]> git.treefish.org Git - phys/proceedings_lattice13.git/commitdiff
authorAlex Schmidt <alex@treefish.org>
Mon, 21 Oct 2013 12:15:06 +0000 (14:15 +0200)
committerAlex Schmidt <alex@treefish.org>
Mon, 21 Oct 2013 12:15:06 +0000 (14:15 +0200)
.gitignore [new file with mode: 0644]
PoS.cls [new file with mode: 0644]
PoSauthmanual.pdf [new file with mode: 0644]
PoSlogo.pdf [new file with mode: 0644]
PoSlogo.ps [new file with mode: 0644]
proceed.pdf [new file with mode: 0644]
proceed.tex [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644 (file)
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diff --git a/PoS.cls b/PoS.cls
new file mode 100644 (file)
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/PoS.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,1447 @@
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PoS.cls 1.2.1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% This file is Copyright PoS 2005:  it can be freely distributed  but
+%% NOT modified preserving its name, even in similar forms.
+%% PoS.cls is a LaTeX2e class file used to typeset manuscripts in PoS - 
+%% Proceedings of Science style. It was written by P. Dall'Aglio as a 
+%% modification of the class `JHEP3.cls'.
+%% For bugs, comments, suggestions email to pos-eo@pos.sissa.it
+%% \CharacterTable
+%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
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+%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
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+%%%% ??????????????
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+% \j and \jmath are missing in font Times. So I use the ones from
+% Computer Modern. Works acceptably, but in sf
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+    %
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+    \@PACS                         % PACS (if present) with its space
+    %
+    \vskip \titlesk@c            
+    \vfill
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+  \end{flushleft}%
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+            \edef\tmp@everypar{\the\everypar}% % DELETED CLUBPENALTY, BELOW.
+            \everypar\expandafter{\bef@everypar{\tmp@everypar}}}% RESTORE.
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+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AUTHORS/ADDRESSES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% *** After proceedings, the authors go in a hbox. => \break does not work!!
+% *** if no address nobody closes the box!
+                     \def\\{\egroup                    % CLOSE & aftergroup!
+                       \par                            % FIRST TIME \\=>ADDR.
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+                       \small\it\raggedright           % STYLE FOR ADDRESSES
+                       \def\\{\par\leavevmode\ignorespaces}%\let\\\relax%
+                       \leavevmode\ignorespaces}%
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+                       \vtop\bgroup #1\egroup          % ACTUAL AUTH.\\ADD.
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+               \long\xdef\@author{\the\prev@t\the\cur@t}%STORE ALL IN \@AUTHOR
+               }
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SPEAKER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+                       \global\@speakertrue
+                       \global\setbox\@firstaubox
+                       \hbox{{\let\thanks\@gobble
+                               \let\footnote\@gobble\small 
+                               \rm #1}}%
+                       #1\thanks{Speaker.}\
+                       }%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SHORT TITLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+                          \hbox{\small\it #1}\global\@shorttitletrue}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Full Conference Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+                        \vbox{\small\raggedright
+                          \it #1}}\@conftrue}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COPYRIGHT DATE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+                        \hbox{\scriptsize #1}\global\@PoScopytrue}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ACKNOWELEDGMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EMAIL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEDICATED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\newcommand\dedicated[1]{\gdef\dedic@ted{\vskip .5\titlesk@c
+                              \vbox{\small\it\raggedleft #1}}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PACS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+                                \vbox{\small\tt\raggedleft PACS:\ #1}}} 
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+    \hbox{\tiny\tt #1}}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  URL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+               http://pos.sissa.it/}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COPYRIGHT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\gdef\PoScopyright@box{\hbox{{\tiny $\copyright$ Copyright owned by
+the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons
+Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.}}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ABSTRACT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\newcommand{\abstract}[1]%             % ABSTR. IN NORMALSIZE
+       {\gdef\abstract@cs{             % cs FOR WHOLE ABSTRACT
+       {\small
+         \ignorespaces #1}}
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+       \global\@abstracttrue}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% OTHER ENVIRONMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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+               {\list{}{\rightmargin\leftmargin}%
+                \item\relax}
+               {\endlist}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THEOREMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\def\@xthm#1#2{\@begintheorem{#2}               % theorems are numbered
+               {\csname the#1\endcsname.}       % with a . after the number
+               \ignorespaces}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% APPENDIX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  \setcounter{section}{0}%
+  \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
+  \renewcommand\thesection{\@Alph\c@section}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SOME MORE LENGHTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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+\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE EQUATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+                         \@arabic\c@equation}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIGURES, TABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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+%%%%%%---------------- FROM FLOATFLT PACKAGE ------------------%%%%%%%%
+%% Original file `floatflt.sty', modified by F.Nesti  to:
+%% be inserted in PoS.cls;
+%% correct float placement when shifting past pages;
+%% correct incompatibility with \marginpar;
+%% correct incompatibility with \@startsection;
+%% correct persisting indentation in following pars;
+%% let float also at beginning of pages; 
+%% avoid the widht specification.
+%% Original was 1994-1996 by Mats Dahlgren <matsd@physchem.kth.se>. 
+%%%%%%%%\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01]           %LEFT THIS STUFF TO 
+%%%%%%%%\ProvidesPackage{floatflt}[1996/02/27 v. 1.3]  %RECONVERT TO PACKAGE.
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+       \gdef\later@label{}%                    % MA D'ALTRONDE...
+       \let\J@ref\ref\def\ref{\protect\J@ref}% % protect ref in captions.. 
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+       \newcommand\J@caption[1]{\gdef\later@capt{\tmp@caption{##1}}}% LOCAL!!
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+       \renewcommand\@@label[1]{\egroup\name{ref-##1}% % TAG WHERE CALLED, AT LEAST,
+                              \if@draft\norm@note{}{LAB: ##1}\fi% & DRAFTNOTE.
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+% problema: se nella stessa pagina ci sono una figura piccola e una
+% [b] o [t] dopo di essa quella piccola viene a sinistra
+% ma questo succede anche senza questa patch!
+% e con o senza footnote.
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+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\if@draft                      % ONLY IF DRAFT! ... 
+ \newcommand\listoffigures{%
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+ \newcommand\listoffigures{\PoS@ignol{List of figures (draft mode only)}}
+ \newcommand\listoftables{\PoS@ignol{List of tables (draft mode only)}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%***
+\newenvironment{thebibliography}[1]%   %UNFORTUNATELY MODIFIED..
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+ \def\@bibitem#1{\old@bbt{#1}\reversemarginpar{\sf\bfseries\small#1}}
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+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NAMES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\if@draft\newcommand\listfigurename{List of figures}
+        \newcommand\listtablename{List of tables}\fi
+  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+  \space\number\day, \number\year}
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+               \let\pagestyle\@gobble
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+\AtBeginDocument{\bgroup%              SOME NICE (LOCAL) MESSAGES... 
+       \def\@APPwarn#1{\PoS@warnl{\protect#1 should appear 
+                                       before \protect\begin{document}}}%
+       \def\@APPerr#1{\ClassError{PoS}{\protect#1 should appear 
+                                       before \protect\begin{document}}}%
+       \if@author\else\@APPerr{Some \protect\author{...}}\fi
+       \if@abstract\else\@APPerr{\abstract{...}}\fi
+       \if@conf\else\@APPerr{\FullConference{...}}\fi
+       \if@shorttitle\else\@APPerr{\ShortTitle{...}}\fi
+       \egroup
+       \auto@maketitle
+       \if@speaker\else\PoS@warnl{One \protect\speaker{...}
+                       must be specified among authors}\fi
+                       \if@dblspeak\PoS@warnl{A single \protect\speaker{...}
+                       should appear in proceedings}\fi
+%% End of file `PoS.cls'.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/PoSauthmanual.pdf differ
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+                       dup (.) ne AGMCORE_arg1 0 lt and
+                               {
+                               pop
+                               }
+                               {
+                               stringwidth pop currentpoint pop add AGMCORE_deltaX 28 add gt
+                                       {
+                                       currentpoint AGMCORE_deltaY sub exch pop
+                                       clippath pathbbox pop pop pop 44 add exch moveto
+                                       } if
+                               AGMCORE_str256 0 AGMCORE_tmp getinterval show ( ) show
+                               } ifelse
+                       0 1 AGMCORE_str256 length 1 sub
+                               {
+                               AGMCORE_str256 exch 0 put
+                               }for
+                       /AGMCORE_tmp 0 def
+                       }
+                       {
+                       dup 94 eq 
+                               {
+                               pop
+                               AGMCORE_arg1 0 ge
+                                       {
+                                       AGMCORE_arg1 AGMCORE_str256 cvs
+                                       dup /AGMCORE_tmp exch length def
+                                       AGMCORE_str256 exch 0 exch putinterval
+                                       AGMCORE_str256 0 AGMCORE_tmp getinterval
+                                       stringwidth pop currentpoint pop add AGMCORE_deltaX 28 add gt
+                                               {
+                                               currentpoint AGMCORE_deltaY sub exch pop
+                                               clippath pathbbox pop pop pop 44 add exch moveto
+                                               } if
+                                       AGMCORE_str256 0 AGMCORE_tmp getinterval show
+                                       }
+                                       {
+                                       /AGMCORE_arg1 0 def
+                                       } ifelse
+                               0 1 AGMCORE_str256 length 1 sub
+                                       {
+                                       AGMCORE_str256 exch 0 put
+                                       }for
+                               /AGMCORE_tmp 0 def
+                               AGMCORE_arg1 0 ne
+                                       {
+                                       /AGMCORE_arg1 AGMCORE_arg2 def
+                                       } if
+                               }
+                               {
+                               AGMCORE_str256 exch AGMCORE_tmp exch put
+                               /AGMCORE_tmp AGMCORE_tmp 1 add def
+                               }ifelse
+                       } ifelse
+               } forall
+} bdf
+       /AGMCORE_map_reserved_ink_name
+       {
+               dup type /stringtype eq{
+                       dup /Red eq{
+                               pop (_Red_)
+                       }{
+                               dup /Green eq{
+                                       pop (_Green_)
+                               }{
+                                       dup /Blue eq{
+                                               pop (_Blue_)
+                                       }{
+                                               dup /Cyan eq{
+                                                       pop (_Cyan_)
+                                               }{
+                                                       dup /Magenta eq{
+                                                               pop (_Magenta_)
+                                                       }{
+                                                               dup /Yellow eq{
+                                                                       pop (_Yellow_)
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       dup /Black eq{
+                                                                               pop (_Black_)
+                                                                       }{
+                                                                               dup / eq{
+                                                                                       pop (Process)
+                                                                               }if
+                                                                       }ifelse
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }if
+       }def
+       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+       /AGMCORE_will_host_separate xdf
+       /AGMCORE_ps_version xdf
+       /AGMCORE_ps_level xdf
+       errordict /AGM_handleerror known not
+               {
+               errordict /AGM_handleerror errordict /handleerror get put
+               errordict /handleerror
+                       {
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+                       $error /newerror get AGMCORE_cur_err null ne and {
+                               $error /newerror false put
+                               AGMCORE_cur_err /AGMCORE_bad_environ eq
+                                       {
+                                       /AGMCORE_bad_environ AGMCORE_ps_level AGMCORE_ps_version
+                                       }
+                                       {
+                                       AGMCORE_cur_err 0 0
+                                       } ifelse
+                               compose_error_msg
+                               } if
+                       $error /newerror true put
+                       end
+                       errordict /AGM_handleerror get exec
+                       } bind put
+               }if
+       /AGMCORE_environ_ok 
+               ps_level AGMCORE_ps_level ge
+               ps_version AGMCORE_ps_version ge and 
+               AGMCORE_ps_level -1 eq or
+       def
+       AGMCORE_environ_ok not
+               {/AGMCORE_cur_err /AGMCORE_bad_environ def} if
+       /AGMCORE_&setgray systemdict/setgray get def
+       level2{
+               /AGMCORE_&setcolor systemdict/setcolor get def
+               /AGMCORE_&setcolorspace systemdict/setcolorspace get def
+               /AGMCORE_&&setcolorspace /setcolorspace ldf
+       }if
+       /AGMCORE_&image systemdict/image get def
+       /AGMCORE_&imagemask systemdict/imagemask get def
+       /colorimage where{
+               pop
+               /AGMCORE_&colorimage /colorimage ldf
+       }if
+       /AGMCORE_in_rip_sep
+               level2{
+                       currentpagedevice/Separations 2 copy known{
+                               get
+                       }{
+                               pop pop false
+                       }ifelse
+               }{
+                       false
+               }ifelse
+       def
+       level2 not{
+               /xput{
+                       dup load dup length exch maxlength eq{
+                               dup dup load dup
+                               length dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 2 mul dict copy def
+                       }if
+                       load begin
+                               def
+                       end
+               }def
+       }{
+               /xput{
+                       load 3 1 roll put
+               }def
+       }ifelse
+       /AGMCORE_gstate_known{
+               where{
+                       /Adobe_AGM_Core_Id known
+               }{
+                       false
+               }ifelse
+       }ndf
+       /AGMCORE_GSTATE AGMCORE_gstate_known not{
+               /AGMCORE_GSTATE 21 dict def
+               /AGMCORE_tmpmatrix matrix def
+               /AGMCORE_gstack 32 array def
+               /AGMCORE_gstackptr 0 def
+               /AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr 0 def
+               /AGMCORE_gstackframekeys 7 def
+               /AGMCORE_&gsave /gsave ldf
+               /AGMCORE_&grestore /grestore ldf
+               /AGMCORE_&grestoreall /grestoreall ldf
+               /AGMCORE_&save /save ldf
+               /AGMCORE_gdictcopy {
+                       begin
+                       { def } forall
+                       end
+               }def
+               /AGMCORE_gput {
+                       AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get
+                       3 1 roll
+                       put
+               }def
+               /AGMCORE_gget {
+                       AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get
+                       exch
+                       get
+               }def
+               /gsave {
+                       AGMCORE_&gsave
+                       AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get
+                       AGMCORE_gstackptr 1 add
+                       dup 32 ge {limitcheck} if
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core exch
+                       /AGMCORE_gstackptr exch put
+                       AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get
+                       AGMCORE_gdictcopy
+               }def
+               /grestore {
+                       AGMCORE_&grestore
+                       AGMCORE_gstackptr 1 sub
+                       dup AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr lt {1 add} if
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core exch
+                       /AGMCORE_gstackptr exch put
+               }def
+               /grestoreall {
+                       AGMCORE_&grestoreall
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core
+                       /AGMCORE_gstackptr AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr put 
+               }def
+               /save {
+                       AGMCORE_&save
+                       AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get
+                       AGMCORE_gstackptr 1 add
+                       dup 32 ge {limitcheck} if
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+                               /AGMCORE_gstackptr exch def
+                               /AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr AGMCORE_gstackptr def
+                       end
+                       AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get
+                       AGMCORE_gdictcopy
+               }def
+               0 1 AGMCORE_gstack length 1 sub {
+                               AGMCORE_gstack exch AGMCORE_gstackframekeys dict put
+               } for
+       }if
+       /currentcmykcolor [0 0 0 0] AGMCORE_gput
+       /currentstrokeadjust false AGMCORE_gput
+       /currentcolorspace [/DeviceGray] AGMCORE_gput
+       /sep_tint 0 AGMCORE_gput
+       /sep_colorspace_dict null AGMCORE_gput
+       /indexed_colorspace_dict null AGMCORE_gput
+       /currentcolor_intent () AGMCORE_gput
+       end
+       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+       /setcmykcolor
+       {
+               4 copy AGMCORE_cmykbuf astore /currentcmykcolor exch AGMCORE_gput
+               1 sub 4 1 roll
+               3 {
+                       3 index add neg dup 0 lt {
+                               pop 0
+                       } if
+                       3 1 roll
+               } repeat
+               setrgbcolor pop
+       }ndf
+       /AGMCORE_ccimage_exists /customcolorimage where {pop true}{false} ifelse def
+       /currentcmykcolor
+       {
+               /currentcmykcolor AGMCORE_gget aload pop
+       }ndf
+       /setoverprint
+       {
+               pop
+       }ndf
+       /currentoverprint
+       {
+               false
+       }ndf
+       /AGMCORE_deviceDPI 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def
+       /AGMCORE_cyan_plate 1 0 0 0 test_cmyk_color_plate def
+       /AGMCORE_magenta_plate 0 1 0 0 test_cmyk_color_plate def
+       /AGMCORE_yellow_plate 0 0 1 0 test_cmyk_color_plate def
+       /AGMCORE_black_plate 0 0 0 1 test_cmyk_color_plate def
+       /AGMCORE_plate_ndx 
+               AGMCORE_cyan_plate{ 
+                       0
+               }{
+                       AGMCORE_magenta_plate{
+                               1
+                       }{
+                               AGMCORE_yellow_plate{
+                                       2
+                               }{
+                                       AGMCORE_black_plate{
+                                               3
+                                       }{
+                                               4
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+               def
+       /AGMCORE_composite_job
+               AGMCORE_cyan_plate AGMCORE_magenta_plate and AGMCORE_yellow_plate and AGMCORE_black_plate and def
+       /AGMCORE_producing_seps AGMCORE_composite_job not AGMCORE_in_rip_sep or def
+       /AGMCORE_host_sep AGMCORE_producing_seps AGMCORE_in_rip_sep not and def
+       /AGM_preserve_spots 
+               /AGM_preserve_spots where{
+                       pop AGM_preserve_spots
+               }{
+                       systemdict/setdistillerparams known product (Adobe PostScript Parser) ne and AGMCORE_producing_seps or
+               }ifelse
+       def
+       AGMCORE_host_sep AGMCORE_will_host_separate not and {
+               /AGMCORE_cur_err /AGMCORE_color_space_onhost_seps def
+               AGMCORE_color_space_onhost_seps
+       }if
+       /AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space  
+               version cvr 2012 lt 
+               level2 and 
+               AGMCORE_producing_seps not and
+       def
+       /AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep
+               AGMCORE_cyan_plate AGMCORE_magenta_plate or AGMCORE_yellow_plate or AGMCORE_black_plate or
+       def
+       /AGM_avoid_0_cmyk where{
+               pop AGM_avoid_0_cmyk
+       }{
+               AGM_preserve_spots
+       }ifelse
+       {
+               /setcmykcolor[
+                       {4 copy add add add 0 eq currentoverprint and{pop 0.0005}if}/exec cvx
+                       /setcmykcolor load dup type/operatortype ne{/exec cvx}if
+               ]cvx def
+       }if
+       AGMCORE_host_sep{
+               /AGMCORE_get_ink_data
+                       AGMCORE_cyan_plate{
+                               {pop pop pop}
+                       }{
+                               AGMCORE_magenta_plate{
+                                       {4 3 roll pop pop pop}
+                               }{
+                                       AGMCORE_yellow_plate{
+                                               {4 2 roll pop pop pop}
+                                       }{
+                                               {4 1 roll pop pop pop}
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               def
+       }if
+       AGMCORE_in_rip_sep{
+               /setcustomcolor
+               {
+                       exch aload pop
+                       dup 7 1 roll inRip_spot_has_ink not     { 
+                               4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll}
+                               repeat
+                               /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace
+                               6 -2 roll pop pop
+                       }{ 
+                               Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+                                       /AGMCORE_k xdf /AGMCORE_y xdf /AGMCORE_m xdf /AGMCORE_c xdf
+                               end
+                               [/Separation 4 -1 roll /DeviceCMYK
+                               {dup AGMCORE_c mul exch dup AGMCORE_m mul exch dup AGMCORE_y mul exch AGMCORE_k mul}
+                               ]
+                               setcolorspace
+                       }ifelse
+                       setcolor
+               }ndf
+               /setseparationgray
+               {
+                       [/Separation (All) /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace_opt
+                       1 exch sub setcolor
+               }ndf
+       }{
+               /setseparationgray
+               {
+                       AGMCORE_&setgray
+               }ndf
+       }ifelse
+       /findcmykcustomcolor
+       {
+               5 makereadonlyarray
+       }ndf
+       /setcustomcolor
+       {
+               exch aload pop pop
+               4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll} repeat
+               setcmykcolor pop
+       }ndf
+       /has_color
+               /colorimage where{
+                       AGMCORE_producing_seps{
+                               pop true
+                       }{
+                               systemdict eq
+                       }ifelse
+               }{
+                       false
+               }ifelse
+       def
+       /map_index
+       {
+               1 index mul exch getinterval {255 div} forall
+       }def
+       level2{
+               /mo /moveto ldf
+               /ln /lineto ldf
+               /cv /curveto ldf
+               /knockout_unitsq
+               {
+                       1 setgray
+                       0 0 1 1 rectfill
+               }def
+               /level2ScreenFreq{
+                       begin
+                       60
+                       HalftoneType 1 eq{
+                               pop Frequency
+                       }if
+                       HalftoneType 2 eq{
+                               pop GrayFrequency
+                       }if
+                       HalftoneType 5 eq{
+                               pop Default level2ScreenFreq
+                       }if
+                        end
+               }def
+               /currentScreenFreq{
+                       currenthalftone level2ScreenFreq
+               }def
+               /invert_image_samples
+               {
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_tmp Decode length ddf
+                       /Decode [ Decode 1 get Decode 0 get] def
+               }def
+               /knockout_image_samples
+               {
+                       Operator/imagemask ne{
+                               /Decode [1 1] def
+                       }if
+               }def
+               /get_gstate
+               {
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE begin
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_ctm AGMCORE_tmpmatrix currentmatrix def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_spc currentcolorspace def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx 0 def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_comps 12 array def
+                       mark currentcolor counttomark
+                               {AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_comps AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx 3 -1 roll put
+                               /AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx 1 add def} repeat pop
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_fnt rootfont def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_lw currentlinewidth def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_lc currentlinecap def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_lj currentlinejoin def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_ml currentmiterlimit def
+                       currentdash /AGMCORE_GSTATE_do xdf /AGMCORE_GSTATE_da xdf
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_sa currentstrokeadjust def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_rnd currentcolorrendering def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_op currentoverprint def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_bg currentblackgeneration cvlit def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_ucr currentundercolorremoval cvlit def
+                       currentcolortransfer 
+                               cvlit /AGMCORE_GSTATE_gy_xfer xdf 
+                               cvlit /AGMCORE_GSTATE_b_xfer xdf
+                               cvlit /AGMCORE_GSTATE_g_xfer xdf 
+                               cvlit /AGMCORE_GSTATE_r_xfer xdf
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_ht currenthalftone def
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_flt currentflat def
+                       end
+               }ndf
+               /set_gstate
+               {
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE begin
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_ctm setmatrix
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_spc setcolorspace
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx {AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_comps AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx 1 sub get
+                       /AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_indx 1 sub def} repeat setcolor
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_fnt setfont
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_lw setlinewidth
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_lc setlinecap
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_lj setlinejoin
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_ml setmiterlimit
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_da AGMCORE_GSTATE_do setdash
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_sa setstrokeadjust
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_clr_rnd setcolorrendering
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_op setoverprint
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_bg cvx setblackgeneration
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_ucr cvx setundercolorremoval
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_r_xfer cvx AGMCORE_GSTATE_g_xfer cvx AGMCORE_GSTATE_b_xfer cvx
+                               AGMCORE_GSTATE_gy_xfer cvx setcolortransfer
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_ht /HalftoneType get dup 9 eq exch 100 eq or
+                               {
+                               currenthalftone /HalftoneType get AGMCORE_GSTATE_ht /HalftoneType get ne
+                                       {
+                                         mark AGMCORE_GSTATE_ht {sethalftone} stopped cleartomark
+                                       } if
+                               }{
+                               AGMCORE_GSTATE_ht sethalftone
+                               } ifelse
+                       AGMCORE_GSTATE_flt setflat
+                       end
+               }ndf
+               AGMCORE_producing_seps not{
+                       /setcolorspace where{
+                               /Adobe_AGM_Core_Id known not
+                       }{
+                               true
+                       }ifelse
+                       {
+                               /setcolorspace
+                               {
+                                       dup type dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or{
+                                               dup 0 get dup /Separation eq{
+                                                       pop
+                                                       [ exch {} forall ]
+                                                       dup dup 1 get AGMCORE_map_reserved_ink_name 1 exch put
+                                               }{
+                                                       /DeviceN eq {
+                                                               [ exch {} forall ]
+                                                               dup dup 1 get [ exch {AGMCORE_map_reserved_ink_name} forall ] 1 exch put
+                                                       }if
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }if
+                                       AGMCORE_&&setcolorspace 
+                               }def
+                       }if
+               }if     
+       }{
+               /adj
+               {
+                       currentstrokeadjust{
+                               transform
+                               0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch
+                               0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch
+                               itransform
+                       }if
+               }def
+               /mo{
+                       adj moveto
+               }def
+               /ln{
+                       adj lineto
+               }def
+               /cv{
+                       6 2 roll adj
+                       6 2 roll adj
+                       6 2 roll adj curveto
+               }def
+               /knockout_unitsq
+               {
+                       1 setgray
+                       8 8 1 [8 0 0 8 0 0] {<ffffffffffffffff>} image
+               }def
+               /currentstrokeadjust{
+                       /currentstrokeadjust AGMCORE_gget
+               }def
+               /setstrokeadjust{
+                       /currentstrokeadjust exch AGMCORE_gput
+               }def
+               /currentScreenFreq{
+                       currentscreen pop pop
+               }def
+               /invert_image_samples
+               {
+                       {1 exch sub} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+               }def
+               /knockout_image_samples
+               {
+                       { pop 1 } currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+               }def
+               /setcolorspace
+               {
+                       /currentcolorspace exch AGMCORE_gput
+               } def
+               /currentcolorspace
+               {
+                       /currentcolorspace AGMCORE_gget
+               } def
+               /n_color_components
+               {
+                       dup type /arraytype eq{
+                               0 get
+                       }if
+                       dup /DeviceGray eq{
+                               pop 1
+                       }{
+                               /DeviceCMYK eq{
+                                       4
+                               }{
+                                       3
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               } def
+               /setcolor_devicecolor
+               {
+                       dup type /arraytype eq{
+                               0 get
+                       }if
+                       dup /DeviceGray eq{
+                               pop setgray
+                       }{
+                               /DeviceCMYK eq{
+                                       setcmykcolor
+                               }{
+                                       setrgbcolor
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }def
+               /setcolor
+               {
+                       currentcolorspace 0 get
+                       dup /DeviceGray ne{
+                               dup /DeviceCMYK ne{
+                                       dup /DeviceRGB ne{
+                                               dup /Separation eq{
+                                                       pop
+                                                       currentcolorspace 3 get exec
+                                                       currentcolorspace 2 get
+                                               }{
+                                                       dup /Indexed eq{
+                                                               pop
+                                                               currentcolorspace 3 get dup type /stringtype eq{
+                                                                       currentcolorspace 1 get n_color_components
+                                                                       3 -1 roll map_index
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       exec
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                               currentcolorspace 1 get
+                                                       }{
+                                                               /AGMCORE_cur_err /AGMCORE_invalid_color_space def
+                                                               AGMCORE_invalid_color_space
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }if
+                               }if
+                       }if
+                       setcolor_devicecolor
+               } def
+       }ifelse
+       /op /setoverprint ldf
+       /lw /setlinewidth ldf
+       /lc /setlinecap ldf
+       /lj /setlinejoin ldf
+       /ml /setmiterlimit ldf
+       /dsh /setdash ldf
+       /sadj /setstrokeadjust ldf
+       /gry /setgray ldf
+       /rgb /setrgbcolor ldf
+       /cmyk /setcmykcolor ldf
+       /sep /setsepcolor ldf
+       /idx /setindexedcolor ldf
+       /colr /setcolor ldf
+       /csacrd /set_csa_crd ldf
+       /sepcs /setsepcolorspace ldf
+       /idxcs /setindexedcolorspace ldf
+       /cp /closepath ldf
+       /clp /clp_npth ldf
+       /eclp /eoclp_npth ldf
+       /spclp /stkpath_clp_npth ldf
+       /f /fill ldf
+       /ef /eofill ldf
+       /s /stroke ldf
+       /sclp /stk_n_clp_npth ldf
+       /nclp /npth_clp ldf
+       /img /imageormask ldf
+       /sepimg /sep_imageormask ldf
+       /idximg /indexed_imageormask ldf
+       /gset /graphic_setup ldf
+       /gcln /graphic_cleanup ldf
+       currentdict{
+               dup xcheck 1 index type dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or and {
+                       bind
+               }if
+               def
+       }forall
+       end
+       systemdict/languagelevel known{
+               systemdict/languagelevel get 2 ge{
+                       userdict/Adobe_AGM_Core 2 copy known{
+                               undef
+                       }{
+                               pop pop
+                       }ifelse
+               }if
+       }if
+systemdict /findcolorrendering known{
+       /findcolorrendering systemdict /findcolorrendering get def
+systemdict /setcolorrendering known{
+       /setcolorrendering systemdict /setcolorrendering get def
+       gsave
+       setcmykcolor currentgray 1 ne
+       grestore
+       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_name xddf
+       false
+       currentpagedevice/SeparationColorNames get{
+               AGMCORE_name eq or
+       }forall
+       dup length 0 eq{
+               pop true
+       }{
+               Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result false put
+               {
+                       dup /ProcessCyan eq{
+                               AGMCORE_cyan_plate ink_result or Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result xddf
+                       }{
+                               dup /ProcessMagenta eq{
+                                       AGMCORE_magenta_plate ink_result or Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result xddf
+                               }{
+                                       dup /ProcessYellow eq{
+                                               AGMCORE_yellow_plate ink_result or Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result xddf
+                                       }{
+                                               dup /ProcessBlack eq{
+                                                       AGMCORE_black_plate ink_result or Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result xddf
+                                               }{
+                                                       dup /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget dup null eq{
+                                                               pop false ink_result or Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result xddf
+                                                       }{
+                                                               /Name get eq{
+                                                                       1 setsepcolor
+                                                                       currentgray 1 ne ink_result or Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result xddf
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       false ink_result or Adobe_AGM_Core/ink_result xddf
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+                       pop 
+               } forall
+               ink_result
+       }ifelse
+       1 index sub
+       3 -1 roll 255 div mul add
+       /sep_colorspace_dict null AGMCORE_gput
+       begin
+               CSA map_csa setcolorspace_opt
+               set_crd
+       end
+       /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+               dup /sep_tint exch AGMCORE_gput
+               TintProc
+       end
+} def
+       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_tmp xddf
+       /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+       currentdict/Components known{
+               Components aload pop 
+               TintMethod/Lab eq{
+                       2 {AGMCORE_tmp mul NComponents 1 roll} repeat
+                       LMax sub AGMCORE_tmp mul LMax add  NComponents 1 roll
+               }{
+                       TintMethod/Subtractive eq{
+                               NComponents{
+                                       AGMCORE_tmp mul NComponents 1 roll
+                               }repeat
+                       }{
+                               NComponents{
+                                       1 sub AGMCORE_tmp mul 1 add  NComponents 1 roll
+                               } repeat
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+       }{
+               ColorLookup AGMCORE_tmp ColorLookup length 1 sub mul round cvi get
+               aload pop
+       }ifelse
+       end
+} def
+       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_tmp xddf
+       /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+       GrayLookup AGMCORE_tmp GrayLookup length 1 sub mul round cvi get
+       end
+} def
+       dup 0 get 
+       dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or level2 not and has_color not and{
+               pop [/DeviceGray]
+               /sep_colorspace_gray_proc
+       }{
+               /sep_colorspace_proc
+       }ifelse
+} def
+       dup /sep_colorspace_dict exch AGMCORE_gput
+       begin
+       /MappedCSA CSA map_csa def
+       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_sep_special Name dup () eq exch (All) eq or ddf
+       AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space{
+               [/Indexed MappedCSA sep_proc_name 255 exch 
+                       { 255 div } /exec cvx 3 -1 roll [ 4 1 roll load /exec cvx ] cvx 
+               ] setcolorspace_opt
+               /TintProc {
+                       255 mul setcolor
+               }bdf
+       }{
+               MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq 
+               currentdict/Components known and 
+               AGMCORE_sep_special not and{
+                       /TintProc [
+                               Components aload pop Name findcmykcustomcolor 
+                               /exch cvx /setcustomcolor cvx
+                       ] cvx bdf
+               }{
+                       AGMCORE_host_sep Name (All) eq and{
+                               /TintProc { 
+                                       1 exch sub setseparationgray 
+                               }bdf
+                       }{
+                               AGMCORE_in_rip_sep MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq and 
+                               AGMCORE_host_sep or
+                               Name () eq and{
+                                       /TintProc [
+                                               MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq{
+                                                       cvx /setcmykcolor cvx
+                                               }{
+                                                       cvx /setgray cvx
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       ] cvx bdf
+                               }{
+                                       AGMCORE_producing_seps MappedCSA 0 get dup /DeviceCMYK eq exch /DeviceGray eq or and AGMCORE_sep_special not and{
+                                               /TintProc [
+                                                       /dup cvx
+                                                       MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch
+                                                       0 get /DeviceGray eq{
+                                                               1 /exch cvx /sub cvx 0 0 0 4 -1 /roll cvx
+                                                       }if
+                                                       /Name cvx /findcmykcustomcolor cvx /exch cvx
+                                                       AGMCORE_host_sep{
+                                                               AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep
+                                                       }{
+                                                               Name inRip_spot_has_ink not
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                                       {
+                                                               /pop cvx 1
+                                                       }if
+                                                       /setcustomcolor cvx
+                                               ] cvx bdf
+                                       }{ 
+                                               /TintProc /setcolor ldf
+                                               [/Separation Name MappedCSA sep_proc_name load ] setcolorspace_opt
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+       }ifelse
+       set_crd
+       1 setsepcolor
+       end
+} def
+       dup /indexed_colorspace_dict exch AGMCORE_gput
+       begin
+               /MappedCSA CSA map_csa def
+               AGMCORE_host_sep level2 not and{
+                       0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
+               }{
+                       [/Indexed MappedCSA 
+                       level2 not has_color not and{
+                               dup 0 get dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or{
+                                       pop [/DeviceGray]
+                               }if
+                               HiVal GrayLookup
+                       }{
+                               HiVal 
+                               currentdict/RangeArray known{
+                                       { 
+                                               /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+                                               Lookup exch 
+                                               dup HiVal gt{
+                                                       pop HiVal
+                                               }if
+                                               NComponents mul NComponents getinterval {} forall
+                                               NComponents 1 sub -1 0{
+                                                       RangeArray exch 2 mul 2 getinterval aload pop map255_to_range
+                                                       NComponents 1 roll
+                                               }for
+                                               end
+                                       } bind
+                               }{
+                                       Lookup
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+                       ] setcolorspace_opt
+                       set_crd
+               }ifelse
+       end
+       AGMCORE_host_sep{
+               /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget/Lookup get 4 3 -1 roll map_index setcmykcolor
+       }{
+               setcolor
+       }ifelse
+} def
+       begin
+               save mark
+               level2{
+                       currentdict
+                       Operator /imagemask eq{
+                               AGMCORE_&imagemask
+                       }{
+                               AGMCORE_&image
+                       }ifelse
+               }{
+                       Width Height
+                       Operator /imagemask eq{
+                               Decode 0 get 1 eq Decode 1 get 0 eq     and
+                               ImageMatrix /DataSource load
+                               AGMCORE_&imagemask
+                       }{
+                               BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix /DataSource load
+                               AGMCORE_&image
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+               cleartomark restore
+       end
+       currentoverprint{
+               0 get
+               dup /DeviceGray eq{
+                       pop AGMCORE_black_plate not
+               }{
+                       /DeviceCMYK eq{
+                               AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep not
+                       }if
+               }ifelse
+       }{
+               false
+       }ifelse
+/rdline {
+       currentfile AGMCORE_str256 readline pop
+} def
+/rdcmntline {
+       currentfile AGMCORE_str256 readline pop
+       (%) anchorsearch {pop} if
+} def
+       dup type /filetype ne{
+               0 () /SubFileDecode filter
+       }if
+       [
+       exch
+       {
+               AGMCORE_src256 readstring pop
+               dup length /AGMCORE_srcLen exch def
+               /AGMCORE_ndx 0 def
+               AGMCORE_plate_ndx 4 AGMCORE_srcLen 1 sub{
+                       1 index exch get
+                       AGMCORE_dst64 AGMCORE_ndx 3 -1 roll put
+                       /AGMCORE_ndx AGMCORE_ndx 1 add def
+               }for
+               pop
+               AGMCORE_dst64 0 AGMCORE_ndx getinterval
+       }
+       bind
+       /exec cvx
+       ] cvx
+} def
+       begin
+               SkipImageProc not{
+                       save mark
+                       level2 AGMCORE_host_sep not and{
+                               currentdict
+                               Operator /imagemask eq{
+                                       imagemask
+                               }{
+                                       AGMCORE_in_rip_sep currentoverprint and currentcolorspace 0 get /DeviceGray eq and{
+                                               [/Separation /Black /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace
+                                               /Decode [ Decode 1 get Decode 0 get ] def
+                                       }if
+                                       image
+                               }ifelse
+                       }{
+                               Width Height
+                               Operator /imagemask eq{
+                                       Decode 0 get 1 eq Decode 1 get 0 eq     and
+                                       ImageMatrix /DataSource load
+                                       AGMCORE_host_sep{
+                                               currentgray 1 ne{
+                                                       currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                               }{
+                                                       currentoverprint not{
+                                                               1 AGMCORE_&setgray
+                                                               knockout_image_samples
+                                                               currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                                       }{
+                                                               nulldevice currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }{
+                                               imagemask
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }{
+                                       BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix 
+                                       MultipleDataSources{
+                                               0 1 NComponents 1 sub{
+                                                       DataSource exch get
+                                               }for
+                                       }{
+                                               /DataSource load
+                                       }ifelse
+                                       Operator /colorimage eq{
+                                               AGMCORE_host_sep{
+                                                       MultipleDataSources level2 or NComponents 4 eq and{
+                                                               MultipleDataSources{
+                                                                       4 {pop} repeat
+                                                                       /DataSource [
+                                                                               DataSource 0 get /exec cvx
+                                                                               DataSource 1 get /exec cvx
+                                                                               DataSource 2 get /exec cvx
+                                                                               DataSource 3 get /exec cvx
+                                                                               /AGMCORE_get_ink_data cvx
+                                                                       ] cvx def
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       /DataSource /DataSource load filter_cmyk 0 () /SubFileDecode filter def
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                               /Decode [ Decode 0 get Decode 1 get ] def
+                                                               /MultipleDataSources false def
+                                                               /NComponents 1 def
+                                                               /Operator /image def
+                                                               AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep{
+                                                                       currentoverprint InksUsed current_ink not and{
+                                                                               nulldevice
+                                                                       }{
+                                                                               invert_image_samples
+                                                                       }ifelse
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       currentoverprint not{
+                                                                               knockout_image_samples
+                                                                       }{
+                                                                               nulldevice
+                                                                       }ifelse
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                               1 AGMCORE_&setgray
+                                                               currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                                       }{
+                                                               currentcolortransfer
+                                                               {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll                          
+                                                               {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                                               {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                                               {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                                               setcolortransfer
+                                                               MultipleDataSources NComponents AGMCORE_&colorimage                                             
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                               }{
+                                                       true NComponents colorimage
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }{
+                                               Operator /image eq{
+                                                       AGMCORE_host_sep{
+                                                               HostSepColorImage{
+                                                                       invert_image_samples
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       AGMCORE_black_plate not{
+                                                                               currentoverprint not{
+                                                                                       knockout_image_samples
+                                                                               }{
+                                                                                       nulldevice
+                                                                               }ifelse
+                                                                       }if
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                               1 AGMCORE_&setgray
+                                                               currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                                       }{
+                                                               image
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                               }{
+                                                       Operator/knockout eq{
+                                                               pop pop pop pop pop
+                                                               currentoverprint InksUsed current_ink not and{
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       currentcolorspace overprint_plate not{
+                                                                               knockout_unitsq
+                                                                       }if
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                       }if
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+                       cleartomark restore
+               }if
+       end
+       begin
+               Width Height BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix 
+               /DataSource load
+       end
+       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+               /AGMCORE_mbuf 0 string def
+               /AGMCORE_ybuf 0 string def
+               /AGMCORE_kbuf 0 string def
+               {
+                       colorbuf dup length AGMCORE_mbuf length ne
+                               {
+                               dup length dup dup
+                               /AGMCORE_mbuf exch string def
+                               /AGMCORE_ybuf exch string def
+                               /AGMCORE_kbuf exch string def
+                               } if
+                       dup AGMCORE_mbuf copy AGMCORE_ybuf copy AGMCORE_kbuf copy pop
+               }
+               addprocs
+               {AGMCORE_mbuf}{AGMCORE_ybuf}{AGMCORE_kbuf} true 4 colorimage    
+       end
+} def                  
+       begin
+               MappedCSA 0 get dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or has_color not and{
+                       {
+                               255 mul round cvi GrayLookup exch get
+                       } currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+                       currentdict imageormask
+               }{
+                       /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget/Components known{
+                               MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq{
+                                       Components aload pop
+                               }{
+                                       0 0 0 Components aload pop 1 exch sub
+                               }ifelse
+                               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_k xddf 
+                               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_y xddf 
+                               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_m xddf 
+                               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_c xddf 
+                               AGMCORE_y 0.0 eq AGMCORE_m 0.0 eq and AGMCORE_c 0.0 eq and{
+                                       {AGMCORE_k mul 1 exch sub} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+                                       currentdict imageormask
+                               }{ 
+                                       currentcolortransfer
+                                       {AGMCORE_k mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {AGMCORE_y mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {AGMCORE_m mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {AGMCORE_c mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       setcolortransfer
+                                       currentdict tint_image_to_color
+                               }ifelse
+                       }{
+                               MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceGray eq {
+                                       {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+                                       currentdict imageormask
+                               }{
+                                       MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq {
+                                               currentcolortransfer
+                                               {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 3 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 2 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 1 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               setcolortransfer 
+                                               currentdict tint_image_to_color
+                                       }{ 
+                                               currentcolortransfer
+                                               {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 2 get} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 1 get} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                               setcolortransfer 
+                                               currentdict tint_image_to_color
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+       end
+       begin
+               /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget/Components known{
+                       Components aload pop
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_k xddf 
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_y xddf 
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_m xddf 
+                       Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_c xddf 
+                       {AGMCORE_c mul 1 exch sub}
+                       {AGMCORE_m mul 1 exch sub}
+                       {AGMCORE_y mul 1 exch sub}
+                       {AGMCORE_k mul 1 exch sub}
+               }{ 
+                       {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get 1 exch sub}
+                       {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 1 get 1 exch sub}
+                       {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 2 get 1 exch sub}
+                       {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 3 get 1 exch sub}
+               }ifelse
+               AGMCORE_get_ink_data currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+               currentdict imageormask_sys
+       end
+       /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+       /MappedCSA CSA map_csa def
+       begin
+       SkipImageProc not{
+               save mark 
+               AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space{
+                       /Decode [ Decode 0 get 255 mul Decode 1 get 255 mul ] def
+               }if
+               AGMCORE_ccimage_exists 
+               MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq and
+               currentdict/Components known and 
+               Name () ne and 
+               Name (All) ne and 
+               Operator /image eq and
+               AGMCORE_producing_seps not and
+               level2 not and
+               {
+                       Width Height BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix 
+                       [
+                       /DataSource load /exec cvx
+                       {
+                               0 1 2 index length 1 sub{
+                                       1 index exch
+                                       2 copy get 255 xor put
+                               }for
+                       } /exec cvx
+                       ] cvx bind
+                       MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq{
+                               Components aload pop
+                       }{
+                               0 0 0 Components aload pop 1 exch sub
+                       }ifelse
+                       Name findcmykcustomcolor
+                       customcolorimage
+               }{
+                       AGMCORE_producing_seps not{
+                               level2{
+                                       AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space not currentcolorspace 0 get /Separation ne and{
+                                               [/Separation Name MappedCSA sep_proc_name load ] setcolorspace_opt
+                                               /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget setcolor
+                                       }if
+                                       currentdict imageormask
+                               }{ 
+                                       currentdict
+                                       Operator /imagemask eq{
+                                               imageormask
+                                       }{
+                                               sep_imageormask_lev1
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }{
+                               AGMCORE_host_sep{
+                                       Operator/knockout eq{
+                                               currentoverprint InksUsed current_ink not and{
+                                               }{
+                                                       currentdict/ImageMatrix get concat
+                                                       knockout_unitsq
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }{
+                                               currentgray 1 ne{
+                                                       AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep Name (All) ne and{
+                                                               level2{
+                                                                       [ /Separation Name [/DeviceGray]
+                                                                       { 
+                                                                               sep_colorspace_proc AGMCORE_get_ink_data
+                                                                               1 exch sub
+                                                                       } bind
+                                                                       ] AGMCORE_&setcolorspace
+                                                                       /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget AGMCORE_&setcolor
+                                                                       currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                                               }{
+                                                                       currentdict
+                                                                       Operator /imagemask eq{
+                                                                               imageormask_sys
+                                                                       }{
+                                                                               sep_image_lev1_sep
+                                                                       }ifelse
+                                                               }ifelse
+                                                       }{
+                                                               Operator/imagemask ne{
+                                                                       invert_image_samples
+                                                               }if
+                                                               currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                               }{
+                                                       currentoverprint not Name (All) eq or{
+                                                               knockout_image_samples
+                                                       }{
+                                                               nulldevice 
+                                                       }ifelse
+                                                       currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }{
+                                       currentcolorspace 0 get /Separation ne{
+                                               [/Separation Name MappedCSA sep_proc_name load ] setcolorspace_opt
+                                               /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget setcolor
+                                       }if
+                                       currentoverprint 
+                                       MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq and 
+                                       Name inRip_spot_has_ink not and 
+                                       Name (All) ne and {
+                                               imageormask_l2_overprint
+                                       }{
+                                               currentdict imageormask
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+               cleartomark restore
+       }if
+       end
+       end
+       currenthalftone dup length dict copy begin
+    currentdict 2 index known{
+       1 index load dup length dict copy begin
+               currentdict/TransferFunction known{
+                       /TransferFunction load
+               }{
+                       currenttransfer
+               }ifelse
+           addprocs /TransferFunction xdf 
+           currentdict end def
+               currentdict end sethalftone
+       }{ 
+               currentdict/TransferFunction known{
+                       /TransferFunction load 
+               }{
+                       currenttransfer
+               }ifelse
+               addprocs /TransferFunction xdf
+               currentdict end sethalftone             
+               pop
+       }ifelse
+       AGMCORE_imagefile 0 setfileposition
+       dup /DataSource {AGMCORE_imagefile AGMCORE_imbuf readstring pop} put
+       exch
+       load exec
+       { (AGMCORE_imagefile) (w+) file } stopped{
+               false
+       }{
+               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_imagefile xddf 
+               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_imbuf Width BitsPerComponent mul 7 add 8 idiv string ddf
+               1 1 Height { 
+                       pop
+                       DataSource dup type /filetype eq{
+                               AGMCORE_imbuf readstring pop
+                       }{
+                               exec
+                       } ifelse
+                       AGMCORE_imagefile exch writestring
+               }for
+               true
+       }ifelse
+       write_image_file{
+               currentcmykcolor
+               0 ne{
+                       [/Separation /Black /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace
+                       gsave
+                       /Black
+                       [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {4 1 roll pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx]
+                       cvx modify_halftone_xfer
+                       Operator currentdict read_image_file
+                       grestore
+               }if
+               0 ne{
+                       [/Separation /Yellow /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace
+                       gsave
+                       /Yellow
+                       [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {4 2 roll pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx]
+                       cvx modify_halftone_xfer
+                       Operator currentdict read_image_file
+                       grestore
+               }if
+               0 ne{
+                       [/Separation /Magenta /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace
+                       gsave
+                       /Magenta
+                       [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {4 3 roll pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx]
+                       cvx modify_halftone_xfer
+                       Operator currentdict read_image_file
+                       grestore
+               }if
+               0 ne{
+                       [/Separation /Cyan /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace
+                       gsave
+                       /Cyan 
+                       [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx]
+                       cvx modify_halftone_xfer
+                       Operator currentdict read_image_file
+                       grestore
+               } if
+               AGMCORE_imagefile closefile (AGMCORE_imagefile) deletefile
+       }{
+               currentdict imageormask
+       }ifelse
+} def
+       begin
+               save mark 
+               currentdict
+               AGMCORE_host_sep{
+                       Operator/knockout eq{
+                               /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /CSA get map_csa overprint_plate not{
+                                       knockout_unitsq
+                               }if
+                       }{
+                               AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep{
+                                       Operator /imagemask eq{
+                                               imageormask_sys
+                                       }{
+                                               level2{
+                                                       indexed_image_lev2_sep
+                                               }{
+                                                       indexed_image_lev1_sep
+                                               }ifelse
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }{
+                                       currentoverprint not{
+                                               knockout_image_samples
+                                               imageormask_sys
+                                       }{
+                                               nulldevice currentdict imageormask_sys
+                                       }ifelse
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }{
+                       level2{
+                               imageormask
+                       }{ 
+                               Operator /imagemask eq{
+                                       imageormask
+                               }{
+                                       indexed_imageormask_lev1
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+               cleartomark restore
+       end
+       /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+       begin
+               currentdict
+               MappedCSA 0 get dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or has_color not and{
+                       {HiVal mul round cvi GrayLookup exch get HiVal div} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+                       imageormask
+               }{
+                       MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceGray eq {
+                               {HiVal mul round cvi Lookup exch get HiVal div} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+                               imageormask
+                       }{
+                               MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq {
+                                       currentcolortransfer
+                                       {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 3 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 2 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 1 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi       Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       setcolortransfer 
+                                       tint_image_to_color
+                               }{ 
+                                       currentcolortransfer
+                                       {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {3 mul HiVal mul round cvi 2 add Lookup exch get HiVal div} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {3 mul HiVal mul round cvi 1 add Lookup exch get HiVal div} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       {3 mul HiVal mul round cvi         Lookup exch get HiVal div} exch addprocs 4 1 roll
+                                       setcolortransfer 
+                                       tint_image_to_color
+                               }ifelse
+                       }ifelse
+               }ifelse
+       end end
+       /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+       begin
+               {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi       Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub}
+               {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 1 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub}
+               {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 2 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub}
+               {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 3 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub}
+               AGMCORE_get_ink_data currenttransfer addprocs settransfer
+               currentdict imageormask_sys
+       end end
+       /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin
+       begin
+               currentcolorspace 
+               dup 1 /DeviceGray put
+               dup 3 [
+                       currentcolorspace 3 get 
+                       {
+                               exch 4 mul 4 getinterval {} forall
+                               AGMCORE_get_ink_data 255 div 1 exch sub
+                       } /exec cvx
+               ] cvx put
+               setcolorspace
+               currentdict 
+               Operator /imagemask eq{
+                       AGMCORE_&imagemask
+               }{
+                       AGMCORE_&image
+               }ifelse
+       end end
+       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+                       /AGMCORE_CSA_cache xput
+       end
+       dup type /nametype eq{
+               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_CSA_cache get exch get
+       }if
+       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+               /AGMCORE_CSD_cache xput
+       end
+       dup type /nametype eq{
+               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_CSD_cache get exch get
+       }if
+       Adobe_AGM_Core begin
+               /AGMCORE_pattern_cache xput
+       end
+       dup type /nametype eq{
+               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_pattern_cache get exch get
+       }if
+       dup /PatternType get 1 eq{
+               dup /PaintType get 1 eq{
+                       false op [/DeviceGray] setcolorspace 0 setgray
+               }if
+       }if
+       setpattern
+       dup currentcolorspace eq{
+               pop
+       }{
+               setcolorspace
+       }ifelse
+       currentcolorrendering/Intent known{
+               currentcolorrendering/Intent get
+       }{
+               null
+       }ifelse
+       Intent ne{
+               false  
+               Intent
+               AGMCORE_CRD_cache {
+                       exch pop 
+                       begin
+                               dup Intent eq{
+                                       currentdict setcolorrendering_opt
+                                       end 
+                                       exch pop true exch      
+                                       exit
+                               }if
+                       end
+               } forall
+               pop
+               not{
+                       systemdict /findcolorrendering known{
+                               Intent findcolorrendering pop
+                               /ColorRendering findresource 
+                               dup length dict copy
+                               setcolorrendering_opt
+                       }if
+               }if
+       }if
+} def
+       AGMCORE_CRD_cache 3 1 roll put
+       AGMCORE_host_sep not level2 and{
+               currentdict/CRD known{
+                       AGMCORE_CRD_cache CRD get dup null ne{
+                               setcolorrendering_opt
+                       }{
+                               pop
+                       }ifelse
+               }{
+                       currentdict/Intent known{
+                               updatecolorrendering
+                       }if
+               }ifelse
+       }if
+       dup currentcolorrendering eq{
+               pop
+       }{
+               begin
+                       /Intent Intent def
+                       currentdict
+               end
+               setcolorrendering
+       }ifelse
+       dup type /dicttype ne{
+               10 dict begin
+                       /DataSource xdf
+                       /ImageMatrix xdf
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+                       currentdict
+               end
+       }if
+       dup begin
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+               currentdict/Decode known not{
+                       /Decode [
+                               0 
+                               currentcolorspace 0 get /Indexed eq{
+                                       2 BitsPerComponent exp 1 sub
+                               }{
+                                       1
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+                       def
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+       end
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+               imageormask
+       }{
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+               sep_imageormask
+               grestore
+       }ifelse
+       AGM_preserve_spots{
+               gsave
+               nulldevice
+       }if
+       AGM_preserve_spots{
+               grestore
+               currentoverprint Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_ovp xddf 
+       }{      
+               gsave
+               nulldevice
+       }ifelse
+       AGM_preserve_spots{
+               Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_ovp get setoverprint
+       }{
+               grestore
+       }ifelse
+       newpath
+/AGMCORE_ctm_stack bdict
+       /push_ctm {
+               stack length size le{
+                       stack dup length 2 mul array 
+                       dup /stack exch def
+                       copy pop
+               }if
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+       /pop_ctm {
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+               size 0 lt{ 
+                       /size 0 def
+               }if
+               stack size get
+       }
+       /stack 1 array
+       /size 0 
+       matrix currentmatrix AGMCORE_ctm_stack begin 
+               push_ctm 
+       end
+       AGMCORE_ctm_stack begin
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+       end
+       setmatrix
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+               AGMCORE_deviceDPI exch div 
+               dup 1 lt{
+                       pop 1
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+       }{
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+systemdict /setpacking known
+       setpacking
+} if
+Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_err_strings 3 dict dup begin
+/AGMCORE_bad_environ (Environment not satisfactory for this job, which requests at least
+PostScript Level ^     and at least PostScript version ^. Ensure that the PPD is correct or that
+the PostScript  level requested is supported by this printer. ) def
+/AGMCORE_color_space_onhost_seps (This job contains colors that will not separate
+with on-host methods. ) def
+/AGMCORE_invalid_color_space (This job contains an invalid color space. ) def
+end put
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+12.2471 9.19189 mo
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+12.2231 32.9766 ln
+12.2935 35.123 ln
+12.4663 37.1831 13.1699 38.3843 14.4097 38.7251 cv
+15.2725 38.98 15.9219 39.1079 16.3608 39.1079 cv
+16.8325 39.1079 17.0737 39.2549 17.0894 39.5459 cv
+17.1226 39.9658 16.8457 40.1787 16.2651 40.1787 cv
+15.9956 40.1787 15.4673 40.1309 14.6807 40.0381 cv
+14.1772 39.9897 13.3584 39.9658 12.2251 39.9658 cv
+10.5479 39.8955 ln
+8.70459 39.9248 ln
+7.77637 39.9248 7.07568 39.9624 6.604 40.0381 cv
+5.98975 40.1309 5.54053 40.1787 5.25732 40.1787 cv
+4.84717 40.1787 4.64404 40.0146 4.64404 39.6909 cv
+4.64404 39.3857 4.90479 39.189 5.4292 39.1079 cv
+6.66602 38.9048 7.51123 38.1582 7.96289 36.8696 cv
+8.41504 35.5811 8.64209 33.2568 8.64209 29.8989 cv
+8.64209 14.4565 ln
+8.64209 10.894 8.44482 8.64355 8.04932 7.70313 cv
+7.65625 6.76074 6.66846 6.19727 5.08984 6.00928 cv
+4.66211 5.97559 4.45996 5.79688 4.47461 5.47754 cv
+4.49072 5.07031 4.7959 4.86426 5.39355 4.86426 cv
+5.69238 4.86426 6.09326 4.90381 6.59717 4.9873 cv
+7.5874 5.13135 8.40381 5.20459 9.04932 5.20459 cv
+10.0557 5.20459 11.5156 5.1123 13.4346 4.93262 cv
+14.4263 4.85156 15.2334 4.81006 15.8638 4.81006 cv
+19.1479 4.81006 21.8164 5.65869 23.8662 7.36279 cv
+25.9199 9.06445 26.9473 11.2856 26.9473 14.0303 cv
+26.9473 17.3506 25.6875 19.9678 23.1719 21.8809 cv
+21.2822 23.3032 19.2856 24.0151 17.1772 24.0151 cv
+16.186 24.0151 15.2773 23.8994 14.4521 23.6729 cv
+13.625 23.4424 13.229 23.1982 13.2598 22.937 cv
+13.2925 22.7354 13.4399 22.6328 13.7075 22.6328 cv
+13.832 22.6328 13.9897 22.6597 14.1797 22.71 cv
+14.5391 22.8291 15.1226 22.8877 15.9243 22.8877 cv
+18.188 22.8877 19.998 22.2163 21.3574 20.873 cv
+22.7183 19.5293 23.3979 17.7441 23.3979 15.5161 cv
+23.3979 12.9458 22.5049 10.8198 20.7163 9.13672 cv
+18.9272 7.4541 16.6626 6.6123 13.9165 6.6123 cv
+13.2881 6.6123 12.8589 6.73975 12.6245 6.99609 cv
+12.3867 7.24951 12.2705 7.73584 12.2705 8.45166 cv
+12.2471 9.19189 ln
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+/Name (PANTONE DS 273-1 U) 
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+44.3433 4.729 mo
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+50.6309 6.3042 50.7769 6.3374 50.9248 6.3374 cv
+51.1201 6.3374 51.3164 6.25439 51.5107 6.0874 cv
+51.853 5.78564 ln
+51.9028 5.71924 51.9927 5.68555 52.123 5.68555 cv
+52.5288 5.66943 52.7339 6.07666 52.7339 6.90869 cv
+52.7339 7.19141 52.8394 8.03271 53.0566 9.4292 cv
+53.4551 11.998 ln
+53.5356 12.5488 53.5791 12.8911 53.5791 13.0234 cv
+53.5791 13.5381 53.3994 13.7969 53.043 13.7969 cv
+52.7705 13.7969 52.4976 13.3945 52.2266 12.5918 cv
+51.6406 10.7837 50.4473 9.29248 48.6504 8.12012 cv
+46.8525 6.94824 44.8462 6.3623 42.6328 6.3623 cv
+40.8735 6.3623 39.4063 6.89209 38.2266 7.95605 cv
+37.0464 9.01758 36.4565 10.3433 36.4565 11.9312 cv
+36.4565 13.335 36.8398 14.5479 37.6079 15.5674 cv
+38.2769 16.437 39.0083 17.0723 39.7998 17.4736 cv
+40.5918 17.8755 42.54 18.6035 45.6406 19.6572 cv
+51.6836 21.6729 54.7051 24.9819 54.7051 29.5845 cv
+54.7051 32.7017 53.5942 35.2515 51.3691 37.2349 cv
+49.146 39.2188 46.2935 40.2109 42.8101 40.2109 cv
+41.5518 40.2109 40.1655 40.0293 38.6538 39.6675 cv
+37.1396 39.3047 36.0322 38.8872 35.3296 38.4082 cv
+35.0317 38.2085 34.8325 37.9971 34.7354 37.772 cv
+34.6343 37.5469 34.4873 36.9688 34.2871 36.0371 cv
+34.2524 35.9043 34.0469 35.1489 33.668 33.7676 cv
+33.2354 32.2676 33.0205 31.2026 33.0205 30.5723 cv
+33.0205 30.0718 33.1875 29.832 33.52 29.8477 cv
+33.8193 29.8647 34.0859 30.2715 34.3174 31.0708 cv
+34.9048 33.1323 36.1484 34.8613 38.043 36.2583 cv
+39.938 37.6543 41.9971 38.3525 44.2188 38.3525 cv
+46.4741 38.3525 48.3799 37.6768 49.9414 36.3257 cv
+51.5029 34.9727 52.2842 33.3281 52.2842 31.3926 cv
+52.2842 29.5405 51.5635 27.98 50.1235 26.7114 cv
+49.3877 26.0605 47.2603 25.1333 43.7422 23.9321 cv
+40.1113 22.6836 37.5356 21.2998 36.0225 19.7813 cv
+34.5093 18.2666 33.7544 16.2988 33.7544 13.8809 cv
+33.7544 11.1792 34.7393 8.97949 36.7139 7.27832 cv
+38.687 5.57813 41.2305 4.729 44.3433 4.729 cv
+/0 get_csd
+1 sep
+57.79 0 mo
+0 0 ln
+0 44.813 ln
+59.5908 44.813 ln
+59.5908 0 ln
+57.79 0 ln
+55.9863 3.60449 mo
+55.9863 6.75244 55.9863 38.0615 55.9863 41.2085 cv
+52.7227 41.2085 6.86865 41.2085 3.60303 41.2085 cv
+3.60303 38.0615 3.60303 6.75244 3.60303 3.60449 cv
+6.86865 3.60449 52.7227 3.60449 55.9863 3.60449 cv
+/Name (PANTONE DS 296-1 U) 
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+1 sep
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+32.002 29.9189 31.186 30.5972 30.0967 30.9458 cv
+29.0107 31.2949 27.9238 31.2373 26.8384 30.7739 cv
+25.7363 30.3008 24.936 29.5513 24.437 28.5244 cv
+23.938 27.4961 23.8604 26.4453 24.208 25.3667 cv
+24.5527 24.2891 24.8447 23.4751 25.0796 22.9272 cv
+25.481 21.9858 25.8613 21.21 26.2197 20.5981 cv
+26.7974 19.6006 27.6323 18.9272 28.7207 18.5801 cv
+29.8071 18.231 30.8867 18.2866 31.957 18.7437 cv
+33.0415 19.207 33.8306 19.9487 34.3252 20.9634 cv
+34.8203 21.9814 34.9077 23.0405 34.5874 24.1494 cv
+34.3911 24.8315 34.0918 25.6426 33.6904 26.5811 cv
+31.6714 25.7217 mo
+31.6616 25.7456 ln
+32.1606 24.5801 32.4644 23.7974 32.5776 23.4043 cv
+32.7451 22.8262 32.7007 22.2544 32.4336 21.689 cv
+32.1685 21.124 31.7681 20.7261 31.2329 20.5 cv
+30.6821 20.2632 30.1157 20.2446 29.5313 20.4438 cv
+28.9473 20.6445 28.5093 20.9966 28.2178 21.5015 cv
+27.8672 22.0962 27.4985 22.8452 27.1104 23.7495 cv
+26.6689 24.7847 26.3726 25.564 26.2246 26.0933 cv
+26.0542 26.6694 26.103 27.2354 26.3755 27.79 cv
+26.6445 28.3467 27.0483 28.7388 27.5825 28.9668 cv
+28.1323 29.2017 28.6973 29.2246 29.2769 29.0356 cv
+29.8569 28.8457 30.2944 28.4917 30.5938 27.9712 cv
+30.8726 27.5024 31.231 26.7505 31.6714 25.7217 cv
+/Name (PANTONE DS 284-5 U) 
+/CSA /2 
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+428.655 0 ln
+428.655 44.8125 ln
+/1 get_csd
+1 sep
+303.306 22.7466 mo
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+307.618 25.0708 308.063 26.2607 308.063 27.7109 cv
+308.063 29.248 307.615 30.5098 306.717 31.4941 cv
+305.819 32.4795 304.671 32.9722 303.27 32.9722 cv
+301.835 32.9722 300.673 32.501 299.786 31.5591 cv
+298.901 30.6177 298.456 29.3828 298.456 27.855 cv
+298.456 27.1914 298.573 26.5356 298.808 25.8853 cv
+299.039 25.2339 299.354 24.6885 299.75 24.2529 cv
+300.169 23.791 300.698 23.4258 301.335 23.1533 cv
+301.979 22.8818 302.633 22.7466 303.306 22.7466 cv
+302.869 23.2163 mo
+301.836 23.2163 301.016 23.5903 300.409 24.3418 cv
+299.802 25.0942 299.497 26.1035 299.497 27.376 cv
+299.497 28.8306 299.884 30.0562 300.66 31.0547 cv
+301.438 32.0542 302.393 32.5522 303.522 32.5522 cv
+304.557 32.5522 305.409 32.1465 306.082 31.332 cv
+306.752 30.5186 307.09 29.4883 307.09 28.2407 cv
+307.09 26.8057 306.688 25.6094 305.882 24.6514 cv
+305.077 23.6968 304.07 23.2163 302.869 23.2163 cv
+1 1 1 rgb
+311.358 24.043 mo
+311.358 26.9053 ln
+311.364 27.041 ln
+311.364 27.2305 ln
+311.384 27.3608 311.508 27.4258 311.742 27.4258 cv
+312.312 27.4395 ln
+312.528 27.4316 ln
+313.307 27.4175 ln
+313.714 27.4175 314.01 27.3521 314.194 27.2202 cv
+314.378 27.0903 314.496 26.8618 314.546 26.5405 cv
+314.563 26.4248 314.608 26.3672 314.682 26.3672 cv
+314.766 26.3672 314.801 26.4414 314.795 26.5903 cv
+314.763 27.3003 ln
+314.757 27.3921 314.755 27.5386 314.755 27.7393 cv
+314.755 28.3003 314.766 28.6558 314.78 28.8091 cv
+314.789 28.9004 314.795 28.9678 314.795 29.0112 cv
+314.795 29.126 314.755 29.1831 314.677 29.1831 cv
+314.588 29.1831 314.52 29.0669 314.473 28.8296 cv
+314.419 28.5742 314.36 28.4019 314.297 28.3091 cv
+314.237 28.2178 314.131 28.1543 313.984 28.1152 cv
+313.692 28.0352 313.255 27.9932 312.685 27.9932 cv
+312.153 27.9932 311.81 28.0044 311.655 28.0298 cv
+311.496 28.0542 311.409 28.1089 311.393 28.1953 cv
+311.369 28.2866 311.358 28.4321 311.358 28.6274 cv
+311.358 31.3052 ln
+311.358 31.6841 311.449 31.9863 311.641 32.2134 cv
+311.826 32.439 312.082 32.5522 312.397 32.5522 cv
+312.548 32.5522 312.631 32.6001 312.633 32.6924 cv
+312.642 32.8003 312.573 32.854 312.434 32.854 cv
+312.334 32.854 312.195 32.8452 312.023 32.8232 cv
+311.876 32.8042 311.66 32.7939 311.368 32.7939 cv
+310.903 32.7871 ln
+310.389 32.7949 ln
+310.277 32.7949 310.127 32.8066 309.933 32.8291 cv
+309.778 32.8394 309.663 32.8472 309.593 32.854 cv
+309.462 32.8594 309.4 32.8164 309.4 32.729 cv
+309.4 32.6558 309.471 32.6011 309.604 32.5688 cv
+309.888 32.501 310.079 32.3721 310.187 32.1777 cv
+310.285 31.9854 310.335 31.6528 310.335 31.1802 cv
+310.335 24.6631 ln
+310.335 24.2021 310.27 23.8521 310.132 23.605 cv
+310.04 23.4404 309.941 23.3301 309.834 23.2734 cv
+309.728 23.2144 309.543 23.1733 309.278 23.1494 cv
+309.173 23.1406 309.12 23.1001 309.114 23.0239 cv
+309.103 22.9072 309.194 22.8467 309.378 22.8467 cv
+309.438 22.8467 309.574 22.8594 309.792 22.8818 cv
+310.19 22.9272 310.855 22.9478 311.797 22.9478 cv
+312.639 22.9478 313.176 22.9409 313.417 22.9272 cv
+314.343 22.8745 ln
+314.742 22.856 314.998 22.834 315.118 22.8096 cv
+315.201 22.7905 315.273 22.7798 315.333 22.7798 cv
+315.433 22.7798 315.481 22.835 315.481 22.9468 cv
+315.481 23.0049 315.471 23.083 315.448 23.1841 cv
+315.369 23.4985 315.331 23.917 315.331 24.4434 cv
+315.331 24.6641 315.271 24.7754 315.151 24.7754 cv
+315.077 24.7754 315.039 24.7144 315.029 24.5938 cv
+315.017 24.4468 314.991 24.2949 314.956 24.1426 cv
+314.903 23.8965 314.829 23.7407 314.742 23.6719 cv
+314.656 23.6001 314.465 23.5508 314.173 23.5239 cv
+313.393 23.436 ln
+313.146 23.4111 312.832 23.4004 312.455 23.4004 cv
+311.961 23.4004 311.658 23.436 311.539 23.5054 cv
+311.417 23.5752 311.358 23.7539 311.358 24.043 cv
+328.04 22.7754 mo
+328.899 22.7754 329.625 22.9121 330.217 23.1851 cv
+331.046 23.5645 ln
+331.118 23.5972 331.189 23.6152 331.261 23.6152 cv
+331.357 23.6152 331.456 23.5737 331.554 23.4863 cv
+331.722 23.3301 ln
+331.746 23.2974 331.788 23.2798 331.854 23.2798 cv
+332.056 23.27 332.154 23.4854 332.154 23.916 cv
+332.154 24.064 332.209 24.4995 332.312 25.228 cv
+332.499 26.5684 ln
+332.537 26.8521 332.559 27.0298 332.559 27.1001 cv
+332.559 27.3691 332.47 27.5034 332.293 27.5034 cv
+332.155 27.5034 332.025 27.2935 331.89 26.8726 cv
+331.603 25.9268 331.019 25.1465 330.14 24.5332 cv
+329.259 23.9209 328.281 23.6138 327.195 23.6138 cv
+326.34 23.6138 325.62 23.8887 325.045 24.4419 cv
+324.465 24.9941 324.178 25.6816 324.178 26.5063 cv
+324.178 27.2354 324.366 27.8647 324.741 28.396 cv
+325.069 28.8472 325.426 29.1763 325.813 29.3848 cv
+326.199 29.5947 327.149 29.9727 328.666 30.5186 cv
+331.617 31.5649 333.099 33.2822 333.099 35.6675 cv
+333.099 37.2842 332.551 38.6089 331.462 39.6372 cv
+330.372 40.6665 328.977 41.1821 327.27 41.1821 cv
+326.655 41.1821 325.976 41.0859 325.235 40.8975 cv
+324.494 40.709 323.953 40.4907 323.607 40.2412 cv
+323.464 40.1382 323.366 40.0283 323.321 39.9106 cv
+323.275 39.7935 323.204 39.4917 323.107 39.0073 cv
+323.091 38.9375 322.997 38.5439 322.81 37.8242 cv
+322.604 37.0449 322.5 36.4897 322.5 36.1587 cv
+322.5 35.9019 322.583 35.7744 322.746 35.7842 cv
+322.894 35.792 323.024 36.0049 323.139 36.4238 cv
+323.426 37.5034 324.027 38.4102 324.952 39.1431 cv
+325.873 39.8755 326.88 40.2412 327.963 40.2412 cv
+329.057 40.2412 329.986 39.8901 330.749 39.186 cv
+331.509 38.4829 331.89 37.6274 331.89 36.6196 cv
+331.89 35.6567 331.536 34.8438 330.837 34.1831 cv
+330.479 33.8452 329.442 33.3628 327.729 32.7363 cv
+325.964 32.0889 324.713 31.3711 323.975 30.5845 cv
+323.24 29.7983 322.871 28.7773 322.871 27.5225 cv
+322.871 26.1216 323.353 24.9805 324.318 24.0996 cv
+325.279 23.2178 326.523 22.7754 328.04 22.7754 cv
+350.022 24.6436 mo
+350.421 27.7573 ln
+350.458 28.0811 ln
+350.421 28.2109 ln
+350.386 28.2896 350.325 28.333 350.246 28.3408 cv
+350.15 28.3496 350.012 28.1689 349.819 27.7964 cv
+348.32 24.9648 346.279 23.5459 343.708 23.5459 cv
+341.656 23.5459 340.038 24.2251 338.855 25.5835 cv
+337.676 26.9395 337.084 28.7915 337.084 31.1411 cv
+337.084 33.8452 337.738 36.0547 339.055 37.7686 cv
+340.364 39.4844 342.054 40.3428 344.117 40.3428 cv
+345.32 40.3428 346.506 39.9941 347.673 39.2979 cv
+348.833 38.603 349.644 37.7603 350.091 36.7671 cv
+350.297 36.3076 350.455 36.0728 350.57 36.0645 cv
+350.699 36.0566 350.762 36.1396 350.762 36.3105 cv
+350.751 36.4561 ln
+350.703 36.7422 ln
+350.438 38.3301 ln
+350.391 38.5664 ln
+350.36 38.7915 350.171 39.0254 349.825 39.2676 cv
+347.977 40.5439 345.939 41.1821 343.711 41.1821 cv
+341.132 41.1821 339.053 40.3535 337.473 38.7041 cv
+335.896 37.0527 335.106 34.8784 335.106 32.1787 cv
+335.106 29.4824 335.924 27.2402 337.555 25.4551 cv
+339.188 23.6709 341.242 22.7754 343.706 22.7754 cv
+345.394 22.7754 346.95 23.187 348.367 24.0132 cv
+348.848 24.2842 ln
+349.037 24.3745 ln
+349.242 24.4526 ln
+349.281 24.4526 349.343 24.4189 349.421 24.3491 cv
+349.594 24.2168 349.712 24.1494 349.775 24.1494 cv
+349.899 24.1494 349.985 24.314 350.022 24.6436 cv
+356.509 26.915 mo
+356.509 36.6426 ln
+356.509 37.8574 356.579 38.6592 356.714 39.0483 cv
+356.876 39.4917 357.072 39.8037 357.31 39.9863 cv
+357.545 40.1665 357.915 40.2983 358.422 40.3755 cv
+358.823 40.4331 359.021 40.5366 359.021 40.6841 cv
+359.021 40.8799 358.895 40.9795 358.651 40.9795 cv
+358.529 40.9795 358.377 40.9639 358.194 40.936 cv
+357.943 40.8955 357.521 40.874 356.921 40.874 cv
+355.175 40.8457 ln
+353.759 40.939 ln
+353.524 40.9648 353.331 40.9795 353.179 40.9795 cv
+352.963 40.9795 352.854 40.8955 352.854 40.7227 cv
+352.854 40.5776 352.978 40.4834 353.229 40.4429 cv
+353.834 40.3296 354.228 40.1035 354.402 39.7617 cv
+354.576 39.4185 354.666 38.6973 354.666 37.5962 cv
+354.666 26.4722 ln
+354.666 25.397 354.551 24.6738 354.322 24.3003 cv
+354.098 23.9292 353.612 23.6768 352.869 23.5459 cv
+352.622 23.4985 352.494 23.3984 352.486 23.2505 cv
+352.479 23.0674 352.597 22.9785 352.835 22.9785 cv
+352.9 22.9785 352.973 22.9819 353.053 22.9927 cv
+353.639 23.0723 354.419 23.1108 355.389 23.1108 cv
+355.983 23.1108 356.491 23.0962 356.921 23.0674 cv
+357.726 22.9927 ln
+357.878 22.9819 357.981 22.9785 358.028 22.9785 cv
+358.244 22.9785 358.353 23.0557 358.353 23.2134 cv
+358.353 23.3618 358.246 23.4722 358.035 23.5459 cv
+357.406 23.8081 ln
+356.806 24.0503 356.509 25.0864 356.509 26.915 cv
+364.557 25.1768 mo
+364.557 30.4102 ln
+364.557 30.8096 364.588 31.0508 364.657 31.1343 cv
+364.726 31.2163 364.93 31.2578 365.275 31.2578 cv
+367.116 31.2578 ln
+367.952 31.2578 368.617 31.2051 369.104 31.1001 cv
+369.532 31.0049 369.813 30.8789 369.941 30.7212 cv
+370.068 30.5664 370.185 30.2017 370.289 29.6265 cv
+370.328 29.4102 370.438 29.3047 370.609 29.3135 cv
+370.776 29.3232 370.854 29.4385 370.854 29.6621 cv
+370.854 29.7227 370.852 29.8184 370.842 29.9478 cv
+370.762 30.7856 370.724 31.5513 370.724 32.2402 cv
+370.724 32.7686 370.756 33.2905 370.826 33.8096 cv
+370.847 33.9814 370.854 34.1079 370.854 34.1846 cv
+370.854 34.4014 370.776 34.5093 370.609 34.5093 cv
+370.43 34.5093 370.321 34.4121 370.289 34.2217 cv
+370.217 33.8584 ln
+370.118 33.2793 369.929 32.8838 369.641 32.6758 cv
+369.351 32.4678 368.864 32.3643 368.18 32.3643 cv
+365.525 32.3643 ln
+365.136 32.3643 364.874 32.4087 364.739 32.4951 cv
+364.608 32.5806 364.545 32.7549 364.545 33.0127 cv
+364.557 33.4414 ln
+364.557 38.2217 ln
+364.557 38.958 364.675 39.4185 364.92 39.5996 cv
+365.166 39.7827 365.776 39.874 366.765 39.874 cv
+369.896 39.874 371.907 39.1138 372.802 37.5933 cv
+372.895 37.4453 372.984 37.3677 373.078 37.3584 cv
+373.228 37.3486 373.302 37.4614 373.302 37.6924 cv
+373.302 38.252 373.01 38.918 372.426 39.688 cv
+371.721 40.6152 370.832 41.0781 369.756 41.0781 cv
+369.522 41.0781 369.211 41.0615 368.817 41.0254 cv
+367.286 40.8604 366.019 40.7783 365.016 40.7783 cv
+363.612 40.7783 362.624 40.8271 362.046 40.9263 cv
+361.738 40.9829 361.532 41.0117 361.42 41.0117 cv
+361.163 41.0117 361.032 40.9219 361.032 40.7402 cv
+361.032 40.5986 361.142 40.5015 361.353 40.4429 cv
+361.818 40.2998 ln
+362.406 40.1274 362.699 39.5205 362.699 38.48 cv
+362.71 37.6367 ln
+362.71 26.6577 ln
+362.71 25.418 362.582 24.5859 362.332 24.1572 cv
+362.078 23.728 361.582 23.5132 360.851 23.5132 cv
+360.612 23.5132 360.497 23.4385 360.497 23.2837 cv
+360.497 23.0557 360.682 22.9448 361.041 22.9448 cv
+361.239 22.9448 361.509 22.9644 361.848 23.0073 cv
+362.989 23.1426 364.369 23.2124 365.983 23.2124 cv
+366.961 23.2124 367.825 23.1938 368.577 23.1636 cv
+370.289 23.0762 ln
+370.76 23.0596 371.05 23.0425 371.154 23.0264 cv
+371.369 22.9937 371.53 22.9785 371.633 22.9785 cv
+371.896 22.9785 372.03 23.1021 372.03 23.3501 cv
+372.03 23.4277 372.02 23.5259 371.999 23.6475 cv
+371.976 23.7656 371.944 24.1074 371.906 24.6738 cv
+371.862 25.4307 ln
+371.823 25.9307 371.777 26.2407 371.738 26.3643 cv
+371.697 26.4897 371.602 26.5566 371.462 26.5649 cv
+371.308 26.5737 371.225 26.4434 371.225 26.1768 cv
+371.225 25.8408 ln
+371.225 25.5659 371.177 25.3037 371.083 25.0518 cv
+370.931 24.665 370.623 24.4072 370.161 24.2764 cv
+369.695 24.1484 368.847 24.0835 367.609 24.0835 cv
+365.729 24.0835 ln
+365.234 24.0835 364.911 24.1494 364.77 24.2852 cv
+364.628 24.4219 364.557 24.7183 364.557 25.1768 cv
+389.499 28.1113 mo
+389.499 38.9619 ln
+389.499 39.9365 389.479 40.5313 389.443 40.7437 cv
+389.4 40.9521 389.288 41.0547 389.101 41.0459 cv
+388.979 41.0371 388.887 40.9995 388.824 40.9302 cv
+388.562 40.5928 ln
+378.453 28.1035 ln
+378.33 27.959 ln
+378.282 27.9082 378.226 27.8823 378.163 27.8823 cv
+378.013 27.8823 377.938 28.0776 377.938 28.4678 cv
+377.938 37.3037 ln
+377.924 37.8496 ln
+377.962 38.7739 ln
+378.016 39.3477 378.151 39.7437 378.369 39.9604 cv
+378.588 40.1787 379.014 40.3389 379.651 40.4429 cv
+379.916 40.4766 380.05 40.584 380.05 40.7651 cv
+380.05 40.9302 379.966 41.0117 379.794 41.0117 cv
+379.681 41.0117 379.563 41.0024 379.437 40.9854 cv
+379.348 40.9697 378.998 40.9438 378.389 40.9102 cv
+377.164 40.8457 ln
+376.589 40.8691 ln
+376.273 40.8691 375.982 40.8906 375.7 40.9316 cv
+375.493 40.9629 375.342 40.9795 375.255 40.9795 cv
+375.046 40.9795 374.937 40.9009 374.917 40.7476 cv
+374.912 40.6265 375.025 40.5244 375.253 40.4429 cv
+375.924 40.1919 376.376 39.8535 376.608 39.4321 cv
+376.848 39.0098 376.963 38.3301 376.963 37.3887 cv
+376.963 28.5171 ln
+376.963 27.0137 376.744 25.8262 376.305 24.9609 cv
+375.867 24.0967 375.232 23.6021 374.402 23.48 cv
+374.189 23.4492 374.079 23.356 374.079 23.2046 cv
+374.079 23.0527 374.166 22.9785 374.346 22.9785 cv
+374.383 22.9785 374.447 22.9839 374.537 22.9937 cv
+375.026 23.0107 ln
+375.827 23.0439 ln
+376.02 23.0273 ln
+376.211 23.0166 376.358 23.0107 376.462 23.0107 cv
+376.66 23.0107 376.859 23.1387 377.061 23.3867 cv
+388.083 36.8887 ln
+388.259 37.104 388.368 37.2056 388.42 37.1978 cv
+388.498 37.187 388.544 37.1074 388.551 36.9531 cv
+388.551 30.5283 ln
+388.563 28.7773 ln
+388.42 25.7915 ln
+388.342 25.0557 388.141 24.5361 387.826 24.23 cv
+387.514 23.9224 386.946 23.6968 386.128 23.5459 cv
+385.895 23.5063 385.782 23.4053 385.782 23.2422 cv
+385.782 23.0879 385.896 23.0107 386.129 23.0107 cv
+386.232 23.0107 386.402 23.022 386.633 23.0459 cv
+387.188 23.1113 387.93 23.1445 388.859 23.1445 cv
+389.354 23.1445 389.754 23.1221 390.05 23.0771 cv
+390.305 23.0332 390.505 23.0107 390.639 23.0107 cv
+390.848 23.0107 390.961 23.1001 390.976 23.2754 cv
+390.983 23.3848 390.904 23.4639 390.735 23.5132 cv
+390.242 23.6426 389.919 23.8589 389.761 24.1602 cv
+389.603 24.4634 389.526 25.0288 389.526 25.8574 cv
+389.526 27.2563 ln
+389.499 28.1113 ln
+408.046 24.6436 mo
+408.446 27.7573 ln
+408.484 28.0811 ln
+408.449 28.2109 ln
+408.41 28.2896 408.353 28.333 408.273 28.3408 cv
+408.179 28.3496 408.035 28.1689 407.85 27.7964 cv
+406.342 24.9648 404.305 23.5459 401.731 23.5459 cv
+399.681 23.5459 398.066 24.2251 396.881 25.5835 cv
+395.699 26.9395 395.108 28.7915 395.108 31.1411 cv
+395.108 33.8452 395.766 36.0547 397.081 37.7686 cv
+398.39 39.4844 400.081 40.3428 402.143 40.3428 cv
+403.349 40.3428 404.531 39.9941 405.693 39.2979 cv
+406.859 38.603 407.667 37.7603 408.116 36.7671 cv
+408.32 36.3076 408.482 36.0728 408.594 36.0645 cv
+408.722 36.0566 408.785 36.1396 408.785 36.3105 cv
+408.776 36.4561 ln
+408.727 36.7422 ln
+408.465 38.3301 ln
+408.417 38.5664 ln
+408.385 38.7915 408.195 39.0254 407.854 39.2676 cv
+406.002 40.5439 403.963 41.1821 401.735 41.1821 cv
+399.157 41.1821 397.081 40.3535 395.497 38.7041 cv
+393.919 37.0527 393.131 34.8784 393.131 32.1787 cv
+393.131 29.4824 393.945 27.2402 395.584 25.4551 cv
+397.215 23.6709 399.264 22.7754 401.731 22.7754 cv
+403.422 22.7754 404.973 23.187 406.388 24.0132 cv
+406.868 24.2842 ln
+407.063 24.3745 ln
+407.269 24.4526 ln
+407.307 24.4526 407.368 24.4189 407.444 24.3491 cv
+407.618 24.2168 407.737 24.1494 407.801 24.1494 cv
+407.925 24.1494 408.008 24.314 408.046 24.6436 cv
+414.523 25.1768 mo
+414.523 30.4102 ln
+414.523 30.8096 414.555 31.0508 414.621 31.1343 cv
+414.689 31.2163 414.895 31.2578 415.238 31.2578 cv
+417.085 31.2578 ln
+417.92 31.2578 418.583 31.2051 419.069 31.1001 cv
+419.498 31.0049 419.777 30.8789 419.908 30.7212 cv
+420.037 30.5664 420.15 30.2017 420.254 29.6265 cv
+420.297 29.4102 420.401 29.3047 420.577 29.3135 cv
+420.741 29.3232 420.822 29.4385 420.822 29.6621 cv
+420.822 29.7227 420.818 29.8184 420.807 29.9478 cv
+420.727 30.7856 420.689 31.5513 420.689 32.2402 cv
+420.689 32.7686 420.723 33.2905 420.79 33.8096 cv
+420.814 33.9814 420.822 34.1079 420.822 34.1846 cv
+420.822 34.4014 420.741 34.5093 420.577 34.5093 cv
+420.398 34.5093 420.287 34.4121 420.254 34.2217 cv
+420.184 33.8584 ln
+420.086 33.2793 419.896 32.8838 419.606 32.6758 cv
+419.318 32.4678 418.831 32.3643 418.143 32.3643 cv
+415.493 32.3643 ln
+415.103 32.3643 414.84 32.4087 414.705 32.4951 cv
+414.577 32.5806 414.511 32.7549 414.511 33.0127 cv
+414.523 33.4414 ln
+414.523 38.2217 ln
+414.523 38.958 414.644 39.4185 414.886 39.5996 cv
+415.129 39.7827 415.746 39.874 416.732 39.874 cv
+419.865 39.874 421.874 39.1138 422.769 37.5933 cv
+422.859 37.4453 422.952 37.3677 423.045 37.3584 cv
+423.197 37.3486 423.27 37.4614 423.27 37.6924 cv
+423.27 38.252 422.978 38.918 422.393 39.688 cv
+421.688 40.6152 420.801 41.0781 419.723 41.0781 cv
+419.491 41.0781 419.175 41.0615 418.783 41.0254 cv
+417.252 40.8604 415.984 40.7783 414.984 40.7783 cv
+413.58 40.7783 412.589 40.8271 412.013 40.9263 cv
+411.705 40.9829 411.5 41.0117 411.386 41.0117 cv
+411.13 41.0117 411.001 40.9219 411.001 40.7402 cv
+411.001 40.5986 411.104 40.5015 411.319 40.4429 cv
+411.787 40.2998 ln
+412.369 40.1274 412.666 39.5205 412.666 38.48 cv
+412.676 37.6367 ln
+412.676 26.6577 ln
+412.676 25.418 412.552 24.5859 412.3 24.1572 cv
+412.044 23.728 411.549 23.5132 410.817 23.5132 cv
+410.581 23.5132 410.467 23.4385 410.467 23.2837 cv
+410.467 23.0557 410.644 22.9448 411.008 22.9448 cv
+411.209 22.9448 411.475 22.9644 411.811 23.0073 cv
+412.955 23.1426 414.338 23.2124 415.95 23.2124 cv
+416.926 23.2124 417.794 23.1938 418.549 23.1636 cv
+420.254 23.0762 ln
+420.726 23.0596 421.019 23.0425 421.118 23.0264 cv
+421.336 22.9937 421.496 22.9785 421.601 22.9785 cv
+421.863 22.9785 421.997 23.1021 421.997 23.3501 cv
+421.997 23.4277 421.989 23.5259 421.964 23.6475 cv
+421.942 23.7656 421.911 24.1074 421.874 24.6738 cv
+421.828 25.4307 ln
+421.786 25.9307 421.747 26.2407 421.708 26.3643 cv
+421.666 26.4897 421.569 26.5566 421.43 26.5649 cv
+421.271 26.5737 421.192 26.4434 421.192 26.1768 cv
+421.192 25.8408 ln
+421.192 25.5659 421.143 25.3037 421.049 25.0518 cv
+420.896 24.665 420.59 24.4072 420.127 24.2764 cv
+419.664 24.1484 418.814 24.0835 417.575 24.0835 cv
+415.694 24.0835 ln
+415.198 24.0835 414.882 24.1494 414.736 24.2852 cv
+414.593 24.4219 414.523 24.7183 414.523 25.1768 cv
+301.585 5.43945 mo
+301.585 12.9731 ln
+301.576 13.8491 ln
+301.601 14.6079 ln
+301.672 15.3354 301.939 15.7607 302.415 15.8813 cv
+302.746 15.9722 302.996 16.0146 303.163 16.0146 cv
+303.343 16.0146 303.439 16.0674 303.445 16.1655 cv
+303.456 16.3096 303.351 16.3818 303.13 16.3818 cv
+303.028 16.3818 302.827 16.3691 302.528 16.3403 cv
+302.339 16.3262 302.023 16.3184 301.594 16.3184 cv
+300.958 16.2988 ln
+300.257 16.3066 ln
+299.901 16.3066 299.637 16.3174 299.459 16.3403 cv
+299.222 16.3691 299.056 16.3818 298.945 16.3818 cv
+298.79 16.3818 298.712 16.3271 298.712 16.2168 cv
+298.712 16.1113 298.81 16.043 299.008 16.0146 cv
+299.47 15.9443 299.78 15.6821 299.953 15.2241 cv
+300.122 14.771 300.204 13.9507 300.204 12.7646 cv
+300.204 7.31006 ln
+300.204 6.05127 300.13 5.25684 299.982 4.92383 cv
+299.831 4.5918 299.459 4.3916 298.861 4.32764 cv
+298.702 4.31494 298.622 4.25439 298.63 4.14355 cv
+298.633 4.00488 298.751 3.93604 298.979 3.93604 cv
+299.089 3.93604 299.243 3.95117 299.438 3.97559 cv
+299.813 4.02441 300.126 4.04688 300.371 4.04688 cv
+300.752 4.04688 301.311 4.01611 302.042 3.95215 cv
+302.418 3.92383 302.727 3.90723 302.966 3.90723 cv
+304.219 3.90723 305.235 4.2085 306.019 4.81201 cv
+306.798 5.41162 307.187 6.19727 307.187 7.16602 cv
+307.187 8.33936 306.71 9.26514 305.75 9.93945 cv
+305.033 10.4434 304.271 10.6953 303.471 10.6953 cv
+303.094 10.6953 302.748 10.6543 302.433 10.5742 cv
+302.118 10.4941 301.97 10.4077 301.98 10.3179 cv
+301.992 10.2461 302.046 10.2109 302.15 10.2109 cv
+302.197 10.2109 302.253 10.2192 302.326 10.2363 cv
+302.465 10.2798 302.682 10.3008 302.983 10.3008 cv
+303.84 10.3008 304.527 10.062 305.039 9.58398 cv
+305.556 9.11035 305.811 8.47656 305.811 7.68506 cv
+305.811 6.77393 305.472 6.02002 304.792 5.42188 cv
+304.114 4.82666 303.258 4.52686 302.219 4.52686 cv
+301.98 4.52686 301.816 4.57178 301.729 4.66309 cv
+301.639 4.75244 301.594 4.9248 301.594 5.17773 cv
+301.585 5.43945 ln
+314.602 10.1558 mo
+317.089 13.792 ln
+317.376 14.2217 ln
+318.144 15.3394 318.851 15.9194 319.501 15.9604 cv
+319.787 15.9795 ln
+319.896 15.9858 319.948 16.0278 319.941 16.1074 cv
+319.936 16.2002 319.801 16.2822 319.541 16.3569 cv
+319.28 16.4297 318.983 16.4663 318.658 16.4663 cv
+318.113 16.4663 317.627 16.3184 317.198 16.0259 cv
+316.771 15.7285 316.335 15.2461 315.889 14.5786 cv
+313.649 11.1733 ln
+313.521 10.9785 ln
+313.377 10.7314 313.146 10.6108 312.82 10.6108 cv
+311.629 10.6108 ln
+311.431 10.645 ln
+311.358 10.6885 311.323 10.7847 311.323 10.9355 cv
+311.323 13.751 ln
+311.334 14.1147 ln
+311.334 14.6309 311.356 14.9849 311.409 15.1748 cv
+311.46 15.3652 311.583 15.5347 311.77 15.6855 cv
+312.029 15.8896 312.43 16.0195 312.965 16.0732 cv
+313.177 16.0962 313.289 16.1616 313.294 16.2681 cv
+313.305 16.3818 313.208 16.4385 312.999 16.4385 cv
+312.913 16.4385 312.737 16.4253 312.463 16.4033 cv
+312.22 16.3755 311.838 16.3638 311.322 16.3638 cv
+310.456 16.354 ln
+309.986 16.3633 ln
+309.783 16.3633 309.537 16.3774 309.25 16.4048 cv
+309.015 16.4277 308.853 16.4385 308.763 16.4385 cv
+308.609 16.4385 308.534 16.3755 308.534 16.2524 cv
+308.534 16.1626 308.612 16.1035 308.765 16.0732 cv
+309.249 15.9814 309.565 15.7646 309.716 15.418 cv
+309.868 15.0708 309.943 14.3882 309.943 13.3706 cv
+309.943 6.87939 ln
+309.926 5.93945 ln
+309.926 4.99902 309.6 4.47461 308.941 4.36475 cv
+308.516 4.30176 ln
+308.325 4.2666 308.226 4.19775 308.226 4.0918 cv
+308.226 3.96973 308.33 3.90723 308.533 3.90723 cv
+308.579 3.90723 308.789 3.9248 309.164 3.95605 cv
+309.378 3.98096 309.646 3.99121 309.962 3.99121 cv
+310.237 3.99121 310.708 3.97559 311.374 3.94385 cv
+311.856 3.91992 312.279 3.90723 312.642 3.90723 cv
+314.021 3.90723 315.062 4.16797 315.764 4.6875 cv
+316.464 5.20996 316.813 5.98389 316.813 7.01465 cv
+316.813 8.36816 316.076 9.41553 314.602 10.1558 cv
+311.963 9.96191 mo
+312.985 9.96191 ln
+313.776 9.96191 314.394 9.74414 314.844 9.30713 cv
+315.297 8.87012 315.522 8.27441 315.522 7.51855 cv
+315.522 6.64014 315.216 5.9165 314.602 5.34961 cv
+313.983 4.7832 313.206 4.49854 312.253 4.49854 cv
+311.898 4.49854 311.655 4.55957 311.521 4.67578 cv
+311.384 4.79395 311.316 5.00879 311.316 5.31641 cv
+311.323 5.61768 ln
+311.323 9.30713 ln
+311.323 9.59326 311.361 9.77344 311.436 9.8501 cv
+311.515 9.92529 311.69 9.96191 311.963 9.96191 cv
+326.107 3.76758 mo
+327.983 3.76758 329.521 4.34619 330.721 5.50684 cv
+331.925 6.66553 332.524 8.15039 332.524 9.96094 cv
+332.524 11.8779 331.919 13.4536 330.708 14.6816 cv
+329.498 15.9087 327.949 16.522 326.061 16.522 cv
+324.125 16.522 322.558 15.936 321.364 14.7632 cv
+320.17 13.5869 319.572 12.0483 319.572 10.1406 cv
+319.572 9.31299 319.728 8.49512 320.041 7.68262 cv
+320.357 6.87061 320.782 6.19141 321.315 5.646 cv
+321.88 5.07178 322.589 4.61426 323.452 4.2749 cv
+324.319 3.9375 325.202 3.76758 326.107 3.76758 cv
+325.535 4.35791 mo
+324.136 4.35791 323.028 4.82764 322.21 5.76221 cv
+321.388 6.69824 320.979 7.95703 320.979 9.54102 cv
+320.979 11.3545 321.505 12.8779 322.552 14.124 cv
+323.601 15.3677 324.889 15.9883 326.417 15.9883 cv
+327.806 15.9883 328.961 15.4829 329.867 14.4697 cv
+330.775 13.4565 331.232 12.1704 331.232 10.6177 cv
+331.232 8.82959 330.684 7.33984 329.598 6.14844 cv
+328.51 4.95801 327.155 4.35791 325.535 4.35791 cv
+345.215 5.06543 mo
+345.496 7.22119 ln
+345.521 7.44531 ln
+345.496 7.53613 ln
+345.467 7.58887 345.421 7.61865 345.363 7.62451 cv
+345.293 7.63037 345.186 7.50684 345.044 7.24707 cv
+343.922 5.28369 342.399 4.30176 340.474 4.30176 cv
+338.941 4.30176 337.734 4.77246 336.851 5.71094 cv
+335.968 6.65088 335.524 7.93213 335.524 9.56104 cv
+335.524 11.4346 336.015 12.9634 336.994 14.1514 cv
+337.976 15.3374 339.237 15.9312 340.778 15.9312 cv
+341.679 15.9312 342.563 15.6929 343.432 15.2124 cv
+344.301 14.7339 344.904 14.1528 345.241 13.4692 cv
+345.396 13.1523 345.518 12.9907 345.605 12.9839 cv
+345.699 12.979 345.746 13.0361 345.746 13.1553 cv
+345.738 13.2539 ln
+345.705 13.4556 ln
+345.502 14.5601 ln
+345.467 14.7212 ln
+345.441 14.8774 345.301 15.0381 345.044 15.2061 cv
+343.658 16.085 342.135 16.522 340.468 16.522 cv
+338.537 16.522 336.983 15.9517 335.804 14.8066 cv
+334.623 13.6611 334.033 12.1543 334.033 10.2852 cv
+334.033 8.41455 334.646 6.86182 335.867 5.62354 cv
+337.088 4.38525 338.622 3.76758 340.469 3.76758 cv
+341.736 3.76758 342.896 4.05225 343.955 4.62109 cv
+344.316 4.81348 ln
+344.46 4.87598 ln
+344.613 4.92969 ln
+344.642 4.92969 344.688 4.90527 344.746 4.8584 cv
+344.883 4.77051 344.976 4.72461 345.021 4.72461 cv
+345.119 4.72461 345.185 4.83691 345.215 5.06543 cv
+350.067 5.42773 mo
+350.067 9.06543 ln
+350.067 9.34131 350.091 9.50977 350.141 9.56641 cv
+350.194 9.62402 350.346 9.65234 350.603 9.65234 cv
+351.98 9.65234 ln
+352.604 9.65234 353.098 9.6167 353.46 9.54248 cv
+353.784 9.47852 353.989 9.38867 354.09 9.27979 cv
+354.181 9.17188 354.268 8.91797 354.344 8.51904 cv
+354.378 8.36719 354.457 8.29541 354.585 8.30176 cv
+354.709 8.30859 354.768 8.3877 354.768 8.54443 cv
+354.768 8.58594 354.765 8.65283 354.76 8.74219 cv
+354.711 9.32324 354.685 9.85303 354.685 10.3325 cv
+354.685 10.6978 354.707 11.0596 354.746 11.4199 cv
+354.762 11.54 354.768 11.6265 354.768 11.6797 cv
+354.768 11.8301 354.709 11.9048 354.585 11.9048 cv
+354.449 11.9048 354.373 11.8389 354.344 11.7065 cv
+354.291 11.4531 ln
+354.223 11.0493 354.078 10.7759 353.864 10.6289 cv
+353.648 10.4854 353.282 10.4136 352.77 10.4136 cv
+350.792 10.4136 ln
+350.499 10.4136 350.302 10.4434 350.206 10.5029 cv
+350.104 10.5645 350.059 10.6846 350.059 10.8667 cv
+350.067 11.165 ln
+350.067 14.5 ln
+350.067 15.0127 350.153 15.334 350.338 15.4614 cv
+350.517 15.5864 350.979 15.6494 351.719 15.6494 cv
+354.062 15.6494 355.564 15.123 356.232 14.0664 cv
+356.305 13.9629 356.375 13.9106 356.451 13.9048 cv
+356.567 13.8989 356.628 13.9756 356.628 14.1338 cv
+356.628 14.519 356.408 14.9785 355.974 15.5103 cv
+355.446 16.1479 354.782 16.4663 353.979 16.4663 cv
+353.807 16.4663 353.575 16.4551 353.28 16.4316 cv
+352.139 16.3232 351.191 16.2705 350.445 16.2705 cv
+349.396 16.2705 348.658 16.3057 348.229 16.3774 cv
+348.002 16.418 347.844 16.4385 347.762 16.4385 cv
+347.573 16.4385 347.477 16.3755 347.477 16.251 cv
+347.477 16.1528 347.552 16.0859 347.705 16.043 cv
+348.042 15.9443 ln
+348.465 15.8262 348.677 15.4038 348.677 14.6816 cv
+348.686 14.0938 ln
+348.686 6.4624 ln
+348.686 5.59912 348.593 5.01855 348.402 4.72168 cv
+348.219 4.42285 347.853 4.27344 347.311 4.27344 cv
+347.139 4.27344 347.054 4.2207 347.054 4.11426 cv
+347.054 3.95703 347.189 3.87988 347.459 3.87988 cv
+347.607 3.87988 347.806 3.89551 348.06 3.92676 cv
+348.913 4.02637 349.946 4.07715 351.15 4.07715 cv
+351.882 4.07715 352.529 4.06543 353.091 4.04053 cv
+354.367 3.979 ln
+354.721 3.96777 354.935 3.95508 355.015 3.94385 cv
+355.175 3.91992 355.294 3.90723 355.373 3.90723 cv
+355.568 3.90723 355.67 3.9917 355.67 4.16504 cv
+355.67 4.21875 355.66 4.28662 355.641 4.36963 cv
+355.621 4.45313 355.598 4.68848 355.566 5.08154 cv
+355.529 5.60596 ln
+355.496 5.94727 355.465 6.16113 355.436 6.24707 cv
+355.403 6.3335 355.333 6.37939 355.228 6.38477 cv
+355.107 6.39209 355.049 6.30176 355.049 6.11914 cv
+355.049 5.88477 ln
+355.049 5.69531 355.015 5.5127 354.941 5.34082 cv
+354.829 5.07178 354.599 4.89307 354.252 4.80273 cv
+353.905 4.71143 353.273 4.66699 352.345 4.66699 cv
+350.939 4.66699 ln
+350.572 4.66699 350.333 4.71582 350.226 4.80908 cv
+350.121 4.90088 350.067 5.10791 350.067 5.42773 cv
+360.831 5.42773 mo
+360.831 9.06543 ln
+360.831 9.34131 360.854 9.50977 360.905 9.56641 cv
+360.957 9.62402 361.109 9.65234 361.365 9.65234 cv
+362.744 9.65234 ln
+363.368 9.65234 363.862 9.6167 364.225 9.54248 cv
+364.548 9.47852 364.756 9.38867 364.854 9.27979 cv
+364.946 9.17188 365.032 8.91797 365.111 8.51904 cv
+365.143 8.36719 365.221 8.29541 365.352 8.30176 cv
+365.47 8.30859 365.533 8.3877 365.533 8.54443 cv
+365.533 8.58594 365.53 8.65283 365.523 8.74219 cv
+365.475 9.32324 365.446 9.85303 365.446 10.3325 cv
+365.446 10.6978 365.468 11.0596 365.512 11.4199 cv
+365.525 11.54 365.533 11.6265 365.533 11.6797 cv
+365.533 11.8301 365.47 11.9048 365.352 11.9048 cv
+365.217 11.9048 365.136 11.8389 365.111 11.7065 cv
+365.055 11.4531 ln
+364.984 11.0493 364.843 10.7759 364.628 10.6289 cv
+364.41 10.4854 364.047 10.4136 363.533 10.4136 cv
+361.555 10.4136 ln
+361.264 10.4136 361.067 10.4434 360.967 10.5029 cv
+360.868 10.5645 360.819 10.6846 360.819 10.8667 cv
+360.831 11.165 ln
+360.831 14.5 ln
+360.831 15.0127 360.921 15.334 361.102 15.4614 cv
+361.284 15.5864 361.745 15.6494 362.482 15.6494 cv
+364.825 15.6494 366.328 15.123 366.995 14.0664 cv
+367.068 13.9629 367.14 13.9106 367.214 13.9048 cv
+367.334 13.8989 367.393 13.9756 367.393 14.1338 cv
+367.393 14.519 367.172 14.9785 366.733 15.5103 cv
+366.212 16.1479 365.545 16.4663 364.744 16.4663 cv
+364.57 16.4663 364.338 16.4551 364.043 16.4316 cv
+362.901 16.3232 361.957 16.2705 361.209 16.2705 cv
+360.162 16.2705 359.424 16.3057 358.993 16.3774 cv
+358.768 16.418 358.611 16.4385 358.525 16.4385 cv
+358.337 16.4385 358.238 16.3755 358.238 16.251 cv
+358.238 16.1528 358.315 16.0859 358.468 16.043 cv
+358.806 15.9443 ln
+359.227 15.8262 359.44 15.4038 359.44 14.6816 cv
+359.449 14.0938 ln
+359.449 6.4624 ln
+359.449 5.59912 359.357 5.01855 359.17 4.72168 cv
+358.98 4.42285 358.617 4.27344 358.075 4.27344 cv
+357.903 4.27344 357.816 4.2207 357.816 4.11426 cv
+357.816 3.95703 357.949 3.87988 358.221 3.87988 cv
+358.37 3.87988 358.57 3.89551 358.823 3.92676 cv
+359.678 4.02637 360.71 4.07715 361.913 4.07715 cv
+362.646 4.07715 363.293 4.06543 363.855 4.04053 cv
+365.132 3.979 ln
+365.486 3.96777 365.702 3.95508 365.776 3.94385 cv
+365.94 3.91992 366.06 3.90723 366.137 3.90723 cv
+366.335 3.90723 366.434 3.9917 366.434 4.16504 cv
+366.434 4.21875 366.425 4.28662 366.405 4.36963 cv
+366.385 4.45313 366.363 4.68848 366.329 5.08154 cv
+366.291 5.60596 ln
+366.262 5.94727 366.232 6.16113 366.2 6.24707 cv
+366.164 6.3335 366.1 6.37939 365.994 6.38477 cv
+365.873 6.39209 365.814 6.30176 365.814 6.11914 cv
+365.814 5.88477 ln
+365.814 5.69531 365.776 5.5127 365.707 5.34082 cv
+365.594 5.07178 365.361 4.89307 365.017 4.80273 cv
+364.672 4.71143 364.037 4.66699 363.111 4.66699 cv
+361.706 4.66699 ln
+361.338 4.66699 361.096 4.71582 360.993 4.80908 cv
+360.883 4.90088 360.831 5.10791 360.831 5.42773 cv
+370.215 6.15918 mo
+370.215 5.5542 370.112 5.10791 369.91 4.82666 cv
+369.709 4.54297 369.372 4.37891 368.902 4.32959 cv
+368.708 4.3125 368.611 4.25049 368.611 4.14209 cv
+368.611 4.02441 368.686 3.96387 368.843 3.96387 cv
+369.555 4.00928 ln
+369.626 4.01709 369.835 4.02002 370.183 4.02002 cv
+370.789 4.02002 371.26 4.00488 371.595 3.97559 cv
+372.43 3.89551 ln
+372.792 3.86523 373.187 3.85156 373.619 3.85156 cv
+376.076 3.85156 377.918 4.46875 379.147 5.7041 cv
+380.271 6.82861 380.83 8.26953 380.83 10.0229 cv
+380.83 11.1558 380.588 12.1943 380.095 13.1421 cv
+379.603 14.0884 378.921 14.8335 378.043 15.3774 cv
+376.938 16.0674 375.734 16.4106 374.426 16.4106 cv
+374.271 16.4106 373.995 16.3984 373.6 16.3726 cv
+372.798 16.3223 372.098 16.2988 371.507 16.2988 cv
+370.862 16.2988 370.306 16.3281 369.83 16.3901 cv
+369.616 16.416 369.442 16.4336 369.318 16.4385 cv
+369.109 16.4507 369.006 16.3848 369.006 16.2432 cv
+369.006 16.1445 369.086 16.0806 369.253 16.043 cv
+369.657 15.9604 369.918 15.8105 370.038 15.5947 cv
+370.154 15.3774 370.215 14.937 370.215 14.2695 cv
+370.215 6.15918 ln
+371.594 5.45215 mo
+371.594 14.6768 ln
+371.594 15.041 371.776 15.292 372.142 15.4292 cv
+372.459 15.5488 372.864 15.6523 373.356 15.7402 cv
+373.851 15.8311 374.27 15.8765 374.608 15.8765 cv
+375.632 15.8765 376.55 15.6187 377.371 15.1064 cv
+378.758 14.2461 379.452 12.7852 379.452 10.7227 cv
+379.452 9.60156 379.234 8.56885 378.799 7.62744 cv
+378.367 6.68359 377.771 5.94434 377.012 5.40869 cv
+376.084 4.74658 374.959 4.41406 373.63 4.41406 cv
+372.685 4.41406 372.085 4.51709 371.83 4.71875 cv
+371.672 4.83691 371.594 5.08252 371.594 5.45215 cv
+385.271 6.63477 mo
+385.271 13.375 ln
+385.271 14.2153 385.321 14.771 385.429 15.041 cv
+385.546 15.3486 385.693 15.5645 385.872 15.6904 cv
+386.052 15.8164 386.328 15.9067 386.706 15.9604 cv
+387.006 16.001 387.16 16.0723 387.16 16.1753 cv
+387.16 16.3135 387.067 16.3818 386.88 16.3818 cv
+386.787 16.3818 386.676 16.3745 386.539 16.354 cv
+386.354 16.3291 386.029 16.3154 385.582 16.3154 cv
+384.277 16.2988 ln
+383.214 16.3569 ln
+383.042 16.3745 382.897 16.3818 382.786 16.3818 cv
+382.621 16.3818 382.541 16.3242 382.541 16.208 cv
+382.541 16.1094 382.634 16.043 382.819 16.0146 cv
+383.272 15.937 383.563 15.7803 383.695 15.543 cv
+383.824 15.3076 383.893 14.8066 383.893 14.043 cv
+383.893 6.33008 ln
+383.893 5.58496 383.805 5.08252 383.637 4.82471 cv
+383.467 4.56592 383.104 4.3916 382.546 4.30176 cv
+382.361 4.26758 382.267 4.19873 382.258 4.09814 cv
+382.253 3.9707 382.341 3.90723 382.521 3.90723 cv
+382.57 3.90723 382.622 3.91016 382.683 3.91602 cv
+383.123 3.96777 383.705 3.99121 384.434 3.99121 cv
+384.879 3.99121 385.26 3.98291 385.576 3.96387 cv
+386.182 3.91602 ln
+386.296 3.91016 386.372 3.90723 386.408 3.90723 cv
+386.572 3.90723 386.65 3.9624 386.65 4.07031 cv
+386.65 4.17383 386.574 4.25146 386.417 4.30176 cv
+385.943 4.4834 ln
+385.497 4.65088 385.271 5.36865 385.271 6.63477 cv
+399.251 7.48291 mo
+399.251 14.9956 ln
+399.251 15.6724 399.231 16.082 399.204 16.229 cv
+399.173 16.3755 399.084 16.4448 398.945 16.4385 cv
+398.854 16.4336 398.787 16.4058 398.741 16.3584 cv
+398.541 16.125 ln
+390.961 7.46582 ln
+390.871 7.3667 ln
+390.832 7.33008 390.794 7.31445 390.744 7.31445 cv
+390.631 7.31445 390.579 7.44922 390.579 7.71875 cv
+390.579 13.8198 ln
+390.564 14.1978 ln
+390.593 14.8354 ln
+390.636 15.2305 390.737 15.5073 390.899 15.6543 cv
+391.062 15.8066 391.379 15.915 391.854 15.9883 cv
+392.051 16.0117 392.152 16.0859 392.152 16.2114 cv
+392.152 16.3252 392.09 16.3818 391.963 16.3818 cv
+391.875 16.3818 391.786 16.3784 391.693 16.3706 cv
+391.626 16.3613 391.364 16.3481 390.904 16.3315 cv
+389.983 16.2988 ln
+389.551 16.3135 ln
+389.315 16.3135 389.091 16.3262 388.882 16.3516 cv
+388.724 16.3735 388.611 16.3818 388.548 16.3818 cv
+388.387 16.3818 388.307 16.3291 388.294 16.2251 cv
+388.287 16.1411 388.37 16.0723 388.548 16.0146 cv
+389.053 15.8438 389.396 15.6094 389.575 15.3188 cv
+389.754 15.0278 389.843 14.5576 389.843 13.9077 cv
+389.843 7.78076 ln
+389.843 6.74023 389.677 5.92383 389.343 5.3252 cv
+389.018 4.72705 388.541 4.38525 387.916 4.30176 cv
+387.753 4.27979 387.673 4.2124 387.673 4.10303 cv
+387.673 3.99023 387.741 3.93604 387.872 3.93604 cv
+387.9 3.93604 387.951 3.93896 388.017 3.94385 cv
+388.383 3.95117 ln
+388.985 3.96387 ln
+389.135 3.95117 ln
+389.275 3.94092 389.387 3.93604 389.467 3.93604 cv
+389.616 3.93604 389.765 4.02295 389.914 4.1958 cv
+398.189 13.5562 ln
+398.315 13.7056 398.399 13.7783 398.438 13.7715 cv
+398.498 13.7656 398.527 13.71 398.535 13.6001 cv
+398.535 9.14453 ln
+398.543 7.9292 ln
+398.438 5.85889 ln
+398.375 5.34961 398.229 4.98828 397.992 4.77539 cv
+397.76 4.56152 397.333 4.4043 396.72 4.30176 cv
+396.546 4.27344 396.459 4.20361 396.459 4.0957 cv
+396.459 3.98828 396.546 3.93604 396.721 3.93604 cv
+396.799 3.93604 396.926 3.94385 397.099 3.95947 cv
+397.511 4.00049 398.066 4.02002 398.763 4.02002 cv
+399.134 4.02002 399.433 4.00732 399.653 3.97803 cv
+399.846 3.95117 399.992 3.93604 400.095 3.93604 cv
+400.25 3.93604 400.331 4.00049 400.345 4.12695 cv
+400.35 4.20654 400.291 4.26563 400.167 4.30176 cv
+399.799 4.3916 399.559 4.54102 399.439 4.75049 cv
+399.325 4.96094 399.265 5.35205 399.265 5.9248 cv
+399.265 6.89209 ln
+399.251 7.48291 ln
+412.15 13.2319 mo
+412.15 11.2104 ln
+412.15 10.8467 412.069 10.5996 411.911 10.4683 cv
+411.752 10.3345 411.438 10.252 410.957 10.2153 cv
+410.728 10.1929 410.607 10.1157 410.6 9.9873 cv
+410.594 9.87695 410.697 9.82129 410.906 9.82129 cv
+411.267 9.83008 ln
+411.942 9.83887 ln
+412.87 9.83887 413.411 9.83154 413.557 9.81982 cv
+413.972 9.78223 414.213 9.76563 414.278 9.76563 cv
+414.418 9.76563 414.485 9.81982 414.485 9.92432 cv
+414.485 10.0181 414.396 10.0864 414.216 10.1318 cv
+413.757 10.2402 413.529 10.5742 413.529 11.1333 cv
+413.537 11.4229 ln
+413.537 14.3325 ln
+413.555 14.623 ln
+413.499 14.7612 ln
+413.464 14.79 413.381 14.8159 413.24 14.8335 cv
+413.077 14.8564 412.83 14.9644 412.493 15.1563 cv
+411.9 15.5073 ln
+410.734 16.1851 409.474 16.522 408.134 16.522 cv
+406.332 16.522 404.859 15.9482 403.709 14.7949 cv
+402.558 13.6411 401.982 12.166 401.982 10.3696 cv
+401.982 8.4834 402.596 6.91162 403.814 5.65283 cv
+405.036 4.39697 406.563 3.76758 408.403 3.76758 cv
+409.109 3.76758 409.861 3.86719 410.654 4.07031 cv
+411.45 4.27246 412.085 4.52441 412.563 4.82764 cv
+412.634 4.87402 412.684 4.89795 412.713 4.89795 cv
+412.755 4.89795 412.812 4.87402 412.887 4.82764 cv
+413.102 4.66406 ln
+413.144 4.62939 413.186 4.61133 413.225 4.61133 cv
+413.333 4.61133 413.389 4.75146 413.389 5.0332 cv
+413.389 5.16504 413.41 5.36914 413.441 5.64404 cv
+413.529 6.48682 ln
+413.559 6.71387 413.598 6.94141 413.651 7.16699 cv
+413.684 7.27637 413.698 7.36377 413.698 7.43018 cv
+413.698 7.57275 413.64 7.64551 413.523 7.6543 cv
+413.447 7.65967 413.387 7.6084 413.332 7.50195 cv
+412.863 6.55371 412.142 5.7832 411.166 5.18945 cv
+410.191 4.59814 409.156 4.30176 408.071 4.30176 cv
+406.712 4.30176 405.599 4.81396 404.736 5.83936 cv
+403.876 6.86475 403.447 8.18701 403.447 9.80957 cv
+403.447 11.5508 403.938 13.0044 404.928 14.1743 cv
+405.915 15.3472 407.137 15.9312 408.594 15.9312 cv
+409.984 15.9312 411.075 15.4419 411.861 14.4604 cv
+412.054 14.2217 412.15 13.8115 412.15 13.2319 cv
+419.789 3.76758 mo
+420.426 3.76758 420.97 3.85889 421.413 4.04199 cv
+422.031 4.30273 ln
+422.087 4.32764 422.138 4.33838 422.194 4.33838 cv
+422.265 4.33838 422.336 4.30811 422.406 4.25049 cv
+422.531 4.1416 ln
+422.548 4.1167 422.58 4.10449 422.627 4.10449 cv
+422.779 4.09912 422.852 4.24707 422.852 4.54688 cv
+422.852 4.64844 422.891 4.95215 422.969 5.45654 cv
+423.113 6.38281 ln
+423.146 6.58203 423.16 6.70605 423.16 6.75488 cv
+423.16 6.94141 423.095 7.03418 422.96 7.03418 cv
+422.859 7.03418 422.757 6.88818 422.653 6.6001 cv
+422.44 5.9502 422.007 5.4126 421.353 4.99121 cv
+420.696 4.56982 419.97 4.35791 419.159 4.35791 cv
+418.516 4.35791 417.984 4.5498 417.555 4.93164 cv
+417.123 5.31201 416.911 5.78809 416.911 6.35742 cv
+416.911 6.86279 417.051 7.29883 417.333 7.66504 cv
+417.575 7.97656 417.845 8.20508 418.134 8.34961 cv
+418.424 8.49512 419.135 8.75537 420.271 9.1333 cv
+422.478 9.85889 423.582 11.0483 423.582 12.7031 cv
+423.582 13.8242 423.177 14.7388 422.364 15.4536 cv
+421.547 16.1665 420.504 16.522 419.229 16.522 cv
+418.766 16.522 418.258 16.4575 417.707 16.3281 cv
+417.149 16.1982 416.744 16.0459 416.485 15.8765 cv
+416.378 15.8037 416.308 15.7266 416.27 15.6445 cv
+416.235 15.5645 416.176 15.3564 416.106 15.0166 cv
+416.093 14.9702 416.018 14.6963 415.878 14.1958 cv
+415.72 13.6543 415.643 13.2686 415.643 13.0415 cv
+415.643 12.8599 415.703 12.7725 415.826 12.7793 cv
+415.938 12.7842 416.034 12.9321 416.123 13.2236 cv
+416.336 13.9736 416.79 14.605 417.483 15.1123 cv
+418.176 15.6216 418.928 15.8765 419.736 15.8765 cv
+420.563 15.8765 421.258 15.6323 421.828 15.144 cv
+422.395 14.6558 422.682 14.0625 422.682 13.3638 cv
+422.682 12.6938 422.42 12.1318 421.895 11.6743 cv
+421.628 11.4395 420.851 11.1035 419.566 10.6714 cv
+418.24 10.2222 417.304 9.72363 416.752 9.17969 cv
+416.2 8.6333 415.924 7.92627 415.924 7.05713 cv
+415.924 6.0874 416.284 5.29492 417.006 4.68457 cv
+417.726 4.07324 418.653 3.76758 419.789 3.76758 cv
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+% Please use the skeleton file you have received in the 
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+\title{Contribution title}
+\ShortTitle{Short Title for header}
+\author{\speaker{First Author}\thanks{A footnote may follow.}\\
+        Author affiliation\\
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+%\author{Another Author\\
+%        Affiliation\\
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+          ...........................}
+\FullConference{31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - LATTICE 2013\\
+               July 29 - August 3, 2013\\
+               Mainz, Germany}