living on the
77 sites $x$ and interacting via the gauge fields $U_{x,\sigma} \in$ U(1) sitting on the links. We use 4-d euclidean lattices of size $V_4 = N_s^3 \times N_t$ with periodic
78 boundary conditions for all directions. The lattice spacing is set to 1, i.e., all dimensionful quantities
79 are in units of the lattice spacing. Scale setting can be implemented as in any other lattice field theory
80 and issues concerning the continuum behavior are, e.g., discussed in \cite{LuWe}.
81 We write the action as the sum,
82 $S = S_U + S_\phi + S_\chi$, where $S_U$ is the gauge action and $S_\phi$ and $S_\chi$ are the actions for the two scalars.
83 For the gauge action we use
86 S_U \; = \; - \beta \, \sum_x \sum_{\sigma < \tau} \mbox{Re} \; U_{x,\sigma} U_{x+\widehat{\sigma}, \tau}
87 U_{x+\widehat{\tau},\sigma}^\star U_{x,\tau}^\star \; .
90 The sum runs over all plaquettes, $\widehat{\sigma}$ and $\widehat{\tau}$ denote the unit vectors in $\sigma$- and
91 $\tau$-direction and the asterisk is used for complex conjugation.
92 The action for the field $\phi$ is
95 = \! \sum_x \!\Big( M_\phi^2 \, |\phi_x|^2 + \lambda_\phi |\phi_x|^4 -
96 \label{matteraction} \\
97 && \sum_{\nu = 1}^4 \!
98 \big[ e^{-\mu_\phi \delta_{\nu, 4} } \, \phi_x^\star \, U_{x,\nu} \,\phi_{x+\widehat{\nu}}
100 e^{\mu_\phi \delta_{\nu, 4}} \, \phi_x^\star \,
101 U_{x-\widehat{\nu}, \nu}^\star \, \phi_{x-\widehat{\nu}} \big] \! \Big) .
104 By $M_\phi^2$ we denote the combination $8 + m_\phi^2$, where $m_\phi$ is the bare mass
105 parameter of the field $\phi$ and $\mu_\phi$ is the chemical potential, which favors forward
106 hopping in time-direction (= 4-direction). The coupling for the quartic term is denoted as
107 $\lambda_\phi$. The action for the field $\chi$ has the same form as
108 (\ref{matteraction}) but with complex conjugate link variables $U_{x,\nu}$ such that $\chi$ has
109 opposite charge. $M_\chi^2$, $\mu_\chi$ and $\lambda_\chi$ are used for the parameters of $\chi$.
111 The partition sum $Z = \int D[U] D[\phi,\chi] e^{-S_U - S_\chi - S_\phi}$ is obtained by
112 integrating the Boltzmann factor over all field configurations. The measures are products over
113 the measures for each individual degree of freedom.
115 Note that for $\mu_\phi \neq 0$ (\ref{matteraction}) is complex, i.e., in the
116 conventional form the theory has a complex action problem.
121 {\bf Dual representation:} A detailed derivation of the dual representation for the 1-flavor
122 model is given in \cite{DeGaSch1} and the generalization to two flavors is straightforward.
124 for the dual representation of the partition sum for the gauge-Higgs model with two flavors is
126 \hspace*{-3mm} Z = \!\!\!\!\!\! \sum_{\{p,j,\overline{j},l,\overline{l} \}} \!\!\!\!\!\! {\cal C}_g[p,j,l] \; {\cal C}_s [j] \; {\cal C}_s [l] \; {\cal W}_U[p]
127 \; {\cal W}_\phi \big[j,\overline{j}\,\big] \, {\cal W}_\chi \big[l,\overline{l}\,\big] .
130 The sum runs over all configurations of the dual variables: The occupation numbers
131 $p_{x,\sigma\tau} \in \mathds{Z}$ assigned to the plaquettes of the lattice and the flux variables $j_{x,\nu}, l_{x,\nu} \in \mathds{Z}$ and
132 $\overline{j}_{x,\nu}, \overline{l}_{x,\nu} \in \mathds{N}_0$ living on the links. The flux variables $j$ and $l$ are subject
133 to the constraints ${\cal C}_s$ (here $\delta(n)$ denotes the Kronecker delta $\delta_{n,0}$ and $\partial_\nu f_x \equiv
134 f_x - f_{x-\widehat{\nu}}$)
136 {\cal C}_s [j] \, = \, \prod_x \delta \! \left( \sum_\nu \partial_\nu j_{x,\nu} \right) , \;
139 which enforce the conservation of $j$-flux and of $l$-flux at each site of the lattice.
142 {\cal C}_g [p,j,l] \! =\! \prod_{x,\nu} \! \delta \Bigg( \!\sum_{\nu < \alpha}\! \partial_\nu p_{x,\nu\alpha}
143 - \!\sum_{\alpha<\nu}\! \partial_\nu p_{x,\alpha\nu} + j_{x,\nu} - l_{x,\nu} \! \Bigg)\! ,
146 connects the plaquette occupation numbers $p$ with the $j$- and $l$-variables.
147 At every link it enforces the combined flux of the plaquette occupation
148 numbers plus the difference of $j$- and $l$-flux residing on that link to vanish.
150 The constraints (\ref{loopconstU1}) and (\ref{plaqconstU1}) restrict the admissible
151 flux and plaquette occupation numbers giving rise to an interesting geometrical
152 interpretation: The $j$- and $l$-fluxes form closed oriented loops made of links. The integers
153 $j_{x,\nu}$ and $l_{x,\nu}$ determine how often a link is run through by loop segments, with negative
154 numbers indicating net flux in the negative direction. The flux conservation
155 (\ref{loopconstU1}) ensures that only closed loops appear. Similarly, the constraint
156 (\ref{plaqconstU1}) for the plaquette occupation numbers can be seen as a continuity
157 condition for surfaces made of plaquettes. The surfaces are either closed
158 surfaces without boundaries or open surfaces bounded by $j$- or $l$-flux.
160 The configurations of plaquette occupation numbers and fluxes in (\ref{Zfinal}) come with
163 {\cal W}_U[p] & = & \!\! \! \prod_{x,\sigma < \tau} \! \! \!
164 I_{p_{x,\sigma\tau}}(\beta) \, ,
166 {\cal W}_\phi \big[j,\overline{j}\big] & = &
167 \prod_{x,\nu}\! \frac{1}{(|j_{x,\nu}|\! +\! \overline{j}_{x,\nu})! \,
168 \overline{j}_{x,\nu}!}
169 \prod_x e^{-\mu j_{x,4}} P_\phi \left( f_x \right) ,
172 with $f_x = \sum_\nu\!\big[ |j_{x,\nu}|\!+\! |j_{x-\widehat{\nu},\nu}| \!+\!
173 2\overline{j}_{x,\nu}\! +\! 2\overline{j}_{x-\widehat{\nu},\nu} \big]$ which is an even number. The $I_p(\beta)$
174 in the weights ${\cal W}_U$ are the modified Bessel functions and the $P_\phi (2n)$ in
175 ${\cal W}_\phi$ are the integrals $ P_\phi (2n) = \int_0^\infty dr \, r^{2n+1}
176 \, e^{-M_\phi^2\, r^2 - \lambda_\phi r^4} = \sqrt{\pi/16 \lambda} \, (-\partial/\partial M^2)^n \;
177 e^{M^4 / 4 \lambda} [1- erf(M^2/2\sqrt{\lambda})]$, which we evaluate numerically and
178 pre-store for the Monte Carlo. The weight factors $ {\cal
179 W}_\chi$ are the same as the $ {\cal W}_\phi$, only the parameters $M_\phi^2$,
180 $\lambda_\phi$, $\mu_\phi$ are replaced by $M_\chi^2$, $\lambda_\chi$, $\mu_\chi$. All
181 weight factors are real and positive. The partition sum (\ref{Zfinal}) thus is
182 accessible to Monte Carlo techniques, using the plaquette occupation numbers and the
183 flux variables as the new degrees of freedom.
186 \section{Monte Carlo simulation}
189 Because the dual variables are subject to non-trivial constraints, they cannot be updated randomly.
190 The most straight forward way to update the system is to change complete allowed objects. In order to
191 increase the acceptance rate we use the smallest possible structures. This algorithm is called local update
192 (LMA) and was used in \cite{z3,swa,prl}. Other possibility is to use an extension of the worm
193 algorithm \cite{worm}, the so called surface worm algorithm \cite{swa}. For this model we use both algorithms and
194 assess their performance.
196 First, we start describing the LMA. It consists of the following updates:
199 \item A sweep for each unconstrained variable $\overline{l}$ and $\overline{k}$
200 rising or lowering their occupation number by one unit.
203 \item ``Plaquette update'':
204 It consists of increasing or decreasing a plaquette occupation number
206 the link fluxes (either $l_{x,\sigma}$ or $k_{x,\sigma}$) at the edges of $p_{x,\nu\rho}$ by $\pm 1$ as
207 illustrated in Fig.~\ref{plaquette}. The change of $p_{x, \nu \rho}$
208 by $\pm 1$ is indicated by the signs $+$ or $-$, while the flux variables $l$($k$) are denoted by the red(blue) lines
209 and we use a dashed line to indicate a decrease by $-1$ and a full line for an increase by $+1$.
212 \item ``Winding loop update'':
213 It consists of increasing or decreasing the occupation number of both link variables $l$ and $k$ by
214 one unit along a winding loop in any of the 4 directions. This update is very important because the winding loops
215 in time direction are the only objects that couple to the chemical potential.
218 \item ``Cube update'': The plaquettes of 3-cubes
219 of our 4d lattice are changed according to one of the two patterns illustrated in
221 Although the plaquette and winding loop update are enough to satisfy ergodicity,
222 the cube update helps for decorrelation in the region of
223 parameters where the system is dominated by closed surfaces, i.e., the link
224 acceptance rate is small.
227 A full sweep consists of updating all links, plaquettes, 3-cubes and winding loops on the lattice,
228 offering one of the changes mentioned above and accepting them with the Metropolis
229 probability computed from the local weight factors.
233 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,clip]{pics/plaquettes}
236 \caption{Plaquette update: A plaquette occupation number is changed by $+1$ or
237 $-1$ and the links $l$ (red) or $k$ (blue) of the plaquette are changed simultaneously. The
238 full line indicates an increase by +1 and a dashed line a decrease by $-1$.
239 The directions $1 \le \nu_1 < \nu_2 \le 4$
240 indicate the plane of the plaquette.} \label{plaquette}
246 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth,clip]{pics/cubes}
249 \caption{Cube update: Here we show the changes in the plaquette occupation numbers.
250 The edges of the 3-cube are parallel to
251 the directions $1 \leq \nu_1 < \nu_2 < \nu_3 \leq 4$.} \label{cube}
256 Instead of the plaquette and cube updates we can use the worm algorithm.
257 Here we will shortly describe the SWA (see \cite{swa} for a detailed description)
258 for the variable $l$ (red).
259 The algorithm for the other type of link variable works in exactly the same way.
261 The SWA is constructed by breaking up the smallest update, i.e., the plaquette update
262 into smaller building blocks called ``segments''
263 (examples are shown in Fig.~\ref{segments}) used to build larger surfaces
264 on which the flux and plaquette variables are changed.
265 In the SWA the constraints are temporarily violated at a link
266 $L_V$, the head of the worm, and the two sites at its endpoints.
267 The admissible configurations are produced using 3 steps:
269 \item The worm starts by changing the flux by $\pm 1$ at a randomly chosen link (step 1 in Fig.~\ref{worm}).
270 \item The first link becomes the head of the worm $L_V$.
271 The defect at $L_V$ is then propagated through the lattice by
272 attaching segments, which are chosen in such a way that the constraints are always
273 obeyed (step 2 in Fig.~\ref{worm}).
274 \item The defect is propagated through the lattice until the worm decides to
275 end with the insertion of another unit of link flux at $L_V$ (step 3 in Fig.~\ref{worm}).
278 A full sweep consists of $V_4$ worms using the SWA plus a sweep of the unconstraint
279 variables $\overline{l}$ and $\overline{k}$,
280 and a sweep of winding loops (as explained in the LMA).
284 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,clip]{pics/segments}
287 \caption{Examples of positive (lhs.) and negative segments (rhs.)
288 in the $\nu_1$-$\nu_2$-plane ($\nu_1 < \nu_2$).
289 The plaquette occupation numbers are changed as indicated by the signs.
290 The full (dashed) links are changed by $+1$ ($-1$). The empty link shows
291 where the segment is attached to the worm and the dotted link is the new position of the link
292 $L_V$ where the constraints are violated.} \label{segments}
298 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,clip]{pics/worm}
301 \caption{Illustration of the worm algorithm. See text for an explanation.} \label{worm}
306 \section{Algorithm Assessment}
309 For the assessment of both algorithms we used two different models, the U(1) gauge-Higgs model but couple
310 only to one scalar field (see \cite{swa}) and the model presented in this proceedings. In both cases we
311 analyzed the bulk observables (and their fluctuations):
312 $U_P$ which is the derivative wrt. $\beta$ and $|\phi|^2$ (derivative wrt.
313 $\kappa$). First we checked the correctness of the SWA comparing the results for different
314 lattices sizes and parameters. Examples for the one flavor model are shown in \cite{swa}.
315 Fig.~\ref{obs} shows two observables for the two flavor case.
316 $\langle |\phi|^2 \rangle$ (lhs.) and its susceptibility (rhs.) as a function of $\mu$
317 for point ``f'' (see phase diagram) on a lattice of size $12^3 \times 60$.
318 We observe very good agreement among the different algorithms.
322 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,clip]{pics/f}
323 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,clip]{pics/f}
326 \caption{Observables $\langle |\phi|^2 \rangle$ (lhs.) and $\chi_\phi$ (rhs.)
327 as a function of $\mu$ for point f on a $12^3 \times 60$ lattice size.
328 We compare results from the SWA (circles) and the LMA (crosses).} \label{obs}
333 In order to obtain a measure of the computational effort, we compared the normalized
334 autocorrelation time $\overline{\tau}$ as defined in \cite{swa} of the SWA and LMA for
335 the one flavored model for different volumes and parameters. We concluded that,
336 the SWA outperforms the local update near a phase transition and if
337 the acceptance rate of the constrained link variable is not very low (eg. lhs. of Fig.~\ref{auto}).
338 On the other hand, when the constrained links have a very low acceptance rate
339 the worm algorithm has difficulties to efficiently sample the
340 system because it modifies the link occupation number in every move, while the LMA has a sweep with only
341 closed surfaces. The plot on the rhs. of Fig.~\ref{auto} shows how $\overline{\tau}$ for
342 $U_P$ is larger for the SWA than for the LMA. But this can be overcome by offering
343 a sweep of cube updates.
347 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,clip]{pics/u2}
350 \caption{Normalized autocorrelation times $\overline{\tau}$ for 2 different set
351 of parameters. Left: parameters close to a first order phase transition.
352 Right: low acceptance rate of the variable $l$. Both simulations correspond
353 to a $16^4$ lattice. Data taken from \cite{swa}.} \label{auto}
361 One of the main results of these studies so far and already published in \cite{prl} is the full phase diagram of the considered model in the $\beta$-$M^2$ plane at $\mu=0$ and some selected chemical potential driven phase transitions of the measured observables. For the sake of completeness we here again want to show the obtained phase diagram, but as a proceedings-extra also present some plots which show the shifting of the phase-boundaries at $\mu \neq 0$ and measurements of the dual occupation numbers.
363 \subsection{Phase-diagram at $\mu=0$}
365 We studied the different transition lines in Fig.~\ref{phasediagram} using finite size analysis of the measured observables $\langle U \rangle$ and $\langle |\phi|^2 \rangle$ and the corresponding susceptibilities, finding that the phase boundary separating Higgs- and
366 confining phase is strong first order, the line separating confining- and Coulomb phase is of weak
367 first order, and the boundary between Coulomb- and Higgs phase is a continuous transition.
368 Our results for the $\mu = 0$ phase diagram are in qualitative
369 agreement with the conventional results for related
374 \includegraphics[width=75mm,clip]{pics/phasediagram}
375 \caption{Phase diagram in the $\beta$-$M^2$ plane at $\mu = 0$. We show
376 the phase boundaries determined from the maxima of the susceptibilities $\chi_U$ and $\chi_{\phi}$ and the
377 inflection points of $\chi_n$.}
381 \subsection{Phase-boundaries at $\mu \neq 0$}
383 In Fig.~\ref{muphases} we plot the observables $\langle U \rangle$, $\langle |\phi|^2 \rangle$, $\langle n \rangle$ as function of $\beta$ and $M^2$ for four different values of the chemical potential $\mu=0,0.5,1,1.5$.
386 The phase-transition from the confining phase to the Coulomb phase shown in Fig.~\ref{phasediagram} is characterized by $\langle U \rangle$ growing larger across the transition but no significant changes in the other observables, which is the reason why the confinement-Coulomb transition can only be seen in the $\langle U \rangle$-plots.
387 For all observables it can be seen that the phase-boundaries in general become more pronounced at higher chemical potential and for the Higgs-Coulomb transition the transition type may even change from crossover to first order. Still, the shown results have to be considered preliminary and more detailed studies will be necessary to draw final conclusions.
391 \includegraphics[width=130mm,clip]{pics/muphases}
392 \caption{We show the observables $\langle U \rangle$, $\langle |\phi|^2 \rangle$, $\langle n \rangle$ as function of $\beta$ and $M^2$ for different $\mu = 0,0.5,1,1.5$. It can be seen how the phase boundaries change with increasing chemical potential.}
396 \subsection{Dual occupation numbers}
398 The dual reformulation of a problem makes it possible to look at the same physics from a different perspective by studying the dynamics of the dual degrees of freedom instead of the conventional ones. This being a feature we find especially exciting about rewriting to dual variables, we here want to present an example.
401 In Fig.~\ref{occutrans_plaq} we plot the plaquette expectation value $\langle U \rangle$ and the corresponding susceptibility $\chi_U$ as function of the chemical potential, for two different volumes $12^3\times60$ and $16^3\times60$. We see that for the larger volume the transition is shifted slightly towards lower chemical potential, but the volume dependence seems to be reasonably small. The parameters $\beta$ and $M^2$ are fixed to $\beta=0.75$ and $M^2=5.73$. Increasing the chemical potential takes us from the confining- to the Higgs-phase where we cross the phase boundary at some critical value of $\mu$, which is $\mu\simeq2.65$ for the larger and $\mu\simeq2.7$ for the smaller lattice, telling us that the Higgs phase is tilted towards the confining phase in $\mu$-direction. Below the critical value of the chemical potential both $\langle U \rangle$ and $\chi_U$ are independent of $\mu$, which is typical for a Silverblaze type transition.
404 Then in Fig.~\ref{occutrans} we show the occupation numbers of all dual link variables $\bar{j}$, $\bar{l}$, $j$, $l$ and dual plaquette variables $p$ just below (top) and above (bottom) the critical chemical potential $\mu_c$. Here blue links/plaquettes depict positive occupation numbers, green links/plaquettes depict negative occupation numbers and links/plaquettes with $0$-occupation are spared out. It can be seen that below $\mu_c$ links and plaquettes are hardly occupied, while above $\mu_c$ they are highly occupied. In that sense the Silverblaze transition shown in Fig.~\ref{occutrans_plaq} can be understood as condensation phenomenon, which is a new perspective on the underlying physics we gained from the dual reformulation of the problem.
409 \includegraphics[width=130mm,clip]{pics/occutrans_plaq}
410 \caption{We here show the plaquette expectation value $\langle U \rangle$ and the corresponding suscpetibility $\chi_U$ as function of the chemical potential, for two different volumes $12^3\times60$ and $16^3\times60$.}
411 \label{occutrans_plaq}
416 \includegraphics[width=130mm,clip]{pics/occutrans}
417 \caption{Dual link occupation numbers $\bar{j}$, $\bar{l}$, $j$, $l$ and dual plaquette occupation numbers $p$ just below (top) and above (bottom) the transition from the confining- to the Higgs-phase shown in the previous plot.}
421 \section*{Acknowledgments}
424 We thank Hans Gerd Evertz
425 for numerous discussions that helped to shape this project and for
426 providing us with the software to compute the autocorrelation times.
427 This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund,
428 FWF, DK {\it Hadrons in Vacuum, Nuclei, and Stars} (FWF DK W1203-N16)
429 and by the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Union
430 under Grant Agreement number PITN-GA-2009-238353 (ITN STRONGnet).
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